Inactive [ECON] CookieMonster v1.6 - Money and Items for PvM [1240]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by jascotty2, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CookieMonster! - iConomy Money and Items for PvM
    Version: 1.6.6
    Download(static jar): CookieMonster.jar
    alternate download: CookieMonster_1.6.6.jar
    803-compatible: CookieMonster_1.3.4.jar
    684-compatible: CookieMonster 1.3.2.jar

    CookieMonster is now on BukkitDev

    This is a continuation of Coelho's initial CookieMonster Plugin
    CookieMonster is based off of the inactive iMonster, however uses none of the code from it,
    so it is more lightweight.

    configurable item drops and economy reward for each monster
    configurable economy reward for items used to kill monsters
    also supports PvP
    Supports iConomy 4,5,6, BOSEcon 6,7, MultiCurrency, & EssentialsEco
    Ability to change entity drops with drop-rate.
    Ability to add minimum and maximum money drops for randomness
    A kill tracking system to check for spawn camping
    - define a square-radius for area to check, including max. elevation change, # of kills in this area, & timespan before an individual kill is no longer counted
    - anything over that number within the area will disable rewards until the records are old enough to be removed
    - so far, only lasts in server memory, so records are lost on server stop/reload

    doesn't allow to damage a creature/mobspawner if penalty is greater than account balance
    option to only drop items for a direct kill (stops autofarmers)
    option to replace normal drops with custom drops
    option to drop custom drops items globally
    configurable messages (including if there is no reward)
    can distingush charged from normal creepers, and tame/pet wolves from wild wolves
    can disable/enable rewards for defined regions
    - uses WorldEdit for selections

    /cookiemonster (cm) reload reloads settings from configuration file
    /cm region define <id> set a region (once a region is selected in worldedit)
    /cm region list [page] list regions (in current world if as a player)
    /cm region remove <id> to remove regions

    ? import itemsDB from bettershop to check against config (check if valid items entered as drops)
    permissions? (for rewards & maybe permission to kill without penalty?)
    ?penalties/rewards for killing players in groups?

    Version 1.6.4 - 9/24/11
    • updated for mc 1.8
    • fixed custom drops occuring in disabled regions
    • updated register (fixes iConomy6 errors)
    Version 1.6.3 - 9/5/11
    • fixed a nullpointer error if a config node is missing
    Version 1.6.2 - 9/5/11
    • fixed global tracking errors
    • fixed some missing messsage errors
    • other code cleanup by nickrak
    Version 1.6.1 - 8/30/11
    • Arrow Kills fixed (was changed in bukkit 1060)
    Version 1.6 - 8/19/11
    • added PvP settings :)
      • more settings & messages accompany these additions
    Changelog (open)

