Emerald Blaster

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JayRayHay, Jun 26, 2015.

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    Hi Bukkit! I'm JayRayHay and I want a Emerald Blaster Plugin Please :)!

    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Emerald Blaster

    What I want: I want a plugin where it has a emerald blaster! When you
    right-click it, pointing to a entity (no matter how far) it will shoot a straight line of lots of green star particle effects at the entity targeted and when the particles hit the targeted entity it will kill the entity and make a explosion effect like tnt (Will not blow anything up) and make a Boom sound. I also want it to have a small config too. Also make it with color code and symbol code support too.


    #Emerald Blaster made by (Creators name)

    launch_sound: (Sound) (Firework launch sound by default)
    hit_sound: (Sound) (Boom sound by default)
    item_name: &2&lEmerald Blaster
    item_lore: &e&oRight-click this at a something to shoot!
    item_id: (item id) (388:Emerald Item by default)
    shoot_speed: (number of speed)
    (10.3 by default)
    can_shoot_player: (true or false) (false by default)

    cooldown: (number) (3 seconds by default)

    Crafting Recipe:

    D = Diamond
    E = Emerald
    B = Blaze rod
    G = Glowstone dust
    N = Empty space for recipe

    N G N
    B E N
    N D N

    Ideas for commands:

    /em reload = reloads the plugin

    Ideas for permissions:

    em.use = is needed to allow players to use the emerald blaster
    em.reload = /em reload

    When I'd like it by: I don't care when :)
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