Full Fledged Economy Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by revenge129, Feb 22, 2012.


Are you wishing/wanting such a plugin?

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  2. No

  3. Never Thought About This

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    This is a plugin that I am starting up on, if you wish to contribute, or join the team, please PM me or comment below, preferrably more experienced developers, as I have only recently worked on Bukkit API, and a new comer to coding.
    Features Include -

    Chat Ranks
    Checking in & Out on jobs
    Full Fledged Banking - loaning - interests - credit cards - and such
    and many more to come!

    Expect this to be a Vault plugin!
  2. Offline


    If you are new to coding and to bukkit, then I don't think you should take this task on. You will find yourself quickly overwhelmed, start small, learn more, then start taking on bigger projects.
  3. Offline


    I realize this, but I like to take on bigger challenges, this helps me improve, while smaller challenges, rather bore me. And thanks for the reply too!

    EDIT: and in fact, only bigger challenges help me improve, even if I don't succeed, I learn more than succeeding something small
  4. Offline


    You learn by doing, yes. But you don't learn to make a calculator then set out to build a Hyper Intelligent Super AI. You work your way up, by all means push yourself to do more and new things but don't take a major leap cause your going to trip and fall. As I said, start small but add in something that will push you farther, push yourself farther and farther till you reach that level but don't try when you are fresh out of the gates.
  5. Offline


    Yet again, what you say is indeed true, but here's one thing, No matter how far I fall, I don't lose a thing, I am still a junior high student, so even if I trip, even if I fall, there's a way to climb up again, thanks for your suggestions, though, I won't take it out full fledged at once, I'll maneuver slowly, from building separate plugins, then joining them together. This way, I take smaller leaps, instead of one large one. Perhaps, like, a plugin for banking, a plugin for companies, jobs, and businesses, and a plugin for economy, and eventually, join them together, to form this one.
  6. Offline


    nice sounds like a complete rip off of my current project.




    " Checking in & Out on jobs "

    is my Clocked plugin - PunchClock system




    IF YOU dare steal any of the code im working on ill make sure that license im using goes into full effect got it? Ill have these admins/mods guarantee you a bad day.
  7. Offline


    I have never even seen your plugin, nor have any intentions on stealing your code, and first off, if you dont want others stealing your code, why upload the source? And apparently, you are saying that I have copied your idea when I have never seen it. Then, you tell me not to use your code that you have uploaded for public view, which again, I have no itentions on doing
  8. Offline


    id like to say sorry for being an ass in my last post. I wasnt having a good morning. But i use github so i can pull my project and work on it at school or any other pc.
  9. Offline


    Well, I have no intentions to steal the, maybe use as a reference, but not steal it. I like having my own style, as I like originality
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