Inactive [FUN/ECON] Vouchers v2.2.1 - Buy Vouchers for Features and Commands [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kevin Forte, May 29, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    Vouchers: Let Your Players Pay for Features and Commands (Now With Aliases!)
    ~Version: 2.2.1~
    Download: [JAR]

    I have been constantly searching for a reason for my players to want to have a Lot of iConomy money. I couldn't really find that reason, so I made one. Introducing Vouchers, a way to let your players pay their way to a God-like status.

    Current Voucher Types:
    • Protection ~ Lets a player place a block only they (or an admin) can destroy.
    • Teleport ~ Allows a player to teleport to another player or an x,y,z coordinate.
    • Heal ~ Allows a player to fully heal themselves.
    • Timeshift ~ Allows a player to set the world time.
    • Parachute ~ Allows a player to hold shift to negate fall damage once.
    • Resurrect ~ Heals a player to full health when they would otherwise die if they are holding shift.
    • Superpick ~ Allows a player to break one block instantly.
    • Sunshine ~ Allows a player to clear up storms.
    • Thunderpunch ~ Hitting a mob or player will strike them with lightning.
    • Specify your own types to coincide with any command and create aliases for those commands.
    Creating a Voucher Shop:
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    1. Place a sign. On the lines, write:
    • Line One: [Vouchers]
    • Line Two: Voucher Type for Sale.
    • Line Three: Price of Voucher. OR Price of Voucher:Amount of Vouchers Being Purchased. (Example: 50:3 <-- Purchasing 3 Vouchers for 50 gold.)
    • Line Four: Whatever you want (I personally write the commands associated with the voucher or its purpose).
    2. That's it! If done correctly, you will be sent a message and the "[Vouchers]" line will turn blue.


    Using Commands as Voucher Types:
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    As of 1.5, you'll notice a 'Hooked Commands' section has been added to the config. To add a command, format it like this:
    Hooked Commands:
            Starting Amount for New Players: 0
            Include Arguments: true
            Command: money
            Alias: showmethemoney
            Warm-Up Time: 0
            Cool-Down Time: 0
            Description: Check how much money you have.
    This will create a MoneyCheck voucher for the command /money, which can also be used with the command alias /showmethemoney. If you do not wish to use an alias for a command, simply leave the section blank. If 'Include Arguments' is true, '/money' and any following arguments will expend a MoneyCheck voucher. If 'Include Arguments' is false, the command used must match the defined command for the Voucher exactly or a Voucher won't be used. The description is what is displayed when a player types '/vhelp MoneyCheck'. See the sample config.yml for an explanation of Warm-Up Time, Cool-Down Time, and Starting Amount for New Players.

    Show Spoiler

    [] = Necessary Argument
    {} = Optional Argument
    ** = Requires Permissions
    • /vcheck ~ Shows a player how many vouchers they have of the basic types.
    • /vcheckcom ~ Shows a player how many vouchers they have of defined command types.
    • /vtp [player name]/[x] [y] [z] ~ Use a Teleport voucher. Arguments can either be another player's name or an x,y,z coordinate.
    • /vheal ~ Heals the player completely with a Heal voucher.
    • /vprotect ~ Toggles protected block placing mode. Any block placed in this mode will exhaust a Protection voucher and will only be breakable by that player or a player with the Vouchers.admin node.
    • /vtime [day/night] ~ Lets a player set the time via a Timeshift voucher.
    • /vgift [player's name] [amount] [type] ~ Lets a player send a voucher to another player.
    • /vgive [player's name] [amount] [type]
    • /vsun ~ Removes a storm if there is one.
    • /vsp ~ Toggles superpick mode.
    • /vthunder ~ Toggles thunderpunch mode.
    • /vsave ~ Saves the current Vouchers and Shop locations.
    • /vreload [commands/vouchers/settings/all] ~ Reloads config.yml data.
    • /vhelp [sign/vouchertype (case sensitive)] ~ In-game reference for setting up Voucher Shops ('/vhelp sign') or display the description of a voucher type in the config.

