Filled Explosion Enchantment

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by jewelsy15, Jul 4, 2015.

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  1. Name: ExplosiveEnchantment
    Plugin category: Admin
    what i want:
    I've been looking around for a plugin that works with essential kits (as in( - 278 explosion:10)) so you have explosion on your pickaxe. I've never seemed to find one but it would be good for the prison server i'm working on.
    Also if possible to try and get it to work with WorldGuard so it doesn't break the walls i've made.
    Ideas for the commands: /explosion add, /explosion remove
    Ideas for the permissions: explosion.add, explosion.remove, explosion.*
    When possible it can be made: before summer
  2. @jewelsy15 If you find an explosive pickaxe plugin then you can probably use Essentials by adding the explosion part as a lore.
  3. the thing is tho i haven't found a good one nor a one that makes the name explosion like the others (as in the colour/color(<--depending where your from))
  4. Offline


    My Plugin EmeraldEnchants can be used for this.
    Link is in my Signature.
    Also, EmeraldEnchants depends on PrisonGems which depends on CS-CoreLib, so make sure you got everything installed.
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