[FUN][ADMN] OpenInv 2.2.4 - Open anyone's inventory as a chest Real-Time! [1.4.5-1.7.10]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by lishid, Apr 30, 2011.

  1. Offline


    OpenInv - Open anyone's inventory as a chest! in real time! Works with offline players! Open EnderChests of any player via command!

    Source Code hosted on GitHub

    Link to BukkitDev: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/openinv/

    Open a player's inventory as a chest and interact with it in real time.
    Access to the inventory and armor slots.
    Open any chest that has blocks on top (blocked chests) with AnyChest.
    Open a chest silently (without chest animation nor sound) with SilentChest.
    Open any player's EnderChest from a command.
    Drop item as another player (by putting it in the 5 unused slots in openinv)!

    How to use:
    Install: Copy to your plugins folder, and restart/reload your server.

    Use command "/openinv <player>" to open a player's inventory
    Use command "/toggleopeninv" to toggle Item openinv:
    Hit a player with an item of your choice (STICK by default), and you will open the player's inventory (no damage)
    Right click the air with the item opens the last opened inventory (toggle must be ON)
    Use command "/anychest" to toggle anychest (blocked chest bypass)
    Use command "/silentchest" to toggle silent chest
    Use command "/openender <Player>" to open a player's enderchest
    Use command "/searchinv <Item> [MinimalAmount]" list all players having a certain item in their inventory.

    To use a sign for quick access (this uses the normal Openinv.openinv permissions, override and exempt applies), You need:
    "[openinv]" (without quotes) on the 1st line
    and the player's name on the other lines.

    Permissions nodes (CaSe SeNsItIvE):
    "OpenInv.openinv" gives permission to use OpenInv
    "OpenInv.openself" Allows opening the inventory of the command user
    "OpenInv.editinv" - Allows editing of inventory

    "OpenInv.openender" - Allows opening of EnderChests
    "OpenInv.openenderall" - Allows opening of EnderChests of everybody. Without this permission, someone can only open his own enderchest.
    "OpenInv.editender" - Allows editing of enderchest

    "OpenInv.search" gives permission to use searchinv
    "OpenInv.crossworld" allows cross-world openinv.
    "OpenInv.exempt" makes the player's inventory protected (unable to be opened)
    "OpenInv.override" gives permission to open anyone's inventory, even protected ones
    "OpenInv.anychest" gives permission to open chests that are blocked by a block on top.
    "OpenInv.silent" gives permission to open chests in total silence, without animation.
    (without quotes)

    • Read-only permissions for OpenInv and OpenEnder! Just don't give the editinv and editender permissions nodes!
    • Administrators can modify any user's inventory contents as they wish, in real time.
    • Access it anywhere! No distance or obstacle limitations.
    • Permissions support.
    • Use the command without argument opens the last accessed person's inventory.
    • Use sticks or any (configurable) item and toggles for quick access.
    • Search all online players for a certain item in their inventory.
    • Protect players from openinv with exempt permission, and bypass protection with override permission.
    • Use a sign to perform openinv for convenience.
    • Cross-world openinv protection.
    • Offline player openinv supported.
    • Open chests that are blocked because they have a solid block on top. (AnyChest)
    • Silent opening of chest, no sound and opening animation.
    • EnderChests can be opened, even for offline players!
    • NEW: Drop item as another player (by putting it in the 5 unused slots in openinv)
    • Self-opening protection.

    Video tutorial:

    Thanks to WMisiedjan for the source of iSee, located here: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/6676/
    Thanks to Dark_Balor from AdminCmd for helping with the bugs in Offline Openinv.
    Thanks to the many supporters who've tested this plugin.


    Download OpenInv (2.2.4) CB1.4.5 up to CB1.7.10

    Legacy versions:
    See http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/openinv/

    Source Code

    • None ATM
    • None ATM
    Openinv will connect to http://mcstats.org/ to collect anonymous data (only version information).


    Version 2.2.4[CB 1.7.10]
    • Fixed getting inventory from other plugin's custom inventory crashing

