Inactive [ECON] GlobalShop v0.6 - A simple global shop provided through commands [1337]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Phate123, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Offline


    GlobalShop - simple global shop that uses iConomy:
    Version: v0.6

    have a look at the GlobalShop BukkitDev Page:

    you will need some economy plugin installed. GlobalShop provides support for iConomy 4, 5, & 6+, BOSEconomy 6 & 7, Essentials Economy 2.2.17+, MultiCurrency thx to Nijikokun's Register API. Register is implemented in GlobalShop so you don't need to install it seperately!

    Now supporting SuperPerms. If you don't want to use SuperPerms GlobalShop still supports Yeti's Permissions.

    This shop is used through commands. At moment where are five of it:
    • /price (name|id) -> Shows you the price you must pay to buy name|id
    • /buy (name|id) [amount] -> Buy name|id with optional amount
    • /checksell -> Shows you the money you would get for the item you are holding
    • /sell -> Sells the item you are holding
    • /shop reload -> Reloads the config of GlobalShop
    There are ParentPermissions for SuperPerms:* and globalshop.admin.*
    • '' -> Allow /buy and /price
    • '' -> Allow /sell and /checksell
    • 'globalshop.admin.reload' -> Allow /shop reload
    • Shop that can be accessed from everywhere
    • You can add customizable item names
    • Damage/Color can be defined in config. So you can sell for example black_wool
    • Considers the durability of an item to calculate the selling price
    • You can set the sellratio. This defines how much money you get for selling an item. Default is 80%
    • All commands can be renamed to your wish by reconfigurating the aliases in plugin.yml HowTo
    Planned features:
    • Setting up prices with commands
    • Writeout of a HTML-File where all prices can be viewed
    Sample Config File:
    #GlobalShop 0.6 by Phate
    #Configuration File
    #Use Yeti's Permissions system?
    useYetiPerm: false
    #Here the sale ratio is determined
    buysell: 0.8
    #Here the shops Item- and Pricelist is determined
    #This is how the items are defined:
    #- ItemID:ItemName:Amount:Price(:Damage/Color)
    - 1:stone:64:10.00
    - 4:cobblestone:64:7.00
    - 278:diamond_pickaxe:1:160.00
    - 35:white_wool:64:14.00:0
    - 35:black_wool:64:16.00:15


    Version 0.6
    • removed permissions out of command nodes in plugin.yml to avoid "Bukkit is sad ..."
    • Bugfix: non player command handling
    Version 0.6b2
    • Superperms support
    • Changed namespace for implemented Register
    Version 0.6b1
    • Implemented Nijikokun's Register to support more plugins
    • Support for < RB1000
    Version 0.5.2
    • Bugfixing Permissionhandling if no permissions plugin is installed
  2. Offline


    Can you set this up so you can use /sell (item name) instead of having to have the item in hand? its kinda a pian to get the item out every time
  3. Offline


    No issues at all, runs like a dream and provides the first step into an economy. Nice work

    Having just said that, the commands are not responding to me now.

    Correct me if I am wrong here, but I am trying /buy 1:stone 64 and /buy 1 and /buy 1 64... none of them are working. Is it my lack of understanding to the commands or an error?

    Aha I sorted it. It was just spaces in the coding on the config, and it all works fine. I would recommend this to anyone who wants an easy to use shop :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  4. Offline


