Inactive [FUN] Casino v2.1 - A casino games suite for Minecraft {Supports iConomy} [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by JorganPubshire, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Casino games for Minecraft:
    Version: v2.1

    This is a casino games suite for Minecraft, eventually it will contain up to 5 different games, but right now it has only blackjack and basic slot machines. I am open to suggestions as to which game to add once slot machines are completed.

    This is a full blackjack game which includes:
    • Betting
    • Hitting
    • Staying
    • Teleportation (if you don't want teleportation, turn off block-based gameplay)
    • Up to 5 players (any additional players will be placed in a waiting queue)
    • Block-based gameplay (optional)
    • And many more!
    • NOW WITH SLOT MACHINES (Alpha phase)
    If you plan on having block-based gameplay turned on, READ THIS SETUP GUIDE! Please stop asking me why you fall through the map when you /blackjack as it is described in the setup below!
    Block-based (open)

    To use block-based gameplay:
    1. Place two signs. (More if desired)
    2. On one of them put "[HIT]" and on the other put "[STAY]". Make sure that both are put on line two the the signs without quotation marks.
    3. If a player left clicks on the [HIT] sign, they will issue the /hit command
    4. If a player left clicks on the [STAY] sign, they will issue the /stay command
    5. If a player right clicks on the [HIT] sign, they will issue the /double command
    6. Place two more signs
    7. Aim at the first sign and chat /blackjack <SlotNumber> 1
    8. Aim at the second sign and chat /blackjack <SlotNumber> 2
    9. Repeat steps 6, 7, and 8 using the numbers 1-5 to replace <SlotNumber>
    10. Player's cards will now be displayed on the signs set up in steps 6-9
    11. BRAND SPANKIN' NEW FEATURE: During the betting phase, the signs that display the player's card will also be use for betting.
    12. If the player punches the first sign (Which will have [BET] on it) they will bet the amount shown on the second sign
    13. If they punch the second sign, the number on it will increase 1
    14. If they right click the second sign, the number on it will decrease 1
    15. Stand where you want players to be teleported to upon game start and use /blackjack <SlotNumber>, where SlotNumber is the numbers 1-5
    16. If you do not set the teleport points, do not ask me for help when you fall into the map

    Slot Machines (open)

    Slot machines are very simple to set up and use. Here's how:

    To set up:
    1. Place a diamond block
    2. Put a switch on it
    3. Place a dispenser under the diamond block
    4. DONE!
    To use:
    1. Activate the switch
    2. DONE!
    Currently a player is charged 10 dollars to play, they break even if the bottom two blocks match, and they profit 10 if all three blocks match.Because slot machines are not fully developed, they fall short in many ways.
    • They are in no way configurable
    • They could already exist on your server where you do not want them
    • They don't work if you don't have iConomy
    • They don't spin like a slot machine
    • They are all the same
    Don't worry, these things will be fixed soon. I am planning on adding a third block to the setup of the slot machines to reduce the likelihood of them already existing on your server.
    I will add different types of slot machines (with different win probabilities) and configurable winning amounts. I will add item rewards for non-iConomy users. I will work on better simulating a slot machine. And any other things requested that I find suitable to add in.

    Download/Source Code
    TODO (I swear I'll make a video soon ... maybe)


    • Fixed some bugs
    • Removed some debug text
    • Began block-based gameplay
    • Finished block-based gameplay
    • Added Slot object
    • Minor bugfixes
    • Added betting to block-based gameplay (maybe officially finished with block-based)
    • Added a toggle option for block-based and console-based gameplay
    • Plugin now prevents players from building and breaking blocks (if block-based gameplay is on)
    • Removed some debug text
    • Hitting (or right-clicking) a fence makes you leave the game
    • Fixed a bug in block-based gameplay setup caused by client
    • Added draw/push
    • Added a configurable starting amount for non-iConomy users
    • Dealer's hand is now shown to players

    • Added very basic slot machines (much work to be done yet)
    • Added maximum bet to blackjack
    • Fixed how currency displays through the plugin
    • Slightly modified betting signs for blackjack
    • Usual bugfixes
    • Added slot machine protection
    • Changed how slot machines are built
    • Added separate levels of winning
    ColbyM and NEO like this.
  2. Offline


    I'm sorry. I was probably meaner than I should have been. I didn't realize that you were new to it. Just make sure that you read the setup for plugins thoroughly and skim the comments before accusing a developer of bugs. He may already know, it may have been previously mentioned, or it may not be a bug at all.

    Again, I'm sorry for the acrimonious tone of my former message. I hereby recant any implications which were made therein. Please enjoy the plugin, but try not to push the limits of any programming languages.

    Once again, sorry for everything and let me know if you need any help learning about bukkit or anything related to bukkit.

