Inactive [ECON] ecoCreature 0.2.2 - Mob & PVP Rewards [1.4.6]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by mung3r, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. Offline


    ecoCreature 0.2.2 (Belay that nose-picking, Cadet!)
    Mob & PVP Rewards
    More plugins to try:
    MobRider - Finally, a proper use for saddles!
    DeathTpPlus - Death notifications & recall!

    • Coin rewards, coin penalties and drops for:
      • Killing mobs
      • PVP
      • Kill streaks
      • Death streaks
      • Leveling
      • Breaking blocks
    • Share coin rewards with:
    • Increase or decrease coin rewards based on:
      • Biome (swampland, forest, etc.)
      • Environment (normal, nether, etc.)
      • Time of Day (day, night, etc.)
      • Weather (sunny, stormy)
      • Permissions Group (e.g. default, elite, etc.)
      • Factions (neutral, enemy, etc.)
      • Heroes party
      • mcMMO party
      • MobArena participants
      • WorldGuard region
      • Regios region
      • Residence region
      • Towny membership
      • Weapon used
    • Customize items drops to include:
    • DeathTpPlus rewards:
      • Rewards for kill streaks
      • Penalties for death streaks
    • Heroes rewards:
      • Rewards for mastering a class
      • Rewards for leveling
    • mcMMO rewards:
      • Rewards for leveling
    • Prevent exploits:
      • Camping around Mob Spawners
      • Mob farming
      • Limit projectile use (e.g. Bow & Arrow)
    • Multi-world support
    Usage Stats:

    The original ecoCreature was made by ChrisB. All credit goes to him for his creation. Since his plugin has gone inactive since rb740, I have decided to continue doing maintenance updates for his plugin.
  2. Offline


    I'm having trouble figuring out how to configure this the way I'd like; maybe someone here can help.
    I want to leave every mob alone except for zombie pigmen. I want to replace pigmen drops with what they used to drop (0-2 cooked porkchop). I'm using a gold standard economy on my server because it's non-renewable/non-farmable, and the gold nuggets that these pigmen are dropping now are breaking the economy.
  3. Offline


    Remove every entry in the RewardTable except for PigZombie.
  4. Offline


    For somehow I set my creeper to drop enderpearl and what i notice if they get killed by something that is not player
    the drop changed to default

