Development Assistance Error in plugin.yml

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by EightCraft, Jan 4, 2015.

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    today I decided to start develop my first plugin in Minecraft. I looked for a good tutorial on YouTube and I found this . I wrote perfectly all the code. But when I save the .jar file into my Plugins folder and start the server, on the console appears this message:
    [19:04:41 ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins\EightVirtualAdmin.jar'
    org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidDescriptionException: Invalid plugin.yml

    I think that the errors appears because in the tutorial says that the name of the package that contains the main of the plugin must be "me.{minecraftusername}.{pluginname}". I didn't put my minecraft username in there because when I tried to do that, an errors appear in the eclipse page: "Invalid package name. '123ottovolante' is not a valid Java identifier". So I wrote "ottovolante321" and not my real username.

    The server is hosted on my localhost:25565 and it is a Spigot 1.8

    How can I solve this?

    Thank you :D

    Plugin Main:
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    First off... TheBCBroz was making a suggesting xD the package name can be anything. Mine is usually
    "{plugin name}". Next thing whats wrong is that your plugin.yml is
    me.ottovolante321.MyPlugin.Plugin the last part, .Plugin, is wrong. Your plugin.yml should be...

    name: EightVirtualAdmin
    main: me.ottovolante321.MyPlugin.Eight
    author: ottovolante321
    version: 1.0
    description: Mmmhh.. Dat plugin...
         description: Get Info about EightVirtualAdmin
    When you make the main: it needs to be {your}.{package}.{name}.[MAIN .JAVA file] (ak.a.
    also, you forgot to put author in it :p This should make it work :D
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    It doesn't work, can you post the code on pastebin?
    Now on the console appear:
    [20:40:05 ERROR]: Could not load 'plugins\EightVirtualAdmin.jar' in folder 'plugins'
    org.bukkit.plugin.InvalidPluginException: Cannot find main class `me.ottovolante
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2015
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    @EightCraft Please please please, find better tutorials. The BCBroz has extremely bad practices, and you should not watch his videos. I would recommend @PogoStick29's videos, and you can also learn Java from him, which is important to learn as Bukkit is simply an implementation of Java.​
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    you should have just copied and paste what I put xD
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