
Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Kambodianking, Jun 12, 2014.

  1. Offline


    Hi guys I had this idea for a new plugin similar to economypvp but it's different
    Here's what I think

    -Cost X money to make a business
    -Many options for the type of business (Resturant,Builder,Miner, Etc.)
    -Each employe makes a contract to their standards, for their pay and work ( 64 wood=10 dollars) example
    -Map starts normal but then developers cut down forests and sell the land
    -Basic shops for starters
    -You starve to death every 70 mins with no food (7 mc days)
  2. Offline


    This is in vanilla, except the currency is emeralds, and the "shops" are villagers :p

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