    Version 2.2.2[CB 1.7.10]
    Finally fixed offline players
    Version 2.1.8[CB 1.7.10]
    Updated to MC1.7.10
    Removed metrics as the service is no longer available
    Version 2.1.7[CB 1.7.8]
    Fixed Offline player NoSuchMethodError
    Version 2.1.6[CB 1.7.8]
    Fixed ClassNotFoundError.
    Version 2.1.5[CB 1.7.8]
    Updated to CB1.7.8
    Version 2.1.4[CB 1.7.5]
    Updated to CB1.7.5
    Version 2.1.3[CB 1.7.4]
    Fixed silent chest not working with sneak+build.
    Removed /enderchest as alias for compatibility with Essentials. Use /openender or /oe instead.
    Version 2.1.2[CB 1.7.2]
    Changed updater to be compliant with new Bukkit rules.
    Version 2.1.1[CB 1.7.2]
    Changed updater to be compliant with new Bukkit rules.
    Version 2.1.0[CB 1.7.2]
    Update to CB1.7.2.
    Version 2.0.9[CB 1.6.4]
    Update to CB1.6.4.
    Version 2.0.8[CB 1.6.2]
    Added * nodes for permissions.
    Version 2.0.7[CB 1.6.2]
    Added OpenInv.openenderall permission node.
    Version 2.0.6[CB 1.6.2]
    Updated to CB1.6.2.
    Version 2.0.5[CB 1.6.1]
    Fixed editinv not locking shift-click and click-drag.
    Version 2.0.4[CB 1.6.1]
    Added config options for notifications for SilentChest and AnyChest.
    Version 2.0.3[CB 1.6.1]
    Updated to CB1.6.1.
    Version 2.0.2[CB 1.5.2]
    Updated to CB1.5.2.
    Version 2.0.1[CB 1.5.1]
    Fixed player loading crash caused by CraftBukkit internal change.
    Version 2.0.0[CB 1.5.1]
    Fixed trapped chest problem.
    Version 1.9.9 [CB 1.5.1]
    Updated to 1.5.1.
    Version 1.9.8 [CB 1.5]
    Updated to 1.5.
    Version 1.9.7 [CB 1.4.7]
    Fixed offline inventory not saved when server restarts.
    Version 1.9.6 [CB 1.4.7]
    Updated to 1.4.7.
    Version 1.9.5 [CB 1.4.6]
    Added new feature: Put item in any of the 5 unused slots and the item will be dropped by the targeted player.
    Version 1.9.4 [CB 1.4.6]
    Updated for MC1.4.6.
    Version 1.9.3 [CB 1.4.5]
    Fixed an issue about copying code from my other plugin without proper renaming.
    Version 1.9.2 [CB 1.4.5]
    Massive rewrite to support new CB naming system.
    Added auto-updater.
    Version 1.8.8 [CB 1.3.2/CB 1.4.2]
    Added permissions "OpenInv.openself".
    Version 1.8.7 [CB 1.3.1-R1]
    Added /openender <player>
    permissions, added "OpenInv.editinv", "OpenInv.openender", "OpenInv.editender".
    Version 1.8.6 [CB 1.3.1]
    Updated to 1.3.1. Not only works with 1.3.1.
    Version 1.8.5 [CB 1.2.5-R4]
    Fixed all problems related to Offline OpenInv (including inventory not updating AND/OR inventory being emptied on some occasions).
    Updated Metrics module to R5.
    Version 1.8.4 [CB 1.2.4-R0.1]
    Updated to MC 1.2.4.
    Version 1.8.3 [1.1-R6/CB 1.2.3-R0.1]
    Fixed perms not working.
    Version 1.8.2 [1.1-R6/CB 1.2.3-R0.1]
    New permissions system (removed support for old perms).
    Version 1.8.1 [1.1-R6/CB 1.2.3-R0.1]
    Updated to 1.1-R6.
    Version 1.7.5 [1.1-R3]
    Fixed Metrics add-on error on startup.
    Version 1.7.4 [1.1-R3]
    Fixed offline openinv being case sensitive.
    Version 1.7.3 [1.1-R3]
    New CB events.
    Version 1.7.2 [1.0.0-R1/1.1-R1]
    CraftBukkit refactoring. Fix the Exception caused by that.
    Version 1.7.1 [1.0.0-R1/1.1-R1]
    Official CB1.1-R1 support.
    Still backward compatible (with 1.0.1-R1).
    Version 1.6.6 [1.0.1-R1]
    Help menu (/openinv ?).
    Code re-organizing.
    AnyChest now toggle-able.
    Version 1.6.5 [1.0.1-R1]
    Fix for silentchest + spout error.
    Version 1.6.4 [1.0.1-R1]
    Silent chest opening, no animation, no sound, use /silentchest to toggle on/off.
    Version 1.6.3 [1.0.1-R1]
    Switched toolbar from top to bottom.
    Added armor slots.
    Version 1.6.2 [1.0.1-R1]
    Added a fix for Offline Openinv.
    Version 1.6.1 [1550]
    Fixed inventory update bug that everyone was having!
    Updated for Minecraft 1.0.
    Version 1.5.2 [1185]
    Offline openinv bugfix.
    Version 1.5.1 [1185]
    Version 1.4.6 [1118-1160]
    Fix conflict of anychest with other plugin.
    Version 1.4.5 [1118-1160]
    Fix for previous update not closing chests.
    Version 1.4.4 [1118-1160]
    Now allows opening of chests that are blocked by solid blocks on top!
    Use "OpenInv.anychest" for permission node.
    Version 1.4.3 [1118-1160]
    Toggle should now be saved between server restarts.
    Added configuration file.
    Configure the item to use instead of a stick be default.
    Version 1.4.2 [1118-1160]
    Fixed a character limit problem.
    Version 1.4.1 [1118-1160]
    Updated for 1.8.
    Version 1.3.3 [953+]
    Cross world openinv disabled! Use permissions node 'OpenInv.crossworld' to allow cross-world openinv.
    Version 1.3.2-test [818+]
    Try fixing compatibility problem.
    Version 1.3.1 [818+]
    Fixed for 818.
    Only works for 1.6+ (CraftBukkit RB 818).
    Version 1.2.3 [803-]
    Sign quick access: use second line for "[openinv]" (without quotes) and third line for target name.
    Use this for 1.5 versions.
    Version 1.2.2
    PERMISSIONS NODES CHANGE: please read permissions section.
    new "OpenInv.exempt" and "OpenInv.override" feature.
    Version 1.2.1
    MAJOR BUGFIX: inventory not updated correctly, especially after a death/respawn.
    Version 1.1.1
    New feature: /searchive Item Amount.
    Version 1.1.0
    New feature: sticks + toggle openinv (explainations on top).
    Version 1.0.3
    Fixed history not saved correctly.
    Fixed inventory access to respawned players.
    Version 1.0.2
    use the command without argument opens the last accessed person's inventory .
    Version 1.0.1
    Initial Release.
    Support the developer: [​IMG]
  2. Offline


