Finding collaborator for Machine Learning Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by hasunemiku2015, Jul 7, 2021.

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    I am working on a minecraft plugin that converts real-life images of different perspective of a building building into minecraft builds. The idea is similar to how you 3D scan objects.

    This project is(should be) based on a modified implementation of Pix2Vox, with an appropriate input/output size

    I need your help!

    I would like to find contributors that could help me:
    - modify and train the machine learning models appropriately so that the I/O is of desirable size
    - giving me advice on construction and deployment of the machine learning models

    What is already done

    - Injected DJL into spigot
    - Model inferencing called from minecraft
    - Output as WorldEdit API clipboard
    (will change to direct building after resizing algo is done)

            DM/Comment Below if you wouldn't mind helping out on this project
            Also check out this github repository on the progress
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