    Can you somehow fix this? or did I do something wrong on my config

            # Round reward amounts to the nearest integer
            # Default : false
            IntegerCurrency: false
            # Give rewards for mob spawner camping
            # Default: false
            AllowCamping: false
            # Clear drops from mobs killed near spawners
            # Default: true
            ClearCampDrops: true
            # How many blocks away from a spawner you need to be to get a reward
            # Default: 7            
            CampRadius: 7
            # Do not drop anything except for rewards defined in this file
            # Default: false
            ClearDefaultDrops: true
            # Replace instead of stack rewards drops/items
            # Default: true
            OverrideDrops: true
            # Do not randomize the amount of drop items - always drop a fixed amount
            # Default: false
            FixedDrops: false
            # Enable rewards for mobs killed with bow & arrow
            # Default: true
            BowRewards: true
            # Enable rewards for killing mobs under sea level
            # Default: true
            AllowUnderSeaLVL: true
            # Enable rewards for kills with tamed creatures (wolves)
            # Default: true
            WolverineMode: true
            # Penalize players when they die. Use PenalizeType to select whether PenalizeAmount
            # is used as a percentage (PenalizeType: true) or a fixed amount (PenalizeType: false)
            # taken from the player.
            # Default: false
            PenalizeDeath: true
            PenalizeType: true
            PenalizeAmount: 0.02
            # Remove drops from mobs killed by farming contraptions (mob death by cacti, falling,
            # drowning or suffocation)
            # Default: false
            NoFarm: true
            # MobArena: allow rewards when players are in the arena
            # Default: false
            MobArenaRewards: false
            # Enable all reward messages
            # Default: true
            Output: true
            # Message players when they get no reward for a kill
            # Default: true
            NoReward: true
            # Message players for camping spawners
            # Default: false
            Spawner: true
            # Custom message for no camping mob spawners
            NoCampMessage: '&7You find no rewards camping monster spawners.'
            # Custom message for no rewards killing with bow & arrow
            NoBowMessage: '&7You find no rewards on this creature.'
            # Custom message for death penalty
            DeathPenaltyMessage: '&7You wake up to find &6<amt>&7 missing from your pockets!'
        # Multiply reward amount based on group (NOTE: requires a permission plugin that
        # supports groups)
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 2.0
                Amount: 2.0
                Amount: 2.0
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 2.0
        # Multiply reward amount based on time period of day/night
        # Multiply reward amount based on environment type
        # Format for Drops:
        # Drop example 1: drop 0 to 5 diamonds 50% of the time
        #   Drops: 'diamond:5:50'
        # Drop example 2: drop 1 to 2 birch leaves 100% of the time
        #   Drops: 'leaves.2:1-2:100'
        # Drop example 3: drop 0 to 5 diamonds 50% of the time AND drop 1 to 2 birch leaves 100% of the time
        #   Drops: 'diamond:5:50;leaves.2:1-2:100'
        # Drop example 4: drop nothing
        #   Drops: ''
        # Drop example 5: drop 0 to 1 diamond swords with a damage_all level 4 enchantment (a.k.a. Sharpness IV) 25% of the time
        #   Drops: 'diamond_sword,damage_all.4:1:25'
        # Drop example 6: drop 0 to 1 potion type 2 (a.k.a. Swiftness) 25% of the time
        #   Drops: 'potion.2:1:25'
        # Drop example 7: go crazy :P
        #   Drops: 'diamond_pickaxe,durability.3:1:25;diamond_sword,damage_all.5:1:25;potion.2:1-1:25'
        # Coin reward examples:
        # Coin example 1: award 0 to 10 coin 50% of the time
        #   Coin_Minimum: 0.0 
        #   Coin_Maximum: 10.0
        #   Coin_percent: 50.0
        # Coin example 2: award 10 coin 100% of the time
        #   Coin_Minimum: 10.0 
        #   Coin_Maximum: 10.0
        #   Coin_percent: 50.0
        # Coin example 3: award nothing
        #   Coin_Minimum: 0.0 
        #   Coin_Maximum: 0.0
        #   Coin_percent: 0.0
        # Coin example 4: penalize 0 to 10 coin 50% of the time
        #   Coin_Minimum: -10
        #   Coin_Maximum: 0
        #   Coin_percent: 50.0
        # Custom reward messages
        #   &[0-9a-f] - color codes
        #   <plr> - display player name in a message
        #   <crt> - display creature name in a message
        #   <amt> - display amount in a message
        #   <itm> - display item used to kill in a message
        # Message examples:
