It is not working, I tested it... Why do you think there is no Survival-Fly Plugin!? Because it is so easy?? Good Idea guy, but that won't work...
I will test it tomorrow, but if this is working, you did what hundreds of developers can't... Hey, du bist ja Deutscher laut deiner Website! Auf Deutsch gehts doch einfacher mit dem reden Aber wie gesagt... Wenn das Plugin läuft, bekommst du fast schon den Bukkit-Nobellpreis Es wird nicht funktionieren... Egal was du versuchst. Schau dir mal mein Plugin "Godwalk" an, ich hätte nicht über 1700 Zeilen Code wenn es so einfach ginge wie du es versuchst Leider gehts nicht so einfach... EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
It could work.(the idea) Player.setAllowFlight(true); I wrote a command toggle flight similar to this guy. Don't be to hard on him.
VoxelAir. Essentials. Both have a command to enable fly. I'm sorry why are you so passive aggressive about plugin Ideas?
I know him in reallife, so I am very sry if it sounds agressive, but I am german and my english might not be the best
Why make a flight plugin when there's a lot already out . But you have to start from somewhere, so I don't blame you.
Why? because flying should be the same on Survival as on Creative (the same kind of flying just working in survival) - for certain persons that is. btw. download isn't working