
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by And7rey, Nov 24, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Developer Tools

    Suggested name: Feeling

    What I want: I'd like a plugin where the player gets a specified feeling when he/she does something.
    f.e.: If a player finds diamonds , then he/she becomes 'lucky' and a message would appear in the chat like 'You feel very lucky'
    The plugin would be based on levels and every time the player does something , he/she gets a specified amount of points (they aren't announced) and when he/she reaches a specified level , they become a message like 'You feel....'. The levels start too drop when the player doesn't do anyting

    2 Very Lucky
    1 Lucky
    0 Grey... Everyday feeling
    -1 Unlucky
    -2 Very unlucky

    If player doesn't do anything , he she loses 1 point every 5 minutes (It can decrease until 0 , but not below 0 )
    If the player has unlucky or lucky feeling , but doesn't do anything, his feeling will increase to 0

    If the player gets killed: -1 points
    If the player dies(f.e.: by starving): -2 point
    If the player kills animals: -1 point per 15 animals
    If the player breaks a diamond ore: +3 points
    If the player breaks a lapis ore: +2 points
    If the player breaks a redstone ore: +2 points
    If the player breaks a golden ore: +1 point

    Ideas for commands:
    No commands
    Ideas for permissions:
    No permissions

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible!

    PS: I really need this plugin so that my friend can develop plugins based on this! It's really important
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    And7rey y cant your friend develop this?
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    PS: I really need this plugin so that my friend can develop plugins based on this! It's really important
    What does this mean? The code in the plugin will just be stolen and your friend will create plugins off of this?

    EDIT: Nevermind.
    XgXXSnipz likes this.
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    Jaaakee224 He wants an developer tool like api And7rey tell your friend save an int with a string(players string) also to use eventhandlers to determine wether or not he does something good or bad
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    Well I probably have my own reasons for posting this here, don't I?
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    And7rey So you lied about your friend so one of us will make it faster.
    Btw I am interested in the point of having this Luck variable do you want them to do
    anything? or is it just gonna be there for show?
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    Jaaakee224 XgXXSnipz 87pen My friend made me another plugin, and I asked him thousand times to make me plugins but I don't really want to annoy him anymore, there is a plugin he made for me which uses hours instead of 'luck' , that means when that command can only be used once in an hour for example, but I wanted something more interesting and thought about this luck thing, so that instead of hours, the player needs to be lucky to do something for example. I thought it would be much less work for him to do that instead of writing the whole plugin. But since nobody is going to make it, cause you all just care about why I need this, and probably won't reply anymore after reading, I won't post in this thread anymore. Thanks a lot, best community ever!!! :D
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    And7rey You are acting like every single other request is filled, except yours. You can talk to this "friend" of yours, and see what they can do for you. I believe you sarcastically said "Thanks a lot, best community ever!!!", and that can be a reason nobody is making this for you.
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    xepisolonxx thanks but unfortunately the plugin doesn't save the second inventory and after reload it gets lost.
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