Edited MCTeams

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by robot17020, Feb 20, 2015.

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    Hardcore Factions Server version 1.7.10
    Just like MCTeams with the set hq and stuff like that
    but i want you to be able to pay to claim land
    You are not raid able until a certain amount of people join
    Also with the plug-in it disables /spawn
    With this plugin to claim like towny it has to be next to your land
    No Outposts
    There will be a team chat where the team can talk to each other inside of the chat
    Disable /Spawn with messege: Hardcore Factions does not allow /spawn. Walk there
    Default Commands:
    /t join (team name)
    /t create (Team Name)
    /tc (Team chat)
    /t hq
    /t rally
    Team Captain commands
    /Team invite
    /team kick
    /team claim
    /team unclaim
    /team disband
    /team setrally (This is a rally point inside of the teams claimed land)
    Admin commands:
    /Team disband teamname (Allows the person to disband any team)
    /team teleport teamname (Can teleport to any team)
    /team join teamname (Can Join Any Team)

    Permission Nodes
    teams.basic (Includes all of the default/Captain commands)
    teams.admin (Comes with all of the admin commands)

    So basically an edit of MCTeams
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