[Formatted] Hours

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by WaffleOnABike, Jul 21, 2012.

  1. Offline


    Plugin category: General

    Suggested name: Hours

    What I want:
    • I'd like to see a plugin that allows users to set "time" for their doors. For example, if a user runs a shop, he can have the doors open at xxx ticks, and close at xxx ticks. So he could run a shop that wasn't always open, and didn't have to manually close it. You could also use this for anything you wanted. Like if you created a farm, you could do fence gates, trap doors, etc.
    • Also, I'd like there to be a conifig file that allows you to edit the messages when a store is closed or open, or when a player tries to interact with it
    Ideas for commands:
    • /hours open <ticks>. Then right click that door, or maybe place a sign.
    • /hours close <ticks>. Then right click that door, or maybe place a sign.
    Ideas for permissions:
    • Hours.toggle.
    • Hours.bypass.
    When I'd like it by: Whenever is fine.

    Thanks so much.

  2. Offline



  3. Offline


    Sounds really cool to me! If anyone makes it, could I also use it?
    WaffleOnABike likes this.
  4. Offline


    Um remove the [REQ] read the stickied threads thanks
    Good idea though
    WaffleOnABike likes this.
  5. I don't have enough time to work on this at the moment, but if you want this to be developed, better details would help encourage programmers...

    1. Would the door open and close on its own, or only allow others to open it?
    2. Would it close its self after it is opened up?
    3. Can players be inside the store after it is closed?
    3a. Would they be trapped?
    3b. How could you tell if someone is inside the building?

    Any other details would be good. Trust me, many developers will not look at the request twice if you do not make it sound possible :)
    WaffleOnABike likes this.
  6. Offline


    Sorry! Just got this post. Have been very busy lately.

    1. I was thinking that it would close on it's own, or if it is easier, that it is always closed, but can only be opened at a certain time. Whichever way works better for developers.
    2. Yes, it would close itself if we go down the route of developing it the way that it is always closed, and can be opened at a certain time. If we go the way that the door is always open when open, than this is irrelevant.
    3. Good question. I guess that could always be up the developer on what he would want to do with that. Maybe something that logs when you go in, and then when the time is up, it teleports you right outside, to a set location when a player is setting up a formatted door? Not sure about that one.
    3a. Refer above.
    3b. Refer above.


  7. Offline


    Would you want this to be with sign or commands? I know you said commands in the OP, but signs can be better. Take something like Lockette. It can store an infinite number of protected containers because it uses a sign, not a database. If you use a command, you have to use a database.
    Just wondering. ;)

    +1 for the idea, quite interesting and unique.
    WaffleOnABike likes this.
  8. Offline


    I mean again, whatever is easier. I think it would be cool to have signs now that I think about it.

    It could be like:

    [Shop Hours]
    <name of shop>
    <ticks> to <ticks>

    Or something like that.

    So yeah, I'd be pretty cool about signs.


  9. Offline


    If i were to do this, would you mind if they did like, a duration, etc 3 hours, not in ticks
  10. Offline


    I'd only prefer the ticks, because the shops would be in sync with the Minecarft days, not real life. That way it seems more realistic.


    calebbfmv likes this.
  11. Offline


    This deserves a like! I would develop this, if I had time/skill. (Still learning some of the things, and working on a cool project!) Also, if anyone(when) picks this up, could they provide the source as well? I learn best from others projects. Original and creative, I like it! :D
  12. Offline


    I appreciate it! Just hoping someone will develop it too!

  13. Offline


    Hmm, have you saw the sticky.... It says No [REQ]... And btw why would you put it? We are in the requesting section..
  14. Offline


    I'm aware, I messed up. I agree, not sure why I put it myself.

    My apologies.

  15. Offline


    I think I'm going to do this, here is how I'm gonna do it:
    1) User makes a sign above the door, that says
    2) It will work like lockette, meaning that when you right-click the door it won't open unless the ticks are correct.
    3) It will alert the owner when-ever the door is opened (msg configurable).
    4) - Possibility - It will charge the user upon opening the door.

    How does this all sound?
  16. Offline


    I quite like it. But I few things:

    1. Would it be possible for the top line to be [Hours] instead? Just makes more sense to me. But again, totally up to you.

    2. Also, you're saying that between ticksOpen, and ticksClosed, is the time the door can be open, correct? And that the ticks can be adjusted by command when creating it, correct?

    3. I neccisarily wouldn't need the feature for charging users, but feel free to add it, and then have a disable function in a config file.

    4. I also like the idea of alerting the owner when the door is either open or closed. Like that.

    Thanks again!

    Any time frame on how long it would take?

  17. Offline


    By ticks open I mean the ticks when the door opens, and ticksclosed is when the door closes. The users can place the sign, and make the first 3 lines (the name will be automade by the plugin).
  18. Offline


    Awesome, thanks!


    Any time frame on when it might be done? Take as much time as needed, I'm in no rush, just curious.



    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  19. Offline


    Nice idea you have. I'm new on coding. I have now 2 projects running. But i will maybe start on this on to. I like you're idea. And if somewhone wants to help coding give me a pm. I can make a fast basic start for the plugin now. So the sign autochange. But i like to change something for coding.
    I would like to make the sign like this:

    It's much more handy for coding. I will start a little bit now. I like it. So if somewhone want to help. PM me.

    - Nielsnv

    I alreaddy have sign setup. Now i will search for opening and closing on that ticks. And i will search for teleportation when shop close.


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2016
  20. Offline


    I believe dillyg10 is already working on it.

    Nielsnv likes this.
  21. Offline


    Ya, sorry Nielsnv :/. Almost have it done btw, just adding some finishing touches :).
    Nielsnv likes this.
  22. Offline


    Can i see the source after it ;p Always love that. And btw. I'm just done with my HealSign plugin. This morning i didn't know mutch about it. We are evening. And i already have 2 plugins that work great. But not that hard to make ;p

    And can i try it?
  23. I am glad that you have some developers working on it. From my perspective, it is impossible to check if someone is within a building without defining an area (see WorldEdit's cubit commands).

    The above described method makes it impossible (or awkward) to store the info as a sign instead of a database.

    Also, it should be mentioned that many developers will prefer the use of a database or flat file over signs as signs have a presence in the Minecraft universe.

    If you want it all to fit into a sign, the sign would have to go along the lines of:
    [time 230 100]​
    [x 456 374]​
    [y 346 346]​
    [z 235 235] ​
    Which I imagine would be a giant headache for any user.​
    Regardless, I wish good luck to everyone working on the project :D
    WaffleOnABike likes this.
  24. Offline


    This would be true, if the door was automatically open. This plugin is basicially a timed lockette persay.
  25. Offline


    Ok. Yeah. I see what you both of you guys are saying.


  26. I see what you are saying. It doesn't change the condition of another player "pranking" another by shutting them inside a shop. Also, the store would be available to users that sneak inside before the closing time.

    The root of our disagreement is in the differing visions for the plugin. My imagination for the plugin differs from yours and perhaps from the original poster's.
  27. Offline


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