[FUN] ChessCraft - Play Chess [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by desht, Jul 4, 2011.

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    ChessCraft - play chess

    ChessCraft is now on dev.bukkit.org. This thread will remain open for now for general discussion, but please use dev.bukkit.org for reporting problems and feature requests.

    All documentation is now maintained on dev.bukkit.org. Nothing below here will be updated from now on (8th September 2011).

    ChessCraft lets you play games of chess in the world of Minecraft. It has support for multiple chessboards and multiple concurrent games. You can play against other humans, or against the computer.

    Download ChessCraft.jar 2.0.1
    View source code on github
    Read the User Manual on dev.bukkit.org

    Thanks to BrandonHopkins for this review & tutorial:

    And to the WoopaGaming folks for this one:

  2. Offline


    No, because skipping your turn is not a valid move in chess.
  3. Offline


    v2.0.0 (3 Dec 2012)
    • Requires CraftBukkit 1.4.x (1.4.5-R0.2+ suggested). This will not work on 1.3.x.
    • Major rewrite of AI system. It's now possible to talk to external AI engines with the xboard (aka winboard or CECP) protocol, e.g. gnuchess, crafty... This allows for much stronger AI opponents. The built-in (jChecs) AI is still available.
    • AI_settings.yml file format has changed, and should no longer be edited (it contains core definitions). Added new AI.yml file which can be edited to define which AI's are available to the plugin, and what their names should be. See AI for much more information.
    • Pre-existing AI's have been renamed to make it slightly clearer what they are (but you're free to rename them in AI.yml as you please). E.g. "ai01" is now "jcab3" (JChecs, Alpha-Beta search, depth 3)
    • /chess list ai is now much more informative; you can do /chess list ai <ai-name> to get more detail about a particular AI definition.
    • Many more events now have configurable sound and/or visual effects, e.g. piece selected, move cancelled, game won/lost, and more. See Configuration for more information.
    • Flight improvement: captive mode (/chess set flying.captive true) now bounces players back much more smoothly if they try to fly away from the chessboard.
    • Flight improvement: auto-fly mode (/chess set flying.auto true) now launches players more reliably when they get near enough to a chessboard.
    • There is now a configurable cooldown period on sending open invitations to a chess game (which broadcasts to the whole server). Default is 3 minutes, tunable with the open_invite_cooldown config setting (which is larger than the default auto-delete timeout for not-started games, meaning only one open invitation may be sent per created game by default - you may wish to tune one or both of those parameters to your liking)
    • Added /chess list styles command (shortcut: /chess l s) to show what board and piece styles are available from within the game.
    • The Create Game control panel button now also allows you to choose to play White or Black. Right-click the button to change the desired colour, left-click to create the game with you playing the selected colour. Similarly, the /chess create game command now accepts a -black option to start as Black.
    • The /chess redraw command now only redraws the board you are standing on. Use /chess redraw -all to force all boards to be redrawn, or /chess redraw <board-name> to redraw a specific board.
    • The message pager no longer pages long output, since recent versions of Minecraft make it easy to scroll back with the mouse wheel when the chat window is open. You can restore paging with /chess set pager.lines <page-size> if you want.
    • Added new translation: Portugese Portugese (Brazilian Portugese is already included): /chess set locale pt_pt
    • New setting: ai.lose_on_fail, default false. When false, any unexpected exception (generally caused by a software bug) from the AI will force a draw. If set to true, such exceptions cause the AI to lose the game, and the opponent to win.
  4. Offline


    THIS PLUGIN IS EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100 OUT OF 10 STARS! :D :D :D
    desht likes this.
  5. Offline


    can you make 2.0 for 1.2.5 minecraft because I run a tekkit server and it runs 1.2.5. I can't update because 1.2.5 is the current version of tekkit. I'm running 1.1.1 of the plugin, but would like to have all the cool new features that come with 2.0. Still an epic plugin, I can't imagine how much work it took to get working!:)
  6. Offline


    Sorry, but that's not really practical. v2.0 uses some MC/Bukkit 1.4.x specific calls (and some of the new features, like board flight, need v1.3 minimum anyway), so it's not just a matter of creating a 1.2.5 build, and I don't really have the resources to maintain two separate code branches.

    v1.1.1 is still pretty functional, though.
  7. Offline


    oh, ok! I wouldnt want you to go to anymore headaches after creating such a large and functional and epic plugin! :)
  8. Offline


    I am good at design but bad at scripts. I would like to design chess pieces and post them here, could someone help me with the script to put them in my server? Also, I am not the admin and he doesn't know how to change how the board and the pieces looks, could you point me to a tutorial so I can point him?
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  10. Offline


    Yes it did work, but we had problems with stairs facing the wrong way. Other than that, works great and thank you :p
  11. Offline


    Hmm, worked when I tried it just now. Can you raise a ticket please with details on how to reproduce the problem?
  12. Offline


    desht Moved to releases
  13. Offline


    To bad the game piece
    cant be mobs.
  14. Offline


    I've been thinking about how to do that. You might see this in a future release but it's not a simple problem...

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