Economy Dynamic Gold Price

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Strernd, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Hello Guys,
    I need someone to make a Plugin for me (shouldn't be that hard).
    The things it should do is:
    give the player the option to sell and buy gold ingots for an updating price.
    There will be an price algorithm that calculates the price of the gold new every (day, 3 hours, how you want it). And it needs to sell to Iconomy. So basically i want a plugin for dynamic gold price with /buy and /sell option.

    Please tell me if its possible!
  2. Yes it is possible and not that hard I think.
    I don't know how to hook into iConomy yet, but I will learn it and then start to write the plugin, sounds interesting. But how do you want to calculate the price? Randomly or with the amount of bought/sold gold ingots (So price gets lower, if many people sell gold)?

    There are many, many shop plugins which do the job, but you just want to have a plugin for gold? Lightweight and easy? =)

    /edit: I'm working on it, works fine but still have problems with iConomy. I think it will be ready tommorow (1.9.) =)
  3. Offline


  4. It's different, first of all it has much, much functions which he don't need. And there you trade with other players, but I understood that he want's to trade with the server!?
  5. Offline


    With that plugin you can sell and buy gold for iConomy currency. The price depends on how much gold is sold and bought. In another thread Sternd also asked for a shop system, so i thought this would be the right plugin.

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