XPConomy is a plugin that allows players to send other players levels of experience. Commands: Aliases: /xp,/exp,/experience,/xpconomy /xp give command increases the <player's> xp amount Usage: /xp give <Player> <amount> Example: /xp give Notch 80 /xp send command increases the target's xp while decreasing the senders Usage: /xp send <Player> <amount> Example: /xp send Notch 20 Permissions Nodes: xpconomy.* - Gives permission to all xpconomy commands. xpconomy.xp.give - Gives permission for the /xp give command. Defaults to false xpconomy.xp.send - Gives permission for the /xp send command. Defaults to true Changelog: v1.0 *Basic exp trading, plugin Released v1.1 *Added Permissions *Changed /xp give <name> <amount> to /xp send <name> <amount> *Re-purposed /xp give to have it give <player> the amount of xp without depleting the sender's xp. This command is console compatible *Fixed a problem where a person could send a negative amount of xp, thus depleting the the other person's xp *Added several command aliases (xp,exp,experience,xpconomy) *Fixed a couple of errors v1.1.1 *Fixed a problem where giving a player a negative amount of xp greater than their total, would set them in debt *Fixed two more errors v1.1.2 *Fixed error messages sometimes not showing up *Corrected default permissions DevBukkit Thread http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/xpconomy/ Downloads http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/xpconomy/ NOTE: Source code comes with the download Known problems A bug where people can farm exp by collaborating with another player: Thanks to Darkenvy for pointing this out. Please don't tell this to your players =P, I am working on this.
this is cool i have a suggestion spout has a trade window people trade gold through if we could have the ability to turn the xp into a physical item and a way to convert the physical to xp and in the config have an option to change the item heres the trade GUI http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/econ-spouttrade-v1-4-trade-items-using-an-in-game-gui-1597.32432/ id also use an plugin to 1 player per ip to make it harder for mule's and bank alts to stack up xp oh and first post! XD
Looks good! People on my server are always asking to trade xp. Now I just need a plugin that allows you to store xp in a chest or something I will try it out on my server probably later this week. Good job on this!
404 errors! Haha Please quote me when you fix the download link, so I can get an alert. Please and thank you! Looks like a great plugin.
I have done something like this three month ago. With xpShop you can store xp, trade and send xp to offline player. You can create xp shops, change money into xp and something more. Please test xpShop. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/xpShop
Okay this plugin caused chaos. Realize this: it takes 2 exp orbs to get to lvl one. however it takes arouns 20 to get from 49 to 50. you can have someone simply gain lvl 1 over and over and send the exp to someone else. This would only take 100 orbs to get to lvl 50 vs the several hundred required to get to lvl 50
I can see how that would be a problem and will see what I can do to fix. The way to fix it is to figure out how much xp for the next level(s) of the recipient and send that much. It should be out next update.
Cool good to hear. By dealing with raw experience and not levels the issue can be avoided. People were SO excited whent hey heard I was installing EXP trading though. In think this is a well overdue plugin