    --#GlobalShop 0.5.2 by Phate
    #Configuration File
    #Here the sale ratio is determined
    buysell: 0.8
    #Here the shops Item- and Pricelist is determined
    #This is how the items are defined:
    #- ItemID:ItemName:Amount:Price(:Damage/Color)
    - 1:stone:1:5.00
    - 2:grass:1:4.00
    - 3:dirt:1:2.00
    - 4:cobblestone:1:3.00
    - 5:wood:1:2.00
    - 6:sapling:1:1.00
    - 12:sand:1:4.00
    - 13:gravel:1:4.00
    - 17:log:1:8.00
    - 18:leaves:1:4.00
    - 20:glass:1:5.00
    - 22:lapislazuli:1:13.00
    - 23:dispenser:1:44.00
    - 24:black_wool:64:16.00:15
    - 25:iron_shovel:1:60.00
    - 27:poweredrail:1:28.00
    - 28:detectorrail:1:26.00
    - 29:stickypiston:1:25.00
    - 33:piston:1:20.00
    - 35:white_wool:1:5:00:0
    - 35:orange_wool:1:5:00:1
    - 35:magenta_wool:1:5:00:2
    - 35:light_blue_wool:1:5:00:3
    - 35:yellow_wool:1:5:00:4
    - 35:light_green_wool:1:5:00:5
    - 35:pink_wool:1:5.00:6
    - 35:gray_wool:1:5.00:7
    - 35:cyan_wool:1:5.00:9
    - 35:purple_wool:1:5.00:10
    - 35:blue_wool:1:5.00:11
    - 35:brown_wool:1:5.00:12
    - 35:dark_green_wool:1:5.00:13
    - 35:red_wool:1:5.00:14
    - 35:black_wool:1:5.00:15
    - 37:yellowflower:1:1.00
    - 38:redrose:1:1.00
    - 39:brownmushroom:1:5.00
    - 40:redmushroom:1:7.00
    - 41:goldblock:1:450.00
    - 42:ironblock:1:360.00
    - 43:stoneslab:1:10.00
    - 44:stoneslab:1:7.00
    - 45:brick:1:17.00
    - 47:bookcase:1:36.00
    - 48:mossycobblestone:1:14.00
    - 49:obsidian:1:50.00
    - 50:torch:4:3.00
    - 53:woodenstairs:1:6.00
    - 54:chest:1:16.00
    - 57:diamondblock:1:720.00
    - 58:workbench:1:9.00
    - 61:furnace:1:24.00
    - 65:ladder:1:7.00
    - 66:rails:1:16.00
    - 67:cobblestonestairs:1:9.00
    - 69:lever:1:5.00
    - 70:stonepressureplate:1:15.00
    - 72:woodenpressureplate:1:6.00
    - 76:redstonetorch:1:5.00
    - 77:stonebutton:1:10.00
    - 81:cactus:1:2.00
    - 84:jukebox:1:96.00
    - 85:fence:1:12.00
    - 86:pumpkin:1:3.00
    - 87:netherrack:1:6.00
    - 88:soulsand:1:5.00
    - 89:glowstone:1:18.00
    - 256:ironshovel:1:44.00
    - 257:ironpickaxe:1:124.00
    - 258:ironaxe:1:124.00
    - 259:flintandsteel:1:43.00
    - 260:apple:1:20.00
    - 261:bow:1:16.00
    - 262:arrow:1:2.00
    - 263:coal:1:3.00
    - 264:diamond:1:80.00
    - 265:ironingot:1:40.00
    - 266:goldingot:1:50.00
    - 267:ironsword:1:82.00
    - 268:woodensword:1:5.00