    Important Notice:
    This plugin requires both iConomy/BOSEconomy and Permissions! Also, before you post that you are having problems, please follow this checklist:
    • 1. Read this entire post.
    • 2. Try deleting your /plugins/Vouchers folder and letting it recreate itself.
    • 3. Make sure you have not entered invalid values into the config.yml.
    If you are still getting errors and/or having issues after that, let me know. I appreciate it!

    Show Spoiler

    • Flight Voucher
    • Superpick Voucher
    • Thunderpunch Voucher
    • Changing the sign formatting so that you can buy more than one voucher at once.
    • BOSEconomy support.
    • Item Exchange support.
    • Adding more configuration options for the current Vouchers.
    • Adding a cost to create Voucher shops.

    Show Spoiler

    • Vouchers.use.(type in all lowercase) ~ Allows a player to use a Voucher. (Example: Vouchers.use.superpick)
    • Vouchers.setup ~ Allows a player to create/remove Voucher shops
    • in all lowercase) ~ Allows a player to use a Voucher command without needing the actual voucher.
    • ~ Allows a player to use voucher shops.
    • Vouchers.admin ~ Allows a player to destroy other players' Protected Blocks, use the /vsave command, use the /vgive command, and use the /vreload command.

    • Quick Bug Fix.
    • Added a /vgive command.
    • Switched to Bukkit based permissions.
    • Removed a couple obnoxious permission error messages.
    • Delayed economy plugin check.
    • /vhelp now shows whether or not you have permissions to use the Voucher.
    Show Spoiler

    • Plugin will disable itself if an economy plugin is not found.
    • Thunderpunch Voucher added.
    • Voucher descriptions added.
    • /vhelp [voucher type/sign] command added.
    • Bug fix.
    • MAJOR Bug Fix. Consider this the recommended build of Vouchers.
    • Fixed a misplaced "You don't have permission" error message.
    • Fixed an error given if you try and use /vreload without an argument or with too many arguments.
    • Fixed a possible NPE if your config.yml is outdated.
    • Fixed /vtp not giving an error if you use an incorrect length of arguments.
    • Major Code Cleanup.
    • BOSEconomy Support.
    • Added a Ton of new config options for ALL vouchers.
    • You can now choose to include the arguments of hooked commands or not.
    • Protected blocks are now saved on server restart. Whoops!
    • /vreload command added.
    • 'Vouchers.admin' Permissions node added.
    • Fixed more potential NPEs. Damn things always sneak up on me.
    • All data is now handled with the config.yml in the plugins/Vouchers folder.
    • '' permission removed due to redundancy.
    • '[type]' re-added.
    • '' permission added.
    • NPE problem REALLY solved. Seriously.
    • NPE problem (when using command vouchers) Finally solved.
    • All players are now notified when one uses a Timeshift voucher.
    • Command aliases have been added.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed negative Voucher cost values.
    • Fixed a bug that sent players (without permissions to use Resurrect or Parachute vouchers) a message whenever they took fall damage or died, regardless of whether they tried to use the voucher or not.
    • permission added for Multiverse servers.
    • The method of setting up shops to purchase more than one Voucher from has changed.
    • /vsignhelp command added for in-game shop setup reference.

    • Removed the permissions. Will be fixed in an upcoming update.
    • Fixed command vouchers never being depleted.
    • Fixed command vouchers not being loaded correctly.
    • Added a /vsave command to try and combat the problem of losing Vouchers and shops.
    • Added the ability to create signs that allow a player to buy more than one Voucher at a time.

    • Times that /vtime sets the world to changed for longer days/nights.
    • Players must be holding shift (sneaking) for a Resurrect voucher to be used.
    • (Hopefully) Fixed the issue with command voucher arguments.

    • Players must be holding shift (sneaking) for a Parachute voucher to be used.
    • Sunshine Voucher added.

    • First attempt at making sure Resurrect vouchers aren't used for fall damage that is already cancelled by other plugins. Good catch @Joy

    • Added a Superpick Voucher.
    • Added the '/vgift' command to send other players Vouchers.

