
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by KGXRealms, Jun 5, 2014.

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    Plugin category: World gen

    Suggested name: EnderReset

    What I want: I would like a plugin that can reset the End World at a given time (Preferably in hours). Also when the world is about to reset it gives a 10 minute warning then when it does reset it kicks all players from that world to the spawn world.

    Something else I'd like are custom messages that I can edit in a config file. I'd like the messages for the following:

    "End World is resetting in 10 minutes"
    "The end world is resetting"
    "The end world has been reset"
    "The Enderdragon has been slain by {player}"


    Optional features i'd like is the ability when the enderdragon is killed it gives the egg straight to the player and any configured items that I choose to set up like diamonds.

    Ideas for commands:

    /ender reload - Reload the plugin and all the config files.
    /ender speedup - Force restarts the end but follows the 10 minute warning then reset.

    Ideas for permissions:

    ender.reload - To reload the plugin (Default: op)

    ender.speedup - To speed up the end reset (Default: op)

    When I'd like it by: No need to rush :)
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    hmm, I like this idea, and it'd be pretty simple, although you could probably do this on your own pretty easily. If you were to delete world_the_end when ever you wanted a new end, new dragon, etc, that'd do the same thing.
    I do understand wanting a plugin to do this though.

    I'll look into it, and if so I'll contact you.
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    I know that is a way of doing it but that requires me to stop the server, delete the world and then restart and doing that every 3 hours can get quite annoying :p This is why I have made a request for this because it can be useful :)
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    KGXRealms I could be mistaken, but even a plugin creating a new world will need to at least reload the server? I guess it depends on whether or not you want an entirely new world?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You can unload the world, delete, make a new one.
    Multiworld plugins use the same trick
    TopTobster5 likes this.
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    Didn't think of that :p
    timtower likes this.
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    I know multiworld plugins do that but it's hard to implement on a timer, that is why I suggested a plugin for it.
    I don't know how all the mechanics work is all.
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    Doesn't really give the features I want. Sorry.
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  15. You could have a preloaded world in your world files. And then upon an given time, just copy the world data?
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    sterrenman I have tried that but it's extremely buggy with the world regeneration and doesn't proving ass the feature I am looking for.

    HungryThirstyDead Possible but a plugin will make it a lot easier.
  18. Offline


    KGXRealms Ah ok then. you always can do this:

    make the exit of enderportal activate redstone wich activate some commandblocks that use these MULTIVERSE commands

    /mv delete Myendworld
    /mv confirm
    /mv create Myendworld END

    Dunno if this would actually work...
  19. Offline



    It's a good idea but won't work for servers that do not have command blocks enabled and it also doesn't provide the features that are listed above.
  20. You can easily make a plugin that performs it.

    Just have a scheduledevent, and upon that perform an event, such as deletion of world...

    + On an event/SyncSchedule event you can perform a server reload...


    Also, I believe that there is a perform command method? Maybe the console could run the commands.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2016
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    You shouldn't reload anyways as it causes memory leaks etc.
    AoH_Ruthless and KGXRealms like this.
  23. Reloading often can causse lag spurs, BUT, it shouldn't break most plugins. Reloads often help servers and lossen their memory, so that they aren't using as much. If you could give an example of the plugin break code?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Most plugins aren't made for it either.
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    HungryThirstyDead I prefer not to reload my server every time I want a reset to happen. It can cause most plugins not to function properly and as for what timtower said, it can cause memory leaks.
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    KGXRealms Look up BringBackTheEnd - Really good plugin.
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    fefe2008 I had a look at it and it looks okay but I have 1 question, does it support custom messages and the broadcasts before the end resets?
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    KGXRealms Unfortunately it doesnn't support custom messages but it does broadcast a message similar to yours by default on end reset.
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