    - 269:woodenshovel:1:4.00
    - 270:woodenpickaxe:1:8.00
    - 271:woodenaxe:1:8.00
    - 272:stonesword:1:7.00
    - 273:stoneshovel:1:5.00
    - 274:stonepickaxe:1:11.00
    - 275:stoneaxe:1:11.00
    - 276:diamondsword:161.00
    - 277:diamondshovel:1:82.00
    - 278:diamondpickaxe:1:242.00
    - 279:diamondaxe:1:242.00
    - 280:stick:1:2.00
    - 281:bowl:1:2.00
    - 282:mushroomsoup:1:14.00
    - 283:goldsword:1:101.00
    - 284:goldshovel:1:82.00
    - 285:goldpickaxe:1:242.00
    - 286:goldaxe:1:242.00
    - 287:string:1:4.00
    - 289:gunpowder:1:20.00
    - 290:woodenhoe:1:6.00
    - 291:stonehoe:1:12.00
    - 292:ironhoe:1:82.00
    - 293:diamondhoe:1:162.00
    - 294:goldhoe:1:102.00
    - 296:seeds:1:2.00
    - 297:bread:1:9.00
    - 298:leatherhelmet:1:25.00
    - 299:leatherchestplate:1:40.00
    - 300:leatherpants:1:35.00
    - 301:leatherboots:1:20.00
    - 306:ironhelmet:1:200.00
    - 307:ironchestplate:1:320.00
    - 308:ironpants:1:280.00
    - 309:ironboots:1:160.00
    - 310:diamondhelmet:1:400.00
    - 311:diamondchestplate:1:640.00
    - 312:diamondpants:1:560.00
    - 313:diamondboots:1:320.00
    - 314:goldhelmet:1:250.00
    - 315:goldchestplate:1:400.00
    - 316:goldpants:1:350.00
    - 317:goldboots:1:200.00
    - 318:flint:1:3.00
    - 319:pork:1:6.00
    - 320:grilledpork:1:8.00
    - 321:paintings:1:13.00
    - 322:goldenapple:1:3620.00
    - 323:sign:1:11.00
    - 324:woodendoor:1:12.00
    - 325:bucket:1:120.00
    - 328:minecart:1:200.00
    - 329:saddle:1:18.00
    - 330:irondoor:1:240.00
    - 331:redstonedust:1:4.00
    - 332:snowball:1:2.00
    - 333:boat:1:10.00
    - 334:leather:1:5.00
    - 335:milkbucket:1:122.00
    - 336:claybrick:1:4.00
    - 337:clay:1:3.00
    - 338:reed:1:3.00
    - 339:paper:1:4.00
    - 340:book:1:12.00
    - 341:slimeball:1:4.00
    - 342:storageminecart:1:216.00
    - 343:poweredminecart:1:224.00
    - 344:egg:1:4.00
    - 345:compass:1:164.00
    - 346:fishingrod:1:11.00
    - 347:watch:1:204.00
    - 348:glowstonedust:1:2.00
    - 349:rawfish:1:3.00
    - 350:cookedfish:1:5.00
    - 351:inksack:1:2.00
    - 352:bone:1:5.00
    - 353:sugar:1:5.00
    - 354:cake:1:28.00
    - 355:bed:1:10.00
    - 356:redstonerepeater:1:12.00
    - 357:cookie:1:6.00
    - 358:shears:1:70.00
    - 2556:goldmusicdisk:1:90.00
    - 2257:greenrecord:1:90.00
    Having problems as keleus shopitems.wrong size?? please help
  5. Offline