        #   NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 using a &3<itm>.'
        #   Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
        #   Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Coin_Minimum: 3.50
            Coin_Maximum: 3.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Drops: 'string:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 1.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Drops: 'feather:2:75;365:1:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 1.0
            Drops: 'leather:2:75;raw beef:3:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.50
            Coin_Percent: 1.0
            Drops: 'ender pearl:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 5.50
            Coin_Maximum: 10.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Drops: 'ender pearl:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 10.50
            Coin_Maximum: 15.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
        # This reward requires "classic" build of DeathTpPlus here
        # Also note that the penalty amount is multiplied by the number of deaths in the streak.
            Coin_Minimum: -1.00
            Coin_Maximum: -1.00
            Coin_Percent: 100.00
            NoReward_Message: ''
            Reward_Message: '&7You earned &6<amt>&7 for that death streak!'
            Penalty_Message: '&7That death streak cost you &6<amt>&7.'
            Coin_Minimum: 5.00
            Coin_Maximum: 10.50
            Coin_Percent: 100.00
            Drops: 'ender pearl:1:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 3.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Drops: 'sulphur:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 3.50
            Coin_Maximum: 3.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Coin_Minimum: 8.50
            Coin_Maximum: 8.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.00
        # This reward requires "classic" build of DeathTpPlus here
        # Also note that the reward amount is multiplied by the number of kills in the streak.
            Drops: 'diamond:1:100'
            Coin_Minimum: 2.00
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 100.00
            NoReward_Message: ''
            Reward_Message: '&7You earned &6<amt>&7 for that kill streak!'
            Penalty_Message: '&7That kill streak cost you &6<amt>&7.'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.00
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 50.00
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 1.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Drops: 'leather:2:75;raw beef:3:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.50
            Coin_Percent: 1.0
            Drops: 'pork:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.50
            Coin_Percent: 1.0
            Drops: 'grilled pork:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 3.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
        # IMPORTANT NOTE: If you define Drops, and OverrideDrops is set to true, the victim's
        # inventory will be replaced! Also note that the amount awarded is taken from the victim.
            Coin_Minimum: 5.00
            Coin_Maximum: 10.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: ''
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for murdering &5<crt>&7.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for murdering &5<crt>&7.'
            Drops: 'wool:1:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.50
            Coin_Percent: 1.0
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 0.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Drops: 'bone:2:75;arrow:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 3.00
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Drops: 'slime ball:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.00
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 50.00
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 100.0
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 15.00
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: '&7You destroyed a &5<crt>&7 using a &3<itm>&7.'
            Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for destroying a &5<crt>&7.'
            Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for destroying a &5<crt>&7.'
            Drops: 'string:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.50
            Coin_Maximum: 1.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Drops: 'ink sack:3:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 0.10
            Coin_Maximum: 2.50
            Coin_Percent: 1.0
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 1.0
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 2.00
            Coin_Percent: 1.0
            Drops: 'rotten flesh:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 1.00
            Coin_Maximum: 3.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
  5. Offline


