Frequent errors whilst loading mine (or others) plugins

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by castletaker11, Nov 6, 2013.

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    So i'm gonna quickly cut to the chase.
    Im a new nooby develepor and im trying to make a simple plugin where you do /hub instead of /spawn

    However, i get this error:
    Please help as i have no clue whats going on!
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    castletaker11 Please show us your plugin.yml, because ClassNotFoundException sometimes means that your main class declaration in the plugin.yml is wrong. Also, make sure to compile the plugin with JRE6 and not with 7, that was the cause for the UnsupportedClassVersionError for a very long time and I think that's still it :)
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    change in your plugin.yml:

    Then u should be fine
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    sd5 HGPDev thanks! HGPDev is that wat I change it to?
    If so I will try tommorow :)
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    castletaker11 Yes change it to the line i said. in your plugin.yml and you should be fine
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    Update Java to jre7
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    clienthax i am on jre7 but how do i update the plugin to jre7?

    do i delete jre6 from my computer? because in program files(x86) i have JUST jre7. Whereas in program files i JUST have jre6

    nevermind i figured it all out! Thanks for all of your suggestions though. They all helped!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2016
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    castletaker11 if you only have jre7 on your computer then you are already compiling with jre7.
    If you wan't to be sure then (assuming you use Eclipse) open your project, click Project > Properties > Java Build Path (on the left side of the panel) > Libraries (the tab). If there is an entry saying 'JRE System Library [JavaSE-1.7]' then it is correct.
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