    Have a great day.
  3. Offline


    That would be really awesome :) I love your plugin so far (Cant await slot machines owned by players with their own configurations)
  4. Offline


    i am running on craftbukkit 1000 and is there any problem with the mod because every time i reload or restart the server the signs that i had to put /blackjack 1 1 and /blackjack 1 2 i have to redo those help plz
  5. Offline


    If there is a problem with it you are the first to report it. Check your config file for errors, it may be a problem on how your computer saves it.
  6. Offline


    First off, love your plugin, its been great for my itty bitty server. for those moments where minecraft itself doesn't feed my addictions, blackjack certainly does :D

    I'm getting one issue though, and i dont know enough about programming to know whats going on. the issue is that whenever i restart my server, the 2 signs used to display your cards and betting info are blank! they act like i havent pinged them as part of the system at all. once i re-ping them, it says saved successfully and whatnot and works like a charm until the server restarts again. the only thing i can think of is they arent saving properly, but i dont really know. any tips would be fabulous!

    thanks much =)
  7. Offline


    The problem would either be in the saving or the loading process. I'll investigate and try to recreate your situation. I'll let you know what I find, but I'm currently on vacation, so it may take a while.

    Thanks for letting me know, you are the second person to report this problem which means it is most likely a problem with the plugin and not the user.
  8. Offline


    Sure thing, thanks for the speedy reply even though your on vacation. and no rush, the plugin is still entirely playable and enjoyable.
  9. Offline


    This plugin sounds fun, and from the looks of it, it has a good future :). Definitely going to give this a try.
  10. Offline


    I`m waiting for maximum bet amount configure:)
  11. Offline


    This is great! I have people in my server making a casino right now. Can't wait for more games to be added.
  12. Offline


    Sorry that it's taking so long to get the next update out. I'm working on it, but it's moving slowly. I keep changing my mind and debating on what to do with slot machines and how to handle them. Once I make a final decision on how they will be set up, I will have the code done in a jiffy. Thanks for you're patience.
  13. Offline


    I suggest having the slots done by sign. That just involves right clicking a sign. Maybe have some kind of jackpot with a configurable prize too. :)
  14. Offline


    The sign will not work for a slot designation. It makes the plugin less flexible to the different styles and layouts of casinos that people build for it. As far as the jackpot, I don't think that works well for blackjack (I try to stay true to the real game), but it would work nicely for slot machines.
  15. Offline


    Great plugin! But my players do not understand English. Would it be possible to translate? I can translate you the plugin in French if you give me the means.
  16. Offline


    I know some French, but I'm terrible at remembering conjugations. If you can send me a list of the phrases and their translations (e.x. you win = vous gagnez) I will make a special version for you. I don't know much about adding translation support, but if you send me the list, I will manually create a French version for you.

    Really what I need translated is:
    1. The suits (spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts)
    2. "The dealer has a (card) showing"
    3. "Please place your bet. (You have 100 dollars)"
    4. "You have been added to the game"
    5. "It is now your turn, please say 'hit' or 'stay'"
    6. "Winner, winner, chicken dinner"
    7. "You win"
    8. "You lose"
    9. "You busted"
    10. "You don't have any money"
    If you can just send me the proper translations for those, you won't have to see my pitiful attempt at translating them.
  17. Offline


    1. Les suites ( piques, trefles, carreaux, coeurs)
    2. "Le croupier expose un(e) (carte)"
    3. "Veuillez mettre votre pari. (Vous avez 100 dollars)"
    4. "Faites vos jeux"
    5. "Maintenant c'est votre tour, veuillez dire 'tirer' ou 'rester'"
    6. "Gagnant, gagnant"
    7. "Vous gagnez"
    8. "Vous perdez"
    9. "Vous êtes foutu"
    10. "Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent"

    The translation, thanks.
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    Ok, here you go. It has been Frenchified rien que pour vous. I hope your players enjoy it.

    Let me know if you need anything changed.

    The new commands are as follows:
    Bet: Pari
    Stay: Rester
    Double down: Doubles
    Hit: Trier
    Leave: Laissez
    Cash: D'argent


    I actually saw that earlier today. I haven't tried it yet, but I think mine will be better. They're almost done!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  20. Offline


    thank you for update! but I cant find maximum bet config T-T
    Ill waiting!
  21. Offline


    Max bet config will come out with slots. Hopefully in the next couple of days.
  22. Offline


    Followed the guide step-by-step but still spawn in VOID. The config file says all signs are registered.
    I've deleted and replaced config file and redid setup progress 5 times but still same result :/
    The game itself seems to be running just fine when i return after death..
    What am I doing wrong? :(

    ps. making the bet sign "save" last bet would be awesome ;)