    i get this error when i start my server

    18:07:41 [INFO] [GlobalShop] by Phate. Plugin Enabled. (version 0.5.2)
    18:07:41 [INFO] [GlobalShop] Good. iConomy found.
    18:07:41 [INFO] [GlobalShop] Loading Configuration...
    18:07:41 [INFO] [GlobalShop] Error reading ShopItems. Your config.yml is incorrect.
    18:07:41 [INFO] [GlobalShop] by Phate. Plugin Disabled. (version 0.5.2)
    18:07:41 [INFO] [GlobalShop] Disabling...
    18:07:41 [INFO] [GlobalShop] Permission system found and successfully hooked into.

    what do i do????
  6. Offline


    Whenever I do /checksell <anything>, it always says "You will get 8.80 Dollars for that.", even if its not for sale.
  7. Offline


    Helloo I love your plugin, but Are u able to update it so it is compatible with the latest iConomy please :D
  8. Offline


    how do you stop it from conflicting with essentials
  9. Offline


    hey Phate!
    Please update the plugin.
    It doesn't works with the new version.
  10. Offline


    Yes please update..
    your Plugin is the only one which one I need :(
    Don't need chest plugin and these shit only yours :(
  11. Offline


    Think you can make the prices fluctuate? For instance: If I buy a gold ingot @ $30 then the next time I buy a gold ingot it would be @ $31, and if I sell 2 x gold ingots after that then it would bring the price down to $29. Being able to adjust how much the price fluctuates would be even more awesome (i.e. .1% vs .2% +/-) and making it multi-relational would even add more to it (i.e. selling gold brings the price of diamond down too)
  12. Offline


    "Bukkit sad. Bukkit want you to access command, but Bukkit cannot let you. Bukkit will leak tears :'("

    Not compatable with b1185?

    08:37:32 [INFO] [GlobalShop] by Phate. Plugin Enabled. (version 0.5.2)
    08:37:32 [INFO] [GlobalShop] Good. iConomy found.
    08:37:32 [INFO] [GlobalShop] Loading Configuration...
    08:37:32 [INFO] [GlobalShop] Configuration loaded.
    08:37:32 [INFO] [GlobalShop] Permission system found and successfully hooked into.
    I am an op and my permissions are - '*'
  13. Offline


    Here is a link to a PreRelease Build (version 0.6b1).
    It seems to be stable so far, I didn't got any errors while using on my server. I will release the Version 0.6 when I have implemented PermissionsBukkit.

    For now 0.6b1 will bring you:
    - Support for B1185
    - Support for nearly all Economy Plugins including iConomy 6, BOSEconomy, etc (thx to Nijikokun's Register)
    - Better messages if you have errors in your config.
    - If you don't want to use the old Permissions System (Yeti) GlobalShop will accept SuperpermsBridge (I'm using it this way)

    @Clucky This should fix your problems.
  14. Offline


    When I started the Server with the latest version, everything works fine, but after a few days I noticed, global Shop does not work anymore... Now I get this message when I start the server:

    2011-10-04 22:20:40 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to GlobalShop java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static method com.nijikokun.register.payment.Methods.hasMethod()Z at phate.GlobalShop.gsListener.onPluginEnable( at$47.execute( at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( at at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin( at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init( at at
  15. Offline


    Whenever i try to run a command i says that an internal error occurred and it does nothing...
    here is the log:

    2011-10-06 00:11:01 [INFO] [GlobalShop] onCommand
    2011-10-06 00:11:09 [INFO] [GlobalShop] onCommand
    2011-10-06 00:11:09 [SEVERE] null
    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'gs_buy' in plugin GlobalShop v0.6b1
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at phate.GlobalShop.GlobalShop.onCommand(
        at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
        ... 13 more
  16. Offline


    Do you have a video of you using this?
  17. Offline


    I am getting the same error as danielfdsilva. Please fix this soon. Thanks for updating it!
  18. Offline


