Minecraft version :1.8.8 What i want: features: 1/msg only friends can msg. and /r to reply to the last msg (if u can disable all other msg commands in vanilla minecraft) §5§lPRIVATE §8| Sender Name §e⇉ Receiver Name §8» §bmsg 2/join and leave alert §e§lFRIENDS §8| §a§l✚ Name//for joining §e§lFRIENDS §8| §c§l✘ Name //for leaving 3/online friends shown first. 4/max friends 30 for default rank. 5/shows what they'r doing can be edit in config // config settings Hub = <world name> 6/friends request //least for 4 mins then the request expire 7/6 friends shown per page #formats : Receiver ------------ &8&m-------------- &b&lFriends &8&m -------------- §aFriend request from <Player>. §a§l[ACCEPT] §8- §c§l[DENY] &8&m----------------------- ------------ Sender ---------- &8&m-------------- &b&lFriends &8&m -------------- §7You have sent a friend request to §r<Player>§7! §6They have 4 minutes to accept it! &8&m----------------------- Commands: /friend shows the commands /msg <name> <msg> /r <msg> reply to last msg /friend add <name> /f <name> /friend remove <name> /friend requests /friend accept <name> /friend deny <name> /friend list - /fl - /friends #each page has 8 friends shown /friend ignore - ignore request from the player permenant /friend unignore /friend offlinemode /boop <name> msg the player &d&lBoop! with the same msg format + they have to be friends Format: &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends list&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- &6✦&8➤ &9Player §7[Hub] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §7[Hub] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §7[Hub] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §8[Offline] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §8[Offline] &6✦&8➤ &9Player §8[Offline] &b-=[ &e+ &b]=- &b[ &8« &7Page 1/4 &8» &b] -=[ &e+ &b]=- NOTE ➤ color dark grey , if the player is online ➤ color gold ➤ when you click on it , it does /party invite <name> ✦ when you click it, make favorite friend and what it does it shows them above every online friend - if the friend is offline it shows above every offline §e✦ favorite friend §8✦ isnt a favorite when click on player name it does /msg <player> /friend toggle - to toggle on/off friend requests /friend broadcast - to send global msg to every friend you have --- /f /friend /friends /friend help - show help page --- permissions: friend.msg friends.msg.all to msg anyone friend.offline friends.max.99 // 99 just an example --------------[some msgs] &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- &8»&3/friend add &8● &7Add a friend. &8»&3/friend list &8● &7List all of your friends. &8»&3/friend remove &8● &7Remove a friend. &8»&3/friend requests &8● &7List of your friend request. &8»&3/friend accept &8● &7Accept a friend invite. &8»&3/friend deny &8● &7Deny a friend invite. &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends Help &f&l1 &8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- -------------- &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- &8»&3/msg &8● &7Write a message to a friend. &8»&3/r &8● &7Reply to a message. &8»&3/friend broadcast &8● &7Send a message to all online friends. &8»&3/friend toggle &8● &7Toggle friend request. &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends Help &f&l2 &8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- ------------------ &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends&8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- &8»&3/friend favorite &8● &7Favorite a friend. &8»&3/friend unfavorite &8● &7Unfavorite a friend. &8»&3/friend ignore&8● &7Ignore a player. &8»&3/friend unignore &8● &7Unignore a player. &8-=[ &e+ &8]=- &8[ &b&lFriends Help &f&l3 &8] -=[ &e+ &8]=- ****************** [NO FRIENDS] &8&m-------------- &b&lFriends &8&m -------------- &4&lOH NO! &7You do not have any friends!&c :c &cDo /friend add <name> to add new friends &8&m----------------------- please add all messages +format in the config if possible When i want it ? This month
this so for example they r playing in world named map4 and world is skywar so in config i put it skywars so their friends know that he is playing in skywars etc,, something like that world-formats: world: '&7[Hub]' survival: '&7[Survival]'
Is there any other info you'd like stored about friends? Maybe they can like save notes about them or the date they added them or something like that?