    My config:

    block-based: true
    starting amount: 100
            yaw: 0
                z: -401
                y: 71
                x: 2150
                z: -401
                y: 71
                x: 2149
            pitch: 0
            z: 0
            y: 0
            world: world
            x: 0
            yaw: 0
                z: -401
                y: 71
                x: 2153
                z: -401
                y: 71
                x: 2152
            pitch: 0
            z: 0
            y: 0
            world: world
            x: 0
            yaw: 0
                z: -401
                y: 71
                x: 2156
                z: -401
                y: 71
                x: 2155
            pitch: 0
            z: 0
            y: 0
            world: world
            x: 0
            yaw: 0
                z: -393
                y: 71
                x: 2152
                z: -393
                y: 71
                x: 2153
            pitch: 0
            z: 0
            y: 0
            world: world
            x: 0
            yaw: 0
                z: -393
                y: 71
                x: 2155
                z: -393
                y: 71
                x: 2156
            pitch: 0
            z: 0
            y: 0
            world: world
            x: 0
    minBet: 1
    console-based: true
  23. Offline


    Could you please be a little more clear on what the problem is? Are the signs not working or when you start the game are you being teleported underground until you die?
  24. Offline


    The game runs fine, aka the signs are working. When i type /blackjack i get teleported to void and die. When I return to my blackjack area I can play the game.
  25. Offline


    You did not follow the setup guide properly. All of your teleport points are set to (0,0,0). Stand in each slot and use the command /blackjack <#> where # is the number of the slot you are in.

    /blackjack 1 sets the point for player 1 to be teleported to when the game starts
    /blackjack 2 sets the point for player 2 to be teleported to when the game starts
    and so on up to 5.

    This was in the setup guide. You probably just misunderstood it.
  26. Offline


    Ahh how could I not notice that part..
    Well thanks for ignoring my foolery and rather point out what I did wrong :p
    Love the plugin! :)
  27. Offline


    No problem, I kinda blew up on someone that had asked that question in addition to some errors caused by them.:mad: After his very meek response, I felt pretty bad and learned to be more tolerant.:oops:
    People make mistakes and I cannot expect you to read through all the the post responses.:rolleyes:

    I'm glad you like it, slot machines are just around the corner.;)

    How do you like the smiley story narration?
  28. Offline


    OK i cannot get this working for some reason. Unless I am missing something... Here is my output when I type /blackjack

    2011-08-07 01:52:20 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'blackjack' in plugin Casino vv1.9
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/iConomy/iConomy
        at Base.CardPlayer.<init>(
        at Games.BlackJack.BlackJack.addPlayer(
        at Main.addPlayer(
        at Main.onCommand(
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        ... 12 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.iConomy.iConomy
        at Method)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        ... 17 more
    And here is my configuration file:

    block-based: true
    starting amount: 100
            yaw: 92.57333
                z: 126
                y: 64
                x: 145
                z: 127
                y: 64
                x: 145
            pitch: 28.349966
            z: 127.26361109675076
            y: 64.0
            world: world
            x: 147.66118379961694
            yaw: 87.7731
                z: 129
                y: 64
                x: 151
                z: 130
                y: 64
                x: 151
            pitch: 26.399961
            z: 130.17490707582414
            y: 64.0
            world: world
            x: 154.07343462137882
            yaw: 132.3243
                z: 133
                y: 64
                x: 158
                z: 134
                y: 64
                x: 158
            pitch: 34.799732
            z: 138.2248936614556
            y: 64.0
            world: world
            x: 162.24742047990844
            yaw: 96.62381
                z: 114
                y: 64
                x: 140
                z: 115
                y: 64
                x: 140
            pitch: 40.049965
            z: 114.9375
            y: 64.0
            world: world
            x: 142.8125
            yaw: 90.92352
                z: 122
                y: 64
                x: 140
                z: 123
                y: 64
                x: 140
            pitch: 26.549953
            z: 123.10604867023093
            y: 64.0
            world: world
            x: 143.07048337965801
    minBet: 1
    console-based: true

    Please Advise...

    Edit: I did follow all steps in the first post referring to sign setup.
  29. Offline


    Thank you for this but it do not work. Only(, the commands do not work, and with the plugin there is a conflict between casino.jar and

    There are also errors in translations for commands:
    Bet: Parier
    Stay: Rester
    Double down: Doubler
    Hit: Tirer
    Leave: Partir
    Cash: Argent

    Thanks for your work.
  30. Offline


    I don't know if this is the problem, but do you use iConomy?

    Sorry about the shoddy translations, I haven't been speaking french regularly for three years now. I'm a but rusty. I'll get those translation fixed for you.

    As far as the commands not working, I'm not sure what's happening. I'll look into it.

    For the conflict between the two jars, delete Casino.jar to resolve the conflict. This may also be causing the commands to not work.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  31. Offline


    I have just replaced casino.jar by, may be should also put something in the folder?

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