    I updated BukkitContrib to 0.0.3 and so far it seems to work! As a test I rolled it back to 0.0.2 and it was broke again, I think we have a winner.

  3. Offline


    Thanks, it's good to know everything works!
  4. Offline


    Sorry about the lengthy response time, was busy with work. Our server reflects MJE's exactly, BukkitContrib 0.0.3 = no problems, while 0.0.2 rollback = instant issues. So I do believe that this issue is tackled! :D
  5. Offline


    Thanks for testing!
    I believe this should be enough to confirmed the issued fixed.
  6. Offline


    This, Sounds, AWESOME! Just what I was looking for! Now I could catch those damn liars red handed! Thnx!
  7. Offline


    Someone likes scouting other's stuff :>
    Anyway, thanks for the plugin, it's fun giving someone a stack of glass directly in their hands and see them go "WTF?!!!"
    Awesome plugin, keep it up!
  8. Offline


    Try cake, that's what i always do :p
  9. Offline


    how do I know what they currently have selected?
  10. Offline


    You cant, but you can look at what their having in their hand and match it with something on the top row...
  11. Offline


    It's pure luck really, even if the item suddenly appears in their toolbelt it's already surprising enough ;)
  12. Offline


    How do I install?
    I'm new at this bukkit thing
  13. Offline


    Is there any way to make this work for offline players as well?
  14. Offline


    Look in the Todo list. I'm planning to do it, BUT it's very hard and unsafe to do now...
  15. Offline


    awesome plugin
  16. Offline


    I wonder if I did something wrong?
    It works but i dont know how to give myself permission
  17. Offline


    Does it work with OP Permissions?
    Only OPs get these commands.
  18. Offline


    This is beautiful, I love it. :p
  19. Offline


    Opening an inventory by hitting someone with a stick doesn't work for me...

    But I can right click the air to open the last opened inventory.

    (I use CraftBukkit#928.)

    Edit : Ok, it works only when pvp=true in server.properties...

    It should works also when pvp=false.

    So, if it's feasible, could you fix that ?
  20. Offline


    What texture pack is that? I really like it.
  21. Offline


    That's Misa's 64x64

    Hmmm it doesnt work because the event of hitting a player is never triggered when pvp is off.

    So i mean, hitting a player wont trigger anything a plugin can use to do useful work (in our case, openinv)

    Let me think about this a bit.
  22. Offline


    This is a wonderfull plugin, the only single small drawback is that the command is a bit too long, mabe /oi will make the plugin easier to use

    dont bother doing it if it takes some time, it really is an epic plugin for admins.
  23. Offline


    is /o used? hope i can use that...
    i can do the implementation sometimes...
  24. Offline


    Awesome plugin :>
    You could use beecub's bShortcut to get a smaller version of the command.
    I prefer to tell them about bShortcut instead of adding aliases myself. This definitely avoids conflicts with other plugins.
  25. Offline


    Good idea, thanks
  26. Offline


    Hi, very useful so thankyou first of all
    Secondly, is this ever going to be able to open armour slots, and will it be able to open the inventories of players who arent online?
  27. Offline


    Not likely for a while, Armor slots are kinda hard to implement unless i make a total remapping of the item slots, and add some checks which will be a pain-in-the-ass because i'll have to reprogram a whole inventory and every function it contains. It will make the plugin larger too.
    Offline inventory is another story. Read the previous posts about it.
  28. Nice plugin. Worked fine so far. But there is an incompatibility with MultiInv. It doesnt show errors or something, because all works fine (in the servers view at least), BUT it sends all newly taken stuff to the main inventory (main world) with OpenInv installed. Would be nice if it works with MultiInv. Maybe you and Pluckerpluck can work together on this?
  29. Offline


    Let me look at his code first :D
  30. Offline


    It says I don't have permission to open peoples inventories, yet I'm an op?
  31. Offline

    Jazy Lopez

    Plugin works fine for me and I love it (Play with people's inventories while they are looking at it:cool:)
    Although it would be REALLY handy if we could view offline people's inventories (For certain items
    that must be removed ;))

    Great plugin :D Thanks

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