[EDIT/FUN/SEC] VoxelSniper v5.019 - Flexible Long-Range In-Game Map Editor [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by Voxel Box, Jan 23, 2011.

  1. Offline

    Voxel Box

  2. Offline


    Sniper does loop around. This is a bug and we really don't have a problem with it on The Voxel Box. If you want to make tall builds, you can also use VoxelSniper to lower terrain, and worldedit or the VoxelSniper clonestamp tool to paste it in so that your build doesn't hit the map height. If you are getting bedrock, tone down your brush size or something. You don't need to use the default brush size.

    I believe I heard that the reason for these bugs is due to how the chunks are handled and saved (email notch if you have problems). Also, sniping above the world height is probably a hard thing to fix because of how targeting blocks when right clicking with an arrow would be (ie meaning it is probably a bukkit bug).
  3. Offline


    You should update the title to reflect this. Save people having to read through the replies. :)
  4. Offline


    I'll notify przerwap, or whoever is in charge of the "Voxel Box" account. I believe it was plusnine's account, but plusnine has retired. Thank you.
  5. Offline


    It's not a bug. It's either Notch or Bukkit being stupid and performing modulus on the Y coordinate instead of simply constraining it to not exceed 127 and not go below 0.
  6. Offline


    i cannot add people to my snipers.txt help please
  7. Offline


    Snipers.txt is a text file. If you cannot add people to it, it is because of one of these reasons:
    1) You do not have a keyboard.
    2) You do not have the intelligence to double click a .txt file to open it.
    3) You are not saving the text file after typing in it.
    4) You are having a problem opening a .txt file due to a Windows/Mac error.

    Likely, you are having a hard time opening your text file. Here is a link that should assist you:


    If you are encountering the issue after attempting to troubleshoot this yourself, please post again.
  8. Offline


    Does this work with CB 1000? Dont wanna mess around if its unstable.
  9. Offline


    Yes. It works fine. If you read about 1 or 2 posts back you will see that someone has asked that already.
  10. Offline


    voxelwiki.com is down for me.. This error:
    Website Currently Unavailable

    The website you are trying to access is currently unavailable. Please try again at a later time.
    If you are the site owner, review the following resource to help resolve the issue.
  11. Offline


    I recently got the VoxelSniper plugin and went ingame to try it.
    Server OS System is Linux
    I went ingame and typed /vs brushes and I got this
    Example: /vs -- gives the sniper's settings in a printout.
    Is there anything im doing wrong? Or anything I need to do.
  12. Offline


    Hi, I'd like to know what flight plugin is being used in the example videos? I've been using VoxelSniper for a little bit but it's difficult to use from the ground. I've skimmed the wiki and this thread, and it doesn't look like VoxelAir.
  13. Offline


    That's weird.
    I installed the plugin on my server. I can use the arrow with some commands like /b b or /v 1
    But if I want to use the /b e melt command it's only "No such brush" oO I can't use all these commands like /b e info or the other /b e smooth/fill etc. Every time he's saying "no such brush" ._.
    Is there any knownlege about this problem?
  14. Offline


    The fly mod is zombe mod pack now can someone help me with my problem please :>
  15. Offline


    You're a liteSniper.
  16. Offline


    What does this mean?
    Jeah I got this .txt file called "litesnipers" I have to put my name into this document else I couldn't use it. I also have a sniper.txt in the "VoxalSniper" folder. But if my name isn't in the Lite sniper text document, I only get examples by type in any kind of commands.
  17. Offline


    liteSniper is a restricted form of Sniper.
    You must be present on snipers.txt and not on litesnipers.txt to be a sniper properly
  18. Offline


    Can I et some help please with my post
    'I recently got the VoxelSniper plugin and went ingame to try it.
    Server OS System is Linux
    I went ingame and typed /vs brushes and I got this
    Example: /vs -- gives the sniper's settings in a printout.
    Is there anything im doing wrong? Or anything I need to do.'
  19. Offline


    http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/91055-v173-zombes-modpack-26-mods-v430-upd-24jul/The plugin being used is "zombes modpack" which includes FlyMod, Sunmod, and more.
    You aren't properly installing/saving/adding your name in your snipers.txt

    Yes, this is due to a recent CaptainSparklez video featuring VoxelSniper /.'ing our wiki due to tens of thousands of people effectively DDOSing it. It should be up now.

    Also, sorry for the double post, but Guntorian, you do not need to remind people in a FORUM every 15 minutes that you need help. Patience is a virtue.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2016
  20. Offline


    Excellent, thank you both very much!
  21. Offline


    I've done this and now I get this message when I type in any kind of command.
  22. Offline


    use the zombe mod pack, its a client mod that lets you fly. you can find it on the minecraft forum =)
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    Fail. It does not work with my name in one motherfucked line. I only get the permission when I type in my name in the LiteSniper.txt and no I'm not using notepad.
  25. Offline


    VoxelSniper is picky about folder structure and filenames. In your plugins directory, there should be a "VoxelSniper" folder, the plugin .jar, as well as a "snipers.txt", like this: [​IMG]Inside the "snipers.txt" there should be the names of the people you want to be sniper, one per line, case sensitive. this gives VoxelSniper to EvilSeph, but not eVIlSEPh
    RamTam and przerwap like this.
  26. Offline


    Thx m8
  27. Offline


    What a megically answer *__*
    nowhere was explained that the sniper.txt have to be in the same folder as the .jar file. I watched an Installation video where the guy put the snipers.txt in the same folder as the Litesniper etc.
    What a simple mistake ._.
    Thank you meggawatts
  28. Offline


    Alright, I've had enough.
    VoxelSniper v4.753 is out now.
    You can download it from our VoxelWiki

    With the changes added to VoxelSniper
    in this current release I am confident
    that anyone can start using it within 3
    minutes of placing the .jar file in their
    /plugins/ folder.

    And if you somehow figure out how to
    not understand and fail at installing
    this piece of software, than some God
    better help you, because you will not
    make it in this world.
  29. Offline


    Ehrm my answer was an "thank you meggawatt it works all fine now"
    Nothing else.
    You should go and post your sucking bad answers in a forum with people in the same age.
    So fuck up with your damet bad answers like "you have to write it in every motherfucking line"
    I just wanted a simple answer and meggawatt gave me a really exact answer.
    If you don't know it or can't read proberly, just let it.
  30. Offline


    @RamTam @przerwap
    Calm down boys.

    and using snipers.txt outside of VoxelSniper folder is kinda lame if you don't mind me saying ;)
  31. Offline


    How long have you been here plague?
    Since January, eh?
    Well guess what. VoxelSniper was started back in early December.

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