    Version 1.5.1 - 8/9/11
    • added economy support via Register
      • now supports iConomy 4,5,6, BOSEcon 6,7, MultiCurrency, EssentialsEco
    • fixed unknown Material name.. not sure if was throwing errors
    Version - 7/21/11
    • fixed worldedit not found error message
    • added ability to have WorldEdit in CookieMonster folder or lib folder if not otherwise installed
    Version 1.5 - 7/20/11
    • added a kill tracking system to check for spawn camping
      • define a square-radius for area to check, including max. elevation change, # of kills in this area, & timespan before an individual kill is no longer counted
      • anything over that number within the area will disable rewards until the records are old enough to be removed
      • so far, only lasts in server memory, so records are lost on server stop/reload
    • fixed anonymous replace/add drops setting
    • (hopefully) fixed a nullpointer exception in region checking
    Version 1.4 - 7/14/11
    • wolves updated for mc 1.6 (although appearent breaks didn't really seem to be broken, anyway...)
      • notibly, entities killed with wolves will reward the owner
    • fixed decimal reward if using older iConomy
    • added option to not clear drops before adding custom drops
    • added ability to disable for defined worlds
    • added regions (selections using worldguard, most code came from worldguard)
      • command to set (once a region is selected in worldedit) - /cm region define <id>
      • can list regions (in current world if as a player) - /cm region list [page]
      • then, to remove regions - /cm region remove <id>
      • default is to disable for these regions
        • on disabled worlds, regions will be enabled areas
      • alternatively, can be set to only be enabled in defined regions
    • "Wolf" has been replaced with "Wild_Wolf"
      • and added "Tame_Wolf" & "Pet_Wolf"
    • added "Charged_Creeper"
    Version 1.3.4 - 5/11/11
    • updated for iConomy 1.5 (1.4 compatiblity maintained :D)
    Version 1.3.3 - 4/27/11
    • Items are checked to be valid before added to drops list
    • updated wolves for 1.5
    Version 1.3.2 - 4/18/11
    • fixed default drops when onlyKillDrop enabled
    • added reload command
    Version 1.3.1 - 4/12/11
    • fixed player not dropping items if onlyKillDrop enabled
    Version 1.3 - 4/11/11
    • mobspawner destroy check fixed
    • BOSeconomy support added
    • added alwaysReplaceDrops option, so your custom drop always occur
    • support for no economy plugin added - so can just replace monster drops
    • configurable rewards for items used
    Version 1.2.1 - 4/8/11
    • custom messages for no reward added
    Version 1.2 - 4/8/11
    • fixed negative reward being added (not subtract)
    • added settings for config:
      • wholeNumberRewards: for rounding decimals to whole numbers
      • onlyKillDrop: entities only drop items if killed by a player
      • disableExpensiveKill: can't harm something that a player can't afford to kill
    Version 1.1 - 4/1/11
    • Configurable Messages
    • configuration file & format changed
    • can now reward/penalize any LivingEntity kill
    • custom drops replace normal drops, instead of adding to them
    • note: if you're getting "NoSuchMethodError: com.jascotty2.Rand.RandomDouble(DD)D", update BetterShop
    • (confusing, i know, but java is caching the older of the two versions of the same file)
    • kill handlers fixed for 600+
    • known fixes from 0.2:
    • no longer messes up the drop amount
    • drops are droped by the killed entity, not in front of the player
    • no more multi-rewards for killing the same entity
    Version 1.0 - 3/31/11

    Initial re-release, now maintained by jascotty2
    compatibility with 612

    -------- Coelho's versions --------
    Version 0.2:
    Fixed tuns of first-release bugs
    Version 0.1:
    Initial release
    .яιgнт, Roscoe55, Greylee and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Awesome! Thanks for that! I didn't even notice the problem has surfaced again. And I presume the changes to OnPluginEnable() would be reason why some of the other plug-ins I have loaded are starting to be a little bit... weird...
  3. Offline


    I think it´s a cool plugin, but it doesn´t work on my Server:

    10:01:01 [SCHWERWIEGEND] Could not load 'plugins\CookieMonster.jar' in folder 'plugins':
    unacceptable character #FFFD special characters are not allowedin "<reader>", position 5983
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.checkPrintable(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.update(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.forward(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.reader.StreamReader.forward(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.scanToNextToken(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.fetchMoreTokens(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.scanner.ScannerImpl.checkToken(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl$ParseBlockMappingValue.produce(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.peekEvent(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.parser.ParserImpl.checkEvent(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeMappingNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.composeDocument(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.composer.Composer.getSingleNode(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.constructor.BaseConstructor.getSingleData(
            at org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml.load(
            at org.bukkit.util.config.Configuration.load(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugin(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.loadPlugins(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugins(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.<init>(
            at net.minecraft.server.ServerConfigurationManager.<init>(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    Hope you can help me! :(

    P.S.: Here´s the config:

