Inactive [Economy] PointShop - Buy items, cmds and more with points [1.2.3-R0.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by black_ixx, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. This plugin allows players to buy items, commands and more with Points. PlayerPoints is needed for this.

    • Buy items
    • Buy commands
    • Add items to buy
    • Add commands to buy
    • Configurable
    • Permissions Support
    • Add configurable prices
    • Economy Support (Vault is needed) (optional)
    • Buy money/points for points/money
    • Configurable amount of money/points you have to pay for one point/money

    • /ps buy <item/cmd/money/points> <name>
    • /ps list <item/cmd> <page>

    • PointShop.list

  2. Offline


    How can you get points? Setting points? How does Money work with this?
  3. There is a second plugin (PlayerPoints), which allows to give players points. And you can buy money with points/buy points with money (full configurable). I will add a third plugin soon, which allows, to get money in different ways: kill mobs, kill players, build things, be online etc.
  4. Soo using this on server, now they can BUY tp.
  5. Offline


    can you add buy permission temporary(with support for permissionsex,groups manager and another?)
  6. Yeah. Atm the plugin has only PEX and PermissionsBukkit support, and you can buy Perms, TimePerms and PermSets.
    I will add groupmanager support now.
  7. Offline


    This is the plugin everyone has been waiting for! The only reason I found this plugin is because I was bored so i checked this out! People get the wrong idea. You deserve unlimited [diamond]'s and [cake]!
  8. Changed title to
    [Economy] PointShop - Buy items, cmds and more with points [1.2.3-R0.2]
  9. Offline


    For some reason it is not working for me when I have enough points and try to buy something it says I do not have enough points.
  10. Offline


    Could you make this work with a php script so i can display on my website how many points a player has and a online shop of what they can purchase would be amazing :3
  11. Offline


    You can use WebSend for that...

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