    • Added Command-Based Voucher Types.
    • Added a Permissions node required for players to use their Vouchers.

    • Original Release.
    Bradley Hilton and Mitsugaru like this.
  2. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    That's what I have written in now, considering you don't need to actually import SuperPerms.

    I think I am going to wait until 1.8, because I'm not sure what it holds. Thanks though :)
  3. Offline


    Yeah, Im bracing myself for 1.8 too. Gonna be hell to fix plugins when it come out.
  4. Offline


    Exactly SAME problem and no solutions. HELP PLEASE !
  5. Offline

    Mike Geitz

    Not working with latest CB build 1185
  6. Offline

    Kevin Forte

    I will look into this for sure. Is it a YAML error with the config folder?
    Pomme72 likes this.
  7. Offline


    I don't know, I don't really understand what you are trying to say to me, I'm french ^^

    But help please :( I need this plugin for launch my server ^^
  8. Offline


    CB: 1185
    No Perms.
    Perms: Permissions 3.0+
  9. Offline


    Bukkit 1185
    Essentials 2.6.2
    PEX 1.14

    It seems if I create a hook, it is case sensitive. Meaning if in my hook, i specify home, and then log into the game and type /Home, it bypasses voucher.

    Otherwise the voucher works fine.
  10. Offline


    CB 1331
    PEX 1.15

    These just go on and on. No real reason known.
  11. Offline


    @Kevin Forte

    Are you going to update your plugin??

    Thanks =)
  12. Offline


    it would be cool if u added item exchanging, good for donators or something you give them a certain amount of "Sponge" and they can buy a command/ability with it.
  13. hello i'm trying to use your plugin with Bpermissions and i have several problems in console when trying to buy something starts to generate problems.. i've attached you the error in a txt file if you need something else (like the permissions.yml) told me
  14. Offline


    when i load the plugin and try to make a sign it said you do not have permission to do this even though i am a op how do i deactivate it
  15. Offline


    Abandoned project???
  16. Offline


    On the newest dev build of Bukkit, I'm running into issues where nobody (admin included) can use Voucher shops. I can create/destroy them as normal, and vouchers that I give function as normal. Just can't buy from the shops. Here is the error I'm getting:
    2011-12-02 13:36:42 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLAYER_INTERACT to Vouchers
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/iConomy/iConomy
        at kforte318.Vouchers.VouchPL.onPlayerInteract(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.interact(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet15Place.a(SourceFile:39)
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(

    The problem is compatibility with iConomy 6. I rolled back to iConomy 5 and everything worked fine. I've actually found a number of my plugins don't play nicely with iConomy 6 yet. Might be something to consider though, as most new users will have iConomy 6 I would think.
  17. Offline


    Requesting update for this NEAT plugin!

    i really like this!
    but gives errors on placing protect block with voucher... havent tried other vouchers..

    2011-12-27 15:19:53 [SEVERE] Could not pass event BLOCK_PLACE to Vouchers
    at kforte318.Vouchers.VouchBL.onBlockPlace(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callBlockPlaceEvent(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callBlockPlaceEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemBlock.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemStack.placeItem(
    at net.minecraft.server.ItemInWorldManager.interact(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet15Place.a(SourceFile:39)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
  18. Offline


    Having this issue, too. Running v2.2.1, was there ever a solution found?
  19. Offline


    Pleease update this, awesome idea + plugin.

    And please offer the ability to use variables, some plugins have the player set after what I want them to be able to define, so I can have vouchers for the command /money deposit <guy who is using the voucher> 100
    If I allow access to /money deposit, the also could change the amount.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  20. Offline


    Why won't the plugin create a folder?
  21. Offline


    PLEASE UPDATE to 1.2.5
  22. Offline


    The download link doesn't work !!!! please re-upload
  23. Offline


    the download link is broken plz fix
  24. Offline


    Please fix the download link, i can't find the dropbox page anymore.

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