maybe u can used that with gui ? and u have their heads their name as a title and other stuff in the lore yeah i think that will be good and specific command to open the gui btw is it possible to use mysql or just a file ? if you can add an option to enable it until i find good host
I will add the GUI and mysql after I make it functional; for now it's all saved in a file (friends.yml), but it's not hard to switch later. On another note, I'm pretty sure there are a LOT of friend plugins out there. Do none of them meet your standards? EDIT: How is this, for example: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/friends-for-spigot-mc1-8-x-1-17-x-partysystem-and-gui.12063/
Hey, I gave it a shot to make this today. You can find it HERE. Let me know if I forgot anything or if you want any help or want anything added.
hello sir, im really happy u made me the plugin and most of the stuff are customizable. i think there is a bug when i try to add it says u have reached the max capacity of 0 and can u please add the error prefix in the config? and i can do /ignore my self -i wanna do [/fl] and [/friends] as an alt command for /friend list -/f <name> to add but if they use /f help it goes to for friend usage not adding a person as a thank you so much again!!!!!
@uuuz963 I updated the plugin on the spigot page. As for the bug you encountered with the max capacity, I think that happens because you have given them the permission friend.max.0, if they have that permission then they will be limited to that amount of friends. The permission currently works in a way that it checks for friend.max.<currentFriendCount> every time a player tries to add anyone to their friend list. If that's not the problem, add me on discord and we can talk more in detail about what the problem actually is.
Hello there, im making an update to the thread bc the dev doesnt have enough time to finish this plugin so there is the stuff i found 1-there is no broadcasts format. 2-i want to make prefix for all the messages even the errors in one prefix. (include it in config) 3-usage message for the commands /friend deny, etc... like the one u added in /msg. 4-remove offlinemode but i think it issue some bugs 5-im not sure why but if i restart the server the changes doesnt apply like if remove a friend etc.. 6-i want a text to pop like Favorite <player> Unfavorite <player> And Message <player> etc... in friend list section. this what i mean by pop text im not sure what it called (https://prnt.sc/Is07sbkWLoqL) 7- can use the player prefix permission for player name in friend list + when the player msg + join and leave message etc.. in another word just a prefix for player, u can put it in config like this with permission "friends.prefix.X" and "X" is the prefix name like default or premium prefix: default: '&9' premium: '&6' etc.... 8- join msg isnt working correctly its shows the leave msg instead of join sometimes + can you double check the permissions bc i think isnt working as it should be bc i added them but still and here is the src: https://bitbucket.org/mathiaseklund/friends/src/master/ if you have any question about it let me know! thank you so much
Here you go Permissions: - friends.msg - friends.msg.all - friends.max.* - friends.prefix.* [A player can only have one of this. If there are more, it will not always work.]Let me know if you find any bugs
hello sir i have look at the config files and i love it but i have some questions bc it doesnt work rn - im not sure why but when i try to ender any command it shows in the chat + there is no errors in system - do i have to use mysql rn? or it works without it if i didnt put the info?
It prints the command because it could not connect to the mysql server and disabled the rest of the plugin. I can make an update to support local storage for it. Here is the update. You can find use_mysql inside the config.yml If you set it to true in the future, it will automatically sync the data.
thank you man! when i try to add a player it says they r not online im not sure why there is no cmd error
If the other player is offline when you get this error message, everything is working fine. I think it would be redundant to send a 4-minute request to an offline player. But if the other player is online while you get this message, try to get the other player to disconnect and then connect to the server, then it should work.
hello sir good new i found the bug its from another plugin but a custom one (lobby plugin) i will contact with the dev later but these are the bugs and things i found - %receiver% value doesn't work on broadcast it shows %receiver% - broadcast send a private msg as a format to the receiver make it broadcast format for both receiver and sender - friend add make a click to accept or denied u can make it something like that: - "&8&m-------------- &b&l Friends &8&m -------------" - "§aFriend request from %player%." - "[ACCEPT] [DECLINE] " - "&8&m-------------------------------------" or as the old plugin instead of accept and decline in config u do %invite_action% and thank you so much man u did a really good work on it
hello, fixed the broadcast and added the accept and deny buttons Here is an example for the formats.yml: https://pastebin.com/3GgZTMMe