[EDIT] FlatEarth v0.8 - makes bedrock flat, multiworld/nether [1.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by flames, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. Offline


    How easy is it with this plugin to make a 1k x 1k flat area? (2gigs dedicated ram server :) its pain with world edit and i crash the server way to often lol

    EDIT: well it can be 500 x 500 whatever
  2. Offline


    you can change the radius limits in config. be careful, 1000x1000 blocks area could hit your server extremely for a while or lead you to out of memory. after you set higher radius limits you can use the command /flatearth radius
    flatearth makes only bedrock flat, not the whole terrain. terrain flatting is on todo list, i will implement that when i have some more sparetime.
    if you jsut want a big hole with flat bedrock
    /flatearth 500
    /freespace 500
    this would give you an area of 1000x1000 blocks w/o any terrain, only flat bedrock on most bottom level.

    edit: works with RB 818
  3. Offline


    Nice plugin man! Downloading it now!
  4. Offline


  5. Offline


    not tested yet, but i am sure it works with 860. will test tomorrow and update the topic
    Bjourk likes this.
  6. Offline


    Pull request.
  7. Offline


    Hey, is this plugin permissions compatible or getting permissions support? If not, I request it, if you take requests for features. My server doesn't use OP for anything at all, and I'd hate to break that standard.
  8. Offline


    @keyosuke: wtf, ever tried to read the description? this topic is anything else that big and spammy, so just go to first page to find out.
  9. Offline


    Thanks a lot for this!
  10. Offline


    Feature request:
    Ignore worlds / Choose worlds

    Add a list of worlds to the Config.yml to either ignore, or use. Preferably "ignore"
  11. Offline


    Good plugin, Even though one could just use WorldEdit :p
  12. Offline


    Is WorldEdit automated? Nupe.
  13. Offline


    Grr you win...
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    Doesn't seem to work with the 1.8.1 builds of bukkit, with onmove on or off.
  16. Offline


    I can confirm this. Ended up using FlatBed instead.
  17. Offline


    link to flatbed?
  18. Offline


  19. Offline


    any errors in console? it works for me. i will look into the issue, this plugin will definitely be updated soon.
  20. Offline


    @flames Did you get my pull requests?
  21. Offline


    @but2002, yes, thanks, they will bee also implemented along with some new features, as soon as i get back to my dev envoironment :)
  22. Offline


    flatbed doesnt work for me.
  23. Offline


    Hey flames,

    Can you update your Plugin of the Buildversion 1818???
  24. Offline


    oh, will do ofcourse, i assumed nobody uses it anymore. glad to see someone does :)
  25. Offline


    Of course use we this great Plugin. ;)

    Its very simple to use. :)

    But in the latest version, the "flatearth.onmove" do not work for the PermissionsBukkit Plugin

    And can you make that in the nether the Bedrock convert to Netherstone and not to Clearstone?

    Or you make that we can decide to what the Bedrock convert?

    What you mean?

    Thx for the development. :)
  26. Offline


    i will make so you can decide. will update it tomorrow to make it work with latest build. but, uh, permissionsbukkit... damn. i will try, no promise.
  27. Offline


    Oh, THX, i hope you bring it to work.

    But in the Changelog is "Permissions"

    What for a Permissions mean you?
  28. Offline


    with "Permissions" i meant permissiossion 2.x by Nijikokun. 0.7 is long time back ;)
    there is 0.8 for you, but not with superperms support yet, but next version.
  29. Offline


    Hey Flames,

    FlatEarth do not create a Config, is that normal?

    I use now Bukkit 1846 R3.
  30. Offline


    no, it doesnt, i let this away to keep code lightwight :)

    just create a folder "flatearth" and create in this folder the file "configuration.yml with following options:

    the example contains flatearth default settings
    maxflatradius = 250; // be very carefull, too big values could make your  server unresponsive for a while
    maxfreeradius = 50; // be very carefull, too big values could make your  server unresponsive for a while
    netherblock = 87; // block type id to replace bedrock in levels 1-4 and 123-126 in nether environment (level 0 and 127 is everything replaced by bedrock, id 7)
    normalblock = 1; // block type id to replace bedrock in levels 1-4 in normal world environment (level 0 is everything replaced by bedrock, id 7)
    radius = 8; // makes a square of 16x16 blocks around player

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