    Currently, that is the way ecoCreature works. It only changes drops for things that players kill.
  6. Offline


    Oh ic is there a chance you can implement this? on the next version?
    What happen if I disable noFarm?
  7. Offline


    NoFarm removes mob drops from mobs that die from cacti, falling, drowning or suffocation. Purposely left out fire for now since the drops usually burn up with the mob.
  8. Offline


    I can kill a creeper using flint and it let it drops default drop
    Its not only lava. :/
  9. Offline


    True, but this is meant to prevent auto farming type contraptions. If you want to run around a light them on fire, I think that kind of farming is fine if not borderline.
  10. Offline


    Currently on my server gunpowder is expensive what I did is use that as and advantage now
    I removed gunpowder shop and instruct them how to extract gunpowder on creepers with the use of flint and steel when if they kill the monster normally it will drop enderpearl.
    Anyway Thanks for replaying :D and keep up the awesome plugin :D
  11. Offline


    Maybe you can contact this guy to solve the xp thing.
  12. Offline


    Thanks for the tip but the XP thing has already been figured out.
  13. Offline


    Oops sorry, didn't noticed. You Sir saved my day, big thanks.
    mung3r likes this.
  14. Offline


  15. Offline


    Looks like you used tabs in your YML config file.
  16. Offline


    I've tried that already. They just continue to drop the default items and never drop the porkchops. I've tried editing "default.yml" and I've tried copying it to "world_nether.yml" in the "worlds" directory, but I get no results either way. Here's a copy of what I tried last:
            # Round reward amounts to the nearest integer
            # Default : false
            IntegerCurrency: false
            # Give rewards for mob spawner camping
            # Default: false
            AllowCamping: true
            # Clear drops from mobs killed near spawners
            # Default: true
            ClearCampDrops: false
            # How many blocks away from a spawner you need to be to get a reward
            # Default: 7           
            CampRadius: 0
            # Do not drop anything except for rewards defined in this file
            # Default: false
            ClearDefaultDrops: false
            # Replace instead of stack rewards drops/items
            # Default: true
            OverrideDrops: true
            # Do not randomize the amount of drop items - always drop a fixed amount
            # Default: false
            FixedDrops: false
            # Enable rewards for mobs killed with bow & arrow
            # Default: true
            BowRewards: true
            # Enable rewards for killing mobs under sea level
            # Default: true
            AllowUnderSeaLVL: true
            # Enable rewards for kills with tamed creatures (wolves)
            # Default: true
            WolverineMode: true
            # Penalize players when they die. Use PenalizeType to select whether PenalizeAmount
            # is used as a percentage (PenalizeType: true) or a fixed amount (PenalizeType: false)
            # taken from the player.
            # Default: false
            PenalizeDeath: false
            PenalizeType: true
            PenalizeAmount: 0.05
            # Remove drops from mobs killed by farming contraptions (mob death by cacti, falling,
            # drowning or suffocation)
            # Default: false
            NoFarm: false
            # MobArena: allow rewards when players are in the arena
            # Default: false
            MobArenaRewards: false
            # Enable all reward messages
            # Default: true
            Output: false
            # Message players when they get no reward for a kill
            # Default: true
            NoReward: false
            # Message players for camping spawners
            # Default: false
            Spawner: false
            # Custom message for no camping mob spawners
            NoCampMessage: '&7You find no rewards camping monster spawners.'
            # Custom message for no rewards killing with bow & arrow
            NoBowMessage: '&7You find no rewards on this creature.'
            # Custom message for death penalty
            DeathPenaltyMessage: '&7You wake up to find &6<amt>&7 missing from your pockets!'
        # Multiply reward amount based on group (NOTE: requires a permission plugin that
        # supports groups)
        # Multiply reward amount based on time period of day/night
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
        # Multiply reward amount based on environment type
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
                Amount: 1.0
        # Format for Drops:
        # Drop example 1: drop 0 to 5 diamonds 50% of the time
        #  Drops: 'diamond:5:50'
        # Drop example 2: drop 1 to 2 birch leaves 100% of the time
        #  Drops: 'leaves.2:1-2:100'
        # Drop example 3: drop 0 to 5 diamonds 50% of the time AND drop 1 to 2 birch leaves 100% of the time
        #  Drops: 'diamond:5:50;leaves.2:1-2:100'
        # Drop example 4: drop nothing
        #  Drops: ''
        # Drop example 5: drop 0 to 1 diamond swords with a damage_all level 4 enchantment (a.k.a. Sharpness IV) 25% of the time
        #  Drops: 'diamond_sword,damage_all.4:1:25'
        # Drop example 6: drop 0 to 1 potion type 2 (a.k.a. Swiftness) 25% of the time
        #  Drops: 'potion.2:1:25'
        # Drop example 7: go crazy :P
        #  Drops: 'diamond_pickaxe,durability.3:1:25;diamond_sword,damage_all.5:1:25;potion.2:1-1:25'
        # Coin reward examples:
        # Coin example 1: award 0 to 10 coin 50% of the time
        #  Coin_Minimum: 0.0
        #  Coin_Maximum: 10.0
        #  Coin_percent: 50.0
        # Coin example 2: award 10 coin 100% of the time
        #  Coin_Minimum: 10.0
        #  Coin_Maximum: 10.0
        #  Coin_percent: 50.0
        # Coin example 3: award nothing
        #  Coin_Minimum: 0.0
        #  Coin_Maximum: 0.0
        #  Coin_percent: 0.0
        # Coin example 4: penalize 0 to 10 coin 50% of the time
        #  Coin_Minimum: -10
        #  Coin_Maximum: 0
        #  Coin_percent: 50.0
        # Custom reward messages
        #  &[0-9a-f] - color codes
        #  <plr> - display player name in a message
        #  <crt> - display creature name in a message
        #  <amt> - display amount in a message
        #  <itm> - display item used to kill in a message
        # Message examples:
        #  NoReward_Message: '&7You slayed a &5<crt>&7 using a &3<itm>.'
        #  Reward_Message: '&7You are awarded &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
        #  Penalty_Message: '&7You are penalized &6<amt>&7 for slaying a &5<crt>.'
            Drops: 'cooked_porkchop:1-2:100'
  17. Offline


    Would it be possible to make a zombie or skeleton "come back from the dead a % of the time by adding like creature_zombie or creature_skeleton and a % to their drops? If so, what is the drop name for a creature?

    I thought it would be a fun event to say there was a necromancer making undead stronger and having zombies /skellies come back to life on being killed until the necromancer was eliminated.

    (I could then have hordes of zombies / skelies wander through spawn ect)
  18. Offline


    I'll try out your config and see what happens.

    There was a similar request to "drop" zombies (or mobs of your choice) when killing other players. I see this as a similar feature request. I have this ticket created.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  19. Offline


    Hey mung3r,

    my bf and I just opened up a server which is hosted by a company and ecocreature is one of our plugins. Before we made it public it was working just fine but now we don't get money from killing any monster at all. I cannot include an error message because we're not getting any. We run the server with bukkit as well as permissionBukkit, iconomy and a few other plugins. Do you have a clue what we could be missing? I've read somewhere we cannot use ecoCreature.Creature.* with permissionBukkit. We would have to input every node one by one, is that true?

    I hope you can help us solve the problem so we can enjoy this plugin. :)

    P.s. Let me know if you require more information on which plugins we use, etc.

  20. Offline


    Post your ecoCreature default.yml and PermissionsBukkit config.yml on so that I can try our your setup on my test server.
  21. Offline


    I will have my bf post them as soon as he gets home from work, the files are on his computer.
  22. Offline

    Robet24 - Eco Default - PermissionsBukkit Config

    Not working with this either :(

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  23. Offline


    Bonjour, je me permets de vous demander de l'aide, car j'ai un petit problème. Je m'explique.
    J'ai modifié les phrases vues que je suis français pour une meilleure compréhension pour mes joueurs.
    Le soucis c'est que nous en France nous écrivons Par exemple :

    Reward_Message: 'Tu as tué un creeper'

    Mais lorsque je mets cette orthographe quand je tue un monstre de type creeper ou autre le message n'apparaît plus :(
    Je suis obligé d'écrire :

    Reward_Message: 'Tu as tuer un creeper'
    Reward_Message: 'Tu as tue un creeper'

    Ce qui n'est pas vraiment très français :oops:

    J'espère que vous pourrez m'apporter de l'aide.

    Cordialement Mortibus.
  24. Offline


    Didn't have time to try it out this past weekend but will take a look later this evening.

    I will try and test 'Tu as tué un creeper'. I think the 'é' is the problem but I have to test first.

    Here is my default.yml:

            Drops: 'sulphur:2:75'
            Coin_Minimum: 5.50
            Coin_Maximum: 10.50
            Coin_Percent: 50.0
            NoReward_Message: 'Tu as tué un creeper'
    This is what happened:

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  25. Offline


    Merci beaucoup d'avoir fait le test pour moi ;) . Je pense donc que le problème vient du plugin qui gère le chat soit EssentialChat. Je vais faire des vérifications de mon coter. Peut-être que quand je passe essentials en français cela pose peut-être un soucis. Je vais faire des tests. Merci. Par contre, vous utilisez quel pack de texture ? (Et vous utiliser un plugin pour le chat ?) Merci d'avance.

    Cordialement Mortibus.

    Désolé du double post, mais j'ai voulu refaire l'experience et mettre "Tu as tué un Creeper" et voila ce qui apparait dans la console :

    11:04:21 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling ecoCreature v0.0.9c (All your de
    ath are belong to us!) (Is it up to date?): special characters are not allowed
    unacceptable character '?' (0xFFFD) special characters are not allowed
    in "<reader>", position 6543
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.checkPrintable(StreamReader.ja
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.update(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.peek(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.scanFlowScalarNonSpaces(Scanne
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.scanFlowScalar(ScannerImpl.jav
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchFlowScalar(ScannerImpl.ja
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchSingle(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens(ScannerImpl.ja
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingValue.produce(P
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.checkEvent(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeDocument(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode(

    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(BaseCons
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.loadFromReader(
    at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(
    at org.bukkit.util.config.Configuration.load(
    at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.managers.ecoConfigManager.load(ecoConfi
    at se.crafted.chrisb.ecoCreature.ecoCreature.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(
    at org.bukkit.Bukkit.reload(
    at org.bukkit.command.defaults.ReloadCommand.execute(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(

    Je ne comprend plus...


    Problème résolu, je ne sais pas comment mais ça refonctionne. Il semblerais que se soit un autre plugin qui bug du coup. Les caractères sont coupé.
    Si j'ai un autre problème je viendrais vous en parlez. Merci beaucoup.

    Cordialement Mortibus.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  26. Offline



    I was able to get things working with this setup:

    Latest version of ecoCreature here
    Your default.yml for ecoCreature
    Your config.yml (edited) for PermissionsBukkit

    In the picture I am not using any chat plugin. The texture pack I am using is faithful.

    Maintenance release is available here.
    • Added XP orb amount/change just like coin
    • Added ability to specify durability of item drops
    • Added NoFarmFire option to include Fire and FireTick
    • Fixed spawner block break exploit
    • Fixed group gain multiplier bug
    • Misc. code cleanup

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  27. Offline


    Thank you for your effort! We'll definitely try it out when Robet gets home from work!
  28. Offline


    Merci pour ce travail constant, et magnifique.;)

    Bonne chance pour la suite !
    mung3r likes this.
  29. Offline


    Still not working... Can't get nothing to give me a iconomy cash. I tried switching permission plugins to permissionsex, nothing worked there. I made sure that I had 4 spaces for each indentation. (No tabs) I just can't seem to get your plugin working. I really want to use it.
  30. Offline


    Fire trick that means the use anything that can create fire like flint and steel right if so
    Thank you so much been waiting for this.
  31. Offline


    When enabled, mobs killed by fire/firetick will drop nothing.

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