Fake accounts are logging in with my name!

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by DaClowns, Jul 8, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    How can I make it so fake torrent accounts cant login as my name, because it kicks me off and they have admin powers...?
  2. Offline


    switch to online mode? Though that is fairly hilarious I suppose.
  3. Offline


    If you want to keep online-mode off, just install xAuth.
  4. Offline


    @Kaikz Will that not allow people with my same minecraft name to log on my server?
  5. Offline


    It will allow them, but you will need to /login <password> every time you login, or else you can't do anything.
  6. Offline


    wont it still kick him off the server tho? xD
  7. Offline


    @Kaikz can I just prevent them from even logging in with my name? Is there like a more simple plug in that does just this or something? I found one called LockIP but when I do /lockip myname it says "who is daclowns?" and i cant figure out what to do.

    @Pencil do you know of any other plugins? Or can I can fix the LockIP one?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  8. Offline


    @DaClown doesnt the LockIp require you to have a static ip? Or what exactly does it do? Because I think I have an idea for a great plugin :p
  9. Offline


    @Pencil IDK lol.. idk what a static IP is, but is your idea to just make it so I can register my IP to my name so Only my IP allows my account to log on the server? So other people with fake accounts with my name cant log in and kick me off? It will like display "Sorry you're not registered to that name"? If thats what you're thinking CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE IT? Because this happened to my other buddy on his server, i think ti would be very usefull.

    If you do make it, it would be nice if it were really light and simple?
  10. Offline


    Ehm a dynamic ip changes whenever your router restarts or after a certain time, mine does every 48 hours. That means you get a new IP. A static Ip is your IP stays the same ALL the time :p If you use iplock and ur Ip changes, u can't login anymore right? :3
  11. Offline


    I have no idea I cant even get LockIP to work... when i type /Lockip myname it doesnt work...
  12. Offline


    Lol :p Oh well. Let me work on the thing Im gonna add later :3 If it works like it should it will solve ur problem :D
  13. Offline


    just run in online mode...
  14. Offline


    He probably has a reason its set to offline mode? >.>
  15. Offline


    @h0us3cat I want to.. but like 50% of the people on my server use fake accounts...

    @h0us3cat i really don't want to loose them all, even though they use fake accounts, they are cool people.

    @Pencil do you have any idea why when I type /lockip daclowns it says "Who is DaClowns"? Here is the plugin link, idk if like as a developer you would know why this is, I thought I'd ask though. http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-sec-lockip-v0-4-limit-players-to-one-ip-953.21759/

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  16. Offline


  17. Offline


    yeah to allow cracked clients...
    which is illegal
  18. Offline


    So what? Not for him. As long as he has a mc account it isn't. Anyone else who connects might be, but he? No. If the goverment would have invented torrents and would be putting up stuff to download would it be illegal? :3 Notch put it in, why would it be illegal to use :S
    Crig000 likes this.
  19. Offline


    notch did put it in for offline testing, not for real use.
  20. Offline


  21. Offline


    That is your opinion, however, legally, he can run it in offline mode, and he can't get in trouble for it.
  22. Offline


    make sure you have online mode set to true, no one can log in with your name, and as a cool side effect only those who have brought the game can log in
  23. Offline


    No, sorry, cool people can pay 20$ for an awesomely addictive game like minecraft. Seriously, who can't afford 20 bucks?

    Offline mode is just asking for security issues. Frankly, I think Notch should just do away with offline mode entirely since the original reason it was introduced was to allow people to play even when the login servers were down, which doesn't happen much anymore.
  24. Offline


    Yeah, I'm going to lawl so hard when Notch removes offline mode, and all these pirate servers go down the drain, considering Bukkit will never allow a plugin that re-enables offline mode to be posted once it's removed.
  25. Offline


    it would be good if bukkit added something to stop the use of offline mode, it doesnt serve anyfunction other then allowing pirate copys and exposing a server to numerouse secuity issues.
  26. Offline


    Yeah, I think notch will eventually prevent all fake accounts from logging in... But like.. some of them have been building on my server for weeks and have spent hours and hours working on stuff... Its kind of hard to just shut them down...
  27. Offline


    nope not hard at all, they know they like the game any excuse of "i pirate cos i dont know if the game is good" is out the window if they been building for weeks. Minecraft costs less then a takeaway its not prohibitivly expensive. Notch continues development of the game because people keep buying it, these guys aint supporting that. Add to that they are clearly exploiting the fact your letting them on the server by using your name! theres gratitude for you!
    kick em, if they want to get the use of the stuff they built they have to just buy the very very cheap minecraft!
  28. Offline


    xAuth erryday
  29. Offline


    Buy the game erryday
  30. Offline


    Ha, did almost a year ago. (Not erryday)
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