EpicQuest - Moved to DevBukkit. Link in thread!

Discussion in 'WIP and Development Status' started by Randy Schouten, Jun 27, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    When I try '/q turnin' it says I don't have a quest to turn in even though when I '/q info 1' it tells me the quest I'm doing and I've completed it :/
  2. Offline


    whenever i type "/q turnin" when the quest is ready to be turned it it tells me i don't have any quests to turn in.
    ohmydoddtv likes this.
  3. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    Can you post that quest here? (config)
    As I posted in my update post, I forgot to change "/eq" to "/q" in the help list.
  4. Offline


    It's the standard config with the quest about containing an infection, haven't touched it at all.
  5. Offline


    please check the latest edit i did on my post.

    it's as simple as this:
    whenever i have 20 saplings in my inventory and the quest tells me to collect 20 saplings then i type "/q qb" and the quests is lighting green as it is ready to be turned in then i type "/q turnin" Then it tells me "You don't have a quest to turnin."
  6. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    Gotcha, I'll look into it.
  7. Offline


    Thanks :)
    ps: when is the quest saving gonna be made? =)
  8. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    It's already there.

    I have to create the quest loading ;)
  9. Offline


    oh /smartass eh? ;)
    it says coming soon unless you have forgotten to edit this part. =)
  10. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    Forgot to add it then lol :p

    The smartass part was directed to me, btw :p
  11. Offline


    Can you add support for BOSEconomy? Becuse iConomy ise'nt updated
    for bukkit#1000
    Just an idea. Btw awesome plugin :)
  12. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    I require a server on which this plugin is running, while having a private chat open here on the bukkit forum.
    I can't seem to figure out the problem, everything works fine on my local server.

    Just to make matters worse, I am going on vacation in 2 days (or 1, if you prefer that), so I must get it done quickly...
    This is why I also want a private chat open to get configs and such, and to send you new builds that might work without posting it here.
  13. Offline


    sure i'll help you randy =)
  14. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    Okay, I will start a conversation.
    Please make sure to check the top again for "inbox" and see the conversation.
    Then make sure to refresh it often, since it only shows new messages when you refresh.

    Derp went offline...

    If anyone else has a server on which I can test with you, please start a conversation with me in which you have your servers IP.
    I need real tight communication, since I have 1 day to fix this, or you'll have to wait at least a week.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  15. Offline


    hello! :D What do you want me to do?

    EDIT: Server IP =

    oh shit you need to install bukkit contrib...I will run something temporary
  16. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    Just like any other server with Bukkit.
  17. Offline


    yep join now :) Might be a bit laggy cos I'm running a temporary one off my home comp
  18. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    Update 0.4.1 is live!

    It fixed all kinds of stuff Dodd and I found while testing. (So a big thanks to him!)
    Have fun :)

    *dives in bed*
  19. Offline


    Everything is still working fine on my server :p May I suggest implementing WorldGuard so that people can only complete quests in a certain area?
  20. Offline


    Is there a quests.yml with more than 1 quest plz ?
  21. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    You can create them yourselves :)

    Also, I can't guarantee it will work, but I'm going to try and see if I can create a very simple API, which will only consist of "give quest", and see if I can link it with NPC-Quester.
    As I said before, I only have today the time, so I can't do more, if there was more I should do :p
  22. Offline


    Yeah sure , but if someone could post his own :)
    or a database like uquest with the 53quests
  23. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    Small update to 0.4.2.
    It now features a small API for developers to use.
    So it is also compatible with NPC-Quester now!
  24. Offline


    it seems like the quest plugin can't connect to iconomy, it says it does but there is no rewards gained and i get this when i turn in quests

  25. Offline


    I was just thinking, is it possible that you can make this BukkitContrib compatible? Like whenever you finish a quest an achievement thing pops up telling you that you've done it? :)
  26. Offline


    Heroes skill, party, etc compatibility? That would be great :)
  27. Offline


    Still getting the bug where the quest stays in the questbook, it fixes itself after reloading though.
  28. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    I haven't uploaded that version yet, I'm sorting out a few other small problems, then the update will come :)

    0.4.3 is now live.

    It fixes a few more issues.
    It should be stable now.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
    ohmydoddtv likes this.
  29. Offline


    - A command to quit a quest, like '/q quit 1'
    - Be able to do quests in a certain place (using worldguard maybe?)
    - Instead of having to get given a random quest, be able to type in the quest number to get a specific quest. I don't want my npc's giving out random quests :/
    - When you complete a quest, have an achievement pop up saying what quest you just completed. This will require Bukkitcontrib though...

    And yeah, awesome plugin! :) Have fun on your holiday, hope to see some more updates when ya get back ;)
  30. Offline

    Randy Schouten

    I will look into BukkitContrib.
    I've heard about it, but never really thought about what it was or what it could do.

    Quest dropping will also come in the next update.
    I'll also make it so that you can only progress quests in a certain world.
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