It would be possible to create a plugin that would mean that when a player leaves the game, a chest with their items is left in the place where they were when they left, this would allow someone to get a player's items even if they are out of the game. Imagine, for example, you have to stay in a safe place before leaving the game, otherwise someone could steal your items.
Dunno if you still need it, but here's the link:
I went to test and the chest with my items didn't appear. When the chest owner enters, are the items automatically collected?
If you have the permission "exitchest.nochest," you won't spawn a chest, or if you're an operator (/op). You can install a permissions plugin or use /deop. When the owner rejoins, the chest is removed, and their inventory will be the same as the chest's contents. If the chest has not been modified, they will have the same inventory as when they left.