    #GlobalShop 0.6b1 by Phate
    #Configuration File

    #Here the sale ratio is determined
    buysell: 0.2

    #Here the shops Item- and Pricelist is determined
    #This is how the items are defined:
    #- ItemID:ItemName:Amount:price:)Damage/Color)
    - 1:stone:16:15.00
    - 3:dirt:16:4.00
    - 4:cobblestone:16:8.00
    - 5:wooden_plank:16:8.00
    - 6:sapling:4:8.00
    - 12:sand:16:32.00
    - 13:gravel:16:32.00
    - 17:wood:8:20.00
    - 20:glass:16:45.00
    - 22:lapis_lazuli_block:1:80.00
    - 23:dispenser:1:13.00
    - 24:sandstone:16:40.00
    - 25:note_block:1:7.00
    - 27:powered_rail:3:90.00
    - 28:detector_rail:1:65.00
    - 29:sticky_piston:1:40.00
    - 33:piston:1:25.00
    - 35:wool:4:4.00
    - 37:dandelion:4:20.00
    - 38:rose:4:20.00
    - 39:brown_mushroom:4:1.00
    - 40:red_mushroom:4:1.00
    - 41:block_of_gold:1:45.00
    - 42:block_of_iron:1:90.00
    - 45:brick_block:8:32.00
    - 46:TNT:1:400.00
    - 47:bookshelf:1:20.00
    - 49:eek:bsidian:2:350.00
    - 50:torch:16:4.00
    - 54:chest:1:5.00
    - 57:block_of_diamond:1:800.00
    - 65:ladders:8:8.00
    - 66:rails:3:210.0
    - 69:lever:1:5.00
    - 81:cactus:4:8.00
    - 85:fence:8:6.00
    - 86:pumpkin:1:40.00
    - 87:netherrack:16:64.00
    - 88:soul_sand:4:8.00
    - 89:glowstone_brick:4:20.00
    - 91:jack-O-lantern:1:40.00
    - 98:stone_brick:8:10.00
    - 101:iron_bars:4:40.00
    - 102:glass_pane:16:35.00
    - 103:melon:1:36.00
    - 107:fence_gate:2:5.00
    - 259:flint_and_steel:1:18.00
    - 260:red_apple:1:80.00
    - 262:arrow:8:36.00
    - 263:coal:8:16.00
    - 264:diamond:2:180.00
    - 265:iron_ingot:4:40.00
    - 266:gold_ingot:4:20.00
    - 280:stick:16:2.00
    - 287:string:4:8.00
    - 288:feather:4:14.00
    - 289:gunpowder:4:90.00
    - 295:seeds:8:4.00
    - 296:wheat:8:16.00
    - 297:bread:4:20.00
    - 318:flint:4:20.00
    - 319:raw_porkchop:4:8.00
    - 320:cooked_porkchop:4:12.00
    - 321:paintings:1:20.00
    - 324:wooden_door:1:4.00
    - 325:bucket:1:32.00
    - 328:minecart:1:55.00
    - 329:saddle:1:500.00
    - 330:iron_door:1:65.00
    - 331:redstone:4:8.00
    - 332:snowballs:8:2.00
    - 334:leather:4:4.00
    - 335:milk:1:35.00
    - 336:clay_bricks:16:16.00
    - 338:suger_cane:8:16.00
    - 341:slime_ball:4:72.00
    - 344:egg:4:4.00
    - 345:compass:1:45.00
    - 347:clock:1:25.00
    - 348:glowstone_dust:4:5.00
    - 349:raw_fish:4:12.00
    - 350:cooked_fish:4:15.00
    - 352:bone:4:1.00
    - 353:sugar:8:10.00
    - 354:cake:1:120.00
    - 355:bed:1:5.00
    - 357:cookie:4:25.00
    - 360:melon_slice:4:6.00
    - 362:melon_seeds:2:6.00
    - 363:raw_beef:4:8.00
    - 364:steak:4:12.00
    - 365:raw_chicken:4:8.00
    - 366:cooked_chicken:4:12.00
    - 367:rotten_flesh:4:4.00
    - 368:ender_pearl:4:20.00

    i cant get this to work, cant pull up prices ingame, cant sell anything, or buy, nuthin.

    Any ideas?

    (excuse the smilys, cant disable them)
  19. Offline


    Where and how?
  20. Offline


    I love your plugin! I would also donate! 1. you have no donate button. 2. it doesnt work with 1240 ??
    i use:
    cb b 1240
    jobs v 2.5.4
    your 6.1 version global shop
    log file:
    2011-10-09 23:27:44 [SEVERE] Could not pass event PLUGIN_ENABLE to GlobalShop
    java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static method com.nijikokun.register.payment.Methods.hasMethod()Z
        at phate.GlobalShop.gsListener.onPluginEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(
        at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload(
        at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute(
        at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
        at org.getspout.spout.SpoutNetServerHandler.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    2011-10-09 23:27:44 [INFO] Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]
  21. Offline


    Phate123, GREAT plugin. Any chance you can add the command /price list to get a list of the items in the shop? I realize it would be long but could be chopped up into 'pages'.
  22. Offline


    Are you going to update your Plugin next time?
    Your plugin is the only Plugin that is simple to use and through commands..
  23. Offline


    I will always update the plugin if it won't run on the newest bukkit version, or something important must be changed. This is because I use it on my own server.

