Fortune Blocks

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Sexy284, Mar 24, 2014.

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    @au2001 sorry if i spam you, but i have check the config too and i dont see somthing about the smelt, i download the plugin from here let me me know if i am wrong. here the config:
    # Config File
    # The worlds where the fortune/autosmelt isn't active
      - 'world_nether'
      - 'world_the_end'
      - 'world_2'
    # Turn this to true if you want the list down below to be active
    list: false
    # The blocs fortune/smelt is active
    # NOTE: You cannot disable diamond gold etc.
      - 'STONE'
      - 'STONEBRICK'
      - 'LOG'
      - 'SANDSTONE'
      - 'GOLD_BLOCK'
      - 'GOLD_ORE'
      - 'DIAMOND_ORE'
      - 'COAL_BLOCK'
      - 'COAL_ORE'
      - 'LAPIS_BLOCK'
      - 'LAPIS_ORE'
      - 'IRON_BLOCK'
      - 'IRON_ORE'
      - 'EMERALD_ORE'
  2. Offline


    ReeferX7 Sorry, forgot to tell you: This is one of my "bugs" you must delete the config for it to refresh ;)
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    au2001 i have try this too (many times) are u sure uploaded new version ?

    name: ImmortalCustom
    main: me.au2001.ImmortalCustom.ImmortalCustom
    version: 1.0
    description: >
        Enchant fortune at the level you want and smelts your ores!
            description: Enchants the item you hold with fortune. 
  4. Offline


    I never change the version, it's always 1.0, in all my plugins, any version x)
    I tried to re-upload it, try again now
    ReeferX7 likes this.
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    @au2001 Thank you very mutch work now! :)
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    ambidexxtrous Where would they go?
    And sorry, I didn't see your post :x
  8. au2001 I need a fortune plugin and I'm using this immortal custom thing but I really want to make it so the drops are random, because at the moment there's no variety of the amount of blocks that are dropped whilst using the same pick. Also could you make it so I could make it drop more blocks? Thanks :)
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    @TheGamesHawk2001 no reason for more drops i use this plugin and work really fine, if u want more drops just add more fortune!
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    ReeferX7 TheGamesHawk2001 I can add a "multiplier" if you want :p
    And I can make an option to randomize loots !

    Something like that would be added to the config :

    # The multiplier (default is 0.2)
    multiplier: 0.2

    # The maximum number of difference (+/-)
    difference: 3

    Tell me if you want me to add it !

    So for you TheGamesHawk2001 you can modify it
    And you ReeferX7, just let it by default ! ;)
  12. I just want a randomiser but if this is not possible it's fine.
  13. Offline


    @au2001 This is good idea give more options on plugin if u make this u have the best fortune plugin around!

    Offtopic: i have one request in one of your other plugins AutoPickup can u make every time the ores go in inventory? example if i have empty invetory ores/blocks drop down and i need to have one ore to invetory then start auto pick other ores, same if player have full invetory disable the drops and maybe multiworld support if u can! ( Other good idea is when a player have full invetory a sound and maybe a holographic display 'Your invetory is Full' ).
  14. Offline


    ReeferX7 What's the best right now? Gonna destroy it :D
    Btw, I'm going to add an auto-pickup function in the config
    It will pick-up all the blocks on the white-list (if it's on, else it picks up all the blocks)

    When I see the source code now, It's sooo old :x

    @TheGamesHawk2001 The "difference" part would be for the randomizer ;)

    ----- OFF-TOPIC -----
    @ReeferX7 The latest update of AutoPickup already picks up blocks when your inv is empty!
    But I didn't understand what you wanted when your inventory is full .-.
    Do you want the ores to drop? (I understood the sound and the holo ;))
    It was ment so that if you continue mining, you can store your inventory (/chest or sell them)
    Then come back and get instantly another full inventory!

    Sorry for the spam btw x)
    @ReeferX7 @TheGamesHawk2001
    Do you want me to add commands to add/remove blocks from the list, edit randomizer etc.?
    A bit like in @BlizzardFyre 's plugin ;)

    [edit by JaguarJo: merged posts. Next time, use the edit option to add onto your latest comment instead of quadruple-posting. Thanks.]
  15. Offline


    I mean with invetory full the blocks/ores drop down, i want to stop any drop down with mining.

    this is good idea :)
  16. Offline


    ReeferX7 Added an option "dropdown" in the config for you :p (in ImmortalCustom)
    But if a player doesn't have the permission ImmortalCustom.autopickup it still drops

    The plugin will be uploaded in a few minutes, just lemme test

    I had to fix some minor bugs so it took a bit longer but now it's uploaded :D
    New config to see what I added ;) :
    # Config File
    # The minimum level of fortune for the auto-smelt to work
    minFortune: 4
    # The worlds where the fortune/autosmelt isn't active
      - 'world_nether'
      - 'world_the_end'
      - 'world_2'
    # Toggle automaticaly pickup blocks
    # If the list is on, only blocks in it will be picked
    # Permission needed: ImmortalCustom.autopickup
    autopickup: true
    # If true, when the player's inventory is full, will drop the items
    dropdown: true
    # Turn this to true if you want the list down below to be active
    list: false
    # The multiplier (default is 0.2)
    multiplier: 0.2
    # The maximum loot difference (+/-)
    difference: 3
    # The blocs fortune/smelt is active
    # NOTE: You cannot disable blocks that fortune in vanilla
      - 'STONE'
      - 'STONEBRICK'
      - 'LOG'
      - 'SANDSTONE'
      - 'GOLD_BLOCK'
      - 'GOLD_ORE'
      - 'DIAMOND_ORE'
      - 'COAL_BLOCK'
      - 'COAL_ORE'
      - 'LAPIS_BLOCK'
      - 'LAPIS_ORE'
      - 'IRON_BLOCK'
      - 'IRON_ORE'
      - 'EMERALD_ORE'
    EDIT: And I added a command to edit each of the options in the config, for a list : /help ImmortalCustom

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2016
  17. au2001
    Hey thanks for the update, can you maybe add the mining animation for the blocks to inv thing, The block just disapeares and no crumbling of the block if you get what i mean and can you do a block breaking sound too :D
  18. Offline


    TheGamesHawk2001 Hmm lemme try that :D

    EDIT: If any one knows how to do that, please help :D
  19. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    au2001 To what event are you listening?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Then there should be a breaking animation for the player.
  22. Offline


    timtower But not for other players, that's the problem :(
  23. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Minor issue. Goes after functionality. Don't know how to fake it atm.
  24. Offline


    Does work with TimTheEnchznt/Any other plugin and there is a command to enchant your pick (/fortune enchant <level>).
    Works perfectly with almost all world protection plugins (didn't find any that doesn't for now).
    You do need to re-download the plugin each time I update it.
    It should update your config automaticaly but if it doesn't, delete your old one.
    For the update command, might add it in the next version ;)
  25. Thanks :D I also recently posted a topic about getting some expirience with the Bukkit API and basic Java in generald so I can create my own plugins and not have to go to other's for help all the time, If you could take a look at this page :D (NOTE: the important thing is at the bottom of the post.)

    Thanks again au2001 :D
  26. Offline


    @au2001 thanks very match for that update, awsome job! :)
  27. Just wondering if you could please add a feature to enable it to work on all blocks?
  28. Offline


  29. au2001 MAYBE add custom blocks
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