[ECON] Jobs - The Job plugin for minecraft [BukkitDev]

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Releases' started by phrstbrn, Jun 27, 2011.

  1. Offline


    can the developer add compatibility with ä,ü,ö? thanks
  2. Offline


    my server is lagging sometimes so i nstalled nocheat and created a log ((nl examine)
    and found out that the PlayerQuitEvent of this Jobs Plugin is causing little laggs compared to the other tasks of this plugin...

    Total duration: 353.756 ms / 3000 ticks
    Average duration: 0.118 ms/tick
    Selected event: PlayerQuitEvent[MONITOR]
    Plugin: Jobs
    Location: class me.zford.jobs.bukkit.listeners.JobsListener

    pls fix this! thanks
  3. Offline


    Plz just fix this:
    2012-06-21 02:10:41 [INFO] [Jobs] Enabling Jobs v2.8.4
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Houthakker has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Miner has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Bouwer has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Graver has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Farmer has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Jager has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Visser has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job None has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [INFO] [Jobs] [Jobs] Successfully linked with Vault.
    2012-06-21 02:10:43 [INFO] [Jobs] Plugin has been enabled succesfully.
    many people have that error!
  4. Offline


    pls fix the performance issue
    the task PlayerQuitEvent causes laggs to my server...pls fix this
  5. Offline


    Do not bother, he doesn't respond on our problems/errors. I hope he hasn't abandoned this project.
  6. Offline


    do you know how i can remove the permission for someone to 'join' a job in Groupmanager while still allowing them to use the plugin, i want players to have jobs but i want to determine which job they get and when they switch, i saw under permissions you have "jobs.join.jobname: false" so i tried using that as a permission replacing the 'jobname' with the actual name like 'forester' with no luck, do you know how i could remedy this? ty for your time :3
  7. Offline


    My JobsConfig.yml is completely empty ?
  8. Offline


    Yes you can, for example if you wanted the miner to get paid when (s)he mines block ID 140 you would add
            income: 5.0
            experience: 5.0
    and edit it to whatever income/experience you want.

    My server console is flooded with this. I'm running a modded server. http://pastebin.com/83vm3ZZX

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  9. Offline


    Nope Fixed :D

    Nom, how to get banner working on here ?

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  10. Offline


    this task causes laggs too

    Total duration: 2207.173 ms / 30000 ticks
    Average duration: 0.074 ms/tick
    Selected task: Task #51
    Plugin: Jobs
    Location: me.zford.jobs.tasks.DatabaseSaveTask



  11. Offline


    Great plugin but like people above me it lags my server. It's a critical plugin for my server so please update it and I will even donate some.

  12. Offline


    help there is a problem :(

    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [INFO] [Jobs] Enabling Jobs v2.8.4
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Woodcutter has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Miner has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Builder has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Digger has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Farmer has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Hunter has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Fisherman has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job None has an invalid Player Kill type property. Skipping!
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [INFO] [Jobs] [Jobs] Successfully linked with Vault.
    2012-06-26 23:12:36 [INFO] [Jobs] Plugin has been enabled succesfully.

    note: ich have used the config from here


    and another problem the jobs plugin has a problem with another plugin (treeassist)
    the woodcutter not bekome exp and money why not?

    please help

    sorry for this bad english iam german
    goldencreeper likes this.
  13. Offline


    Check your restricted area's (use all your worlds).
  14. Offline


    Please Help,
    I have installed jobs to my plugin folder.
    I used the default jobConfig.yml file from the form.
    Ran my server then i got some errors in my console.
    Below is a picture of the console.
    I have re-installed the plugin.
    BMXEDWIN likes this.
  15. Offline


    I have that too! Plz someone fix it!
    goldencreeper likes this.
  16. Offline


    At least im not lonely
    but seriously someone plz help I love this plugin
  17. Offline

    Noah Thomas

    Okay, so I installed BOSEconomy, Jobs, and Vault, and everything is set up (including the jobs yml). I can join, browse and gain experience from all the jobs OK but its not putting any money in my account, for some reason, please help! Thanks.
  18. Offline


    Thanks for fixing my error!
  19. Offline


    Is it possible to make it so they don't level up?
  20. Offline


    On the server I was on some jobs ended up being disabled do to exploits e.g. water harvesting sugarcane to where someone made over 200k in one day. I was wonder if you could set it up to where people need to use the appropriate tools for breaking? e.g. axe with wood, hoe on plants, etc to prevent these types things, or at least make it easy to configure it that way? Apparently smithing also has some kind a exploit too, dunno much about it though. Also with it I would suggest setting up the references for tools in a config file so that other tools from other mods can be added.
  21. Help I get this!!!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Woodcutter has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Miner has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Builder has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Digger has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Farmer has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Hunter has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Fisherman has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Weaponsmith has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Brewer has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job Enchanter has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!
    2012-06-30 22:50:27 [SEVERE] [Jobs] Job None has an invalid leveling-progression-equation property. Skipping job!

    Why?!? I need this plugin soon please help me!!
  22. Offline


    Attached Files:

  23. Offline


    my jobsconfig is empty
  24. Offline


    He when i run my server the jobs.config file is reset every time.
    its really annoying.
    Can any 1 help?

    Same it resets when the server is run
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  25. Offline


    I have been unable to find a way to pay people for cooking food. I can do cakes and things that come out of the crafting table with craft. I can pay people for smelting iron and gold with smelt, but I can't find a comment that will let me pay someone for cooking a chicken.
  26. Offline


    Have you tried this?

    You can do this with the ModifyWorld addon for PermissionsEx. You could even make it so the limitations only apply to the people with that job.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016
  27. I have a problem with my "JobConfig.yml". There are two professions that do not work: "Herboriste" and "Magicien". If someone can help me, this is my "JobConfig.yml" :
  28. Offline


    You know, I tried smelt, but I can't say for sure I choose the right chicken. I think I might have done the raw chicken. (going the wrong way with it.) I'll try it. thank you.
  29. Offline


    I would help but I don't want to download your file. Please use pastebin.com

    You're welcome. Let me know how it works, I'm trying to figure out the extents of what Jobs can do. Currently I'm trying to find a way to pay farmers for shearing sheep.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2016

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