    I would love to spend more time on this plugin but I have many more things to do. I have some good ideas I would like to implement but I don't find the time for it.

    I know that there should be some list. But I don't like the idea of a ingame list because it's seams very unhandy to me. I thought much more about a html file or a json string to include in the server homepage.

    @ all who have problem with the plugin
    I can't reproduce your problems. On my server it's running very smooth. I will upload a new version today or tomorrow. Maybe this is better.
  24. Offline


    At least a ingame list command would be nice till you build something else. We really need it on my server. Right now we have a short list in our server announcements, but its sloppy and not always up-to-date.
  25. Offline


    i cant figure out why i'm getting this error when i try /buy

    org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'buy' in plugin GlobalShop v0.6b1
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.handleCommand(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.Packet3Chat.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
            at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:108)
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
            at phate.GlobalShop.GlobalShop.onCommand(
            at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
            ... 12 more
    the weird thing is my linux server with the same settings works and my win7 test server generates this error.
    the only difference between the servers is the win7 one has the register plugin, i think that must be the problem.
  26. Offline


    Maybe it's really a Win 7 problem. That would explain why I can't reproduce that. My test server is on Mac OSX and the productive one is based on Debian Linux. Maybe I will setup one on Windows. Somewhere must lie a pc with windows. ;-)

    What do you mean with register plugin? Do you mean the Register from Nijikokun? That isn't a plugin. That is a something like a wraper for plugin developers to implement. Nothing to install on a server. This could cause a problem if you have that installed because Nijikokun's Register is already included in GlobalShop.

    Could all who have a problem tell me what plugins they use and which build of bukkit? For check I'm using it on Build 1240 with iConomy 5 on productive and iConomy 6 on testing.

    @Machete.Panda I will think about it. If I find time I will implement that. It's not really a problem. But at first I must solve the not working problem others have.

    So this is v0.6b2:
    Now with BukkitPermissions and maybe the bugfix to the problems you all have.
    Tested against RB #1317

    This introduces a new config file line: useYetiPerm which defaults to true if not present.
    This is a new sample config:

    The permission nodes are the same as before. There are parentpermissions for superperms like before in Yeti's:* and globalshop.admin.*

    Please inform me if your problems are solved.

    I'll update the first post accordingly in the next days.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  27. Offline


    Show Spoiler

    everythings working great! had to use warpz0r, for some reason over9000homes stopped hooking into Register.
  28. Offline


    That would be great. I changed the namespace for my implemented Register so it shouldn't interfere any plugins anymore. I still implement Register because I think plugin users should not be bothered with such a thing ;-) Just install the plugin and it should work.
  29. Offline


    yup, everything is good now, your the shit!
  30. Offline


    Just what I've been searching for some time now! Great plugin, running flawlessly!

    @All: Remember to use a matching editor for the config.yml file, Notepad++ should be fine.
  31. Offline


    it still says something about bukkit sad or something like that. my permissions are '*' so i have no idea why its doing this, i keep myself deoped however if i were opped it would work. here is my config:
    #GlobalShop 0.6 by Phate
    #Configuration File
    #Use Yeti's Permissions system?
    useYetiPerm: true
    #Here the sale ratio is determined
    buysell: 0.8
    #Here the shops Item- and Pricelist is determined
    #This is how the items are defined:
    #- ItemID:ItemName:Amount:Price(:Damage/Color)
    - 266:stone:1:1.00
    The version i am using is: GlobalShop v0.6b2

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