Elemental Chickens - Easily Farm Iron and Diamonds

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by CupcakeEdgeworth, Jan 19, 2014.


Do you like this idea?

  1. It's amazing! please make this, someone!

  2. It's nice.

    0 vote(s)
  3. I'ts pretty bad...

    0 vote(s)
  4. It's terrible!! You should be ashamed of yourself!

  1. Plugin category: Fun, Miscellaneous

    Suggested name: ElementalChickens

    What I want:
    It's very simple, realy. All that needs to happen is the ability to spawn elemental chickens with a matching nametag that you can tame and will lay eggs (materials) the chicken belongs to. For example:
    A redstone chicken randomly spawns somewhere, it has a Nametag (Redstone (chicken?)) with a machting collour (red) (?) you can tame it with redstone (duh). and will lay redstone after a while.

    Another feature is a config file where you can edit spawn rates, Nametags, collours and the amount of time untill the chicken lays an egg (material).

    Ideas for commands:
    /chickenspawn (chicken element type)
    Example: /mospawn diamond

    Ideas for permissions:
    chicken.tame.(ELEMENT) Allows the user to tame a certain chicken.
    chicken.spawn.(ELEMENT) Allowes the user to use the spawn command for certain chickens.
    chicken.breed.(ELEMENT) Allews a player to breed for more chickens of a certain element.

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible, but also take your time.

    One last thing, i have read this:
    But i'm still not sure if this is possible or not. :/ So please tell me if it's possible or not so i know if this has a change of getting developed
  2. CupcakeEdgeworth I would preffer a plugin which adds new furnaces. You could change normal furnaces to redstone furnaces and if you place some coal in it it would generate redstone. :D

    Because of your question, I did not understand if you want to change the color of the chicken or the color of it's name.

    Changing the color of the chicken is not possible, changing the color of the name is possible.
  3. That is also possible, didn't think of that. and that you must craft it with (example for gold furnace) a furnae and 1 to 8 blocks of gold. (and also a coal furnace to get infinite coal and easily power the other furnaces XD)
    And also permissions to let someone use/place/craft these furnaces. And a config to confogure the time needed to cook the material and the amount you finaly get (maybe also the amount of coal needed to get the material).

    I like it, thanks.

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