        # general plugin settings
        # if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
        wholeNumberRewards: false
        # if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
        #  (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
        onlyKillDrop: true
        # if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
        #   if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
        replaceDrops: false
        # if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
        alwaysReplaceDrops: true
        # if allow hunting with wolves
        allowWolfHunt: true
        #disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
        disableExpensiveKill: true
        # any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
        disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
        # if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
        # true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
        #     (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
        # false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
        regionsDisable: true
        # for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
        #        (player kill rewards are nulled)
        playerRewardWait: 1m
        # if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
        #        reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
        #        eg. player who kills the player pays amount
        playerReverseProtect: true
        # if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
        playerPaysReward: true
    #spawn camp tracking occurs when a player kills a monster
        # if enabled, there are no rewards (or drops) after the threshold is passed
        enabled: false
        # if global is enabled, will apply camp tracking to "natural" deaths
        #   this would allow monsters to drop items naturally, but disable monster killing machines
        #   (ignores player disableDrops setting: all drops are disabled if threshold passed)
        global: false
        # if suspected camping kills won't drop items
        disableDrops: false
        # elevation change max
        deltaY: 5
        # square about center (distance from center to edge)
        deltaX: 20
        # time before a kill is no longer counted against tracking
        #   positive integer values only, units being m(inutes) h(hours) d(ays) w(eeks) M(onths) (default: m)
        timeout: 20m
        # max kills in the area before counted as spawn camping
        campKills: 50
    # any LivingEntity listed here can have it's own rewards
    # can give a range for economy reward ( min-max )
    # itemCoins to give custom ranges for individual items (note: durability not supported for items here)
    # can configure custom drops for each (origional drops are replaced with these, so 0%0 would disable rewards)
    # drops syntax: itemID[:subData][@maxDrop]%Probability[,another drop... ]
    ## 100 Probability means will drop each time
    ## if = 50, only means 50% chance of drop, chance of full drop is random
            drops: 344%10, 288@2%70
            drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
            coins: 1-2
            # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
            itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"
            drops: 2256@1%2, 289@5%90
            coins: 2-4
            # itemCoins example: bow&arrow give no reward, wooden sword is worth more
            itemCoins: "261>0, 268>5-16"
            coins: 2-5
            # giant zombie, not very likely to encounter
            # this is a fake human, not likely to occur
            drops: 320@2%70, 283%01
            coins: 2-3
            drops: 261@1%10, 262@4%80
            coins: 1-2
            coins: 1-3
            coins: 1-2
            coins: 1-2
            coins: -1--2
            coins: -5--10
            # this applies if you kill a wolf that is your own
            coins: 1-2
            coins: 1-2
            coins: 2-3
            coins: 4-5
            coins: 0
        # Colors are specified by using "&[colorcode]".
        #     (Never put colors within the angle brackets of a tag)
        #   Color table:
        #       &0 is black
        #       &1 is dark blue
        #       &2 is dark green
        #       &3 is dark sky blue
        #       &4 is red
        #       &5 is magenta
        #       &6 is gold or amber
        #       &7 is light grey
        #       &8 is dark grey
        #       &9 is medium blue
        #       &a is light green
        #       &b is cyan
        #       &c is orange-red
        #       &d is pink
        #       &e is yellow
        #       &f is white
        # (use && for a & symbol)
        # rewarded for killing a monster:
        # <amount>  how much credited to account
        # <monster> name of the creature killed
        # <item>    what used to kill it
        reward: "&a In der blutigen Leiche des &4<monster>&a fandest du &6<amount>&a $! "
        # if the reward is specific to what the user is holding
        itemreward: "&a Du erschlugst das &f<monster>&a mit einem &9<item>&a und fandest bei der Leiche &6<amount>&a &!"
        # for killing a player
        playerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>"
        itemplayerreward: "&a You are rewarded &f<amount>&a for killing the Player &f<player>&a with a &f<item>"
        # for the victim of the attacks
        victimpay: "&f <player>&c took &f<amount>&c from you when you died"
        victimprotection: "&f <player>&a payed you &f<amount>&a as penalty for killing you"
        # this is for when a reward is withheld for suspected spawn camping
        nocampingreward: "&a Du hast alle Monster in dieser Umgebung ausgeraubt... Komme später wieder!"
        # penalized for killing a monster (if coin range is negative)
        # <amount>  how much removed from account
        # <monster> name of the creature killed
        penalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>"
        # <item>    what used to kill it
        itempenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing the &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
        # penalized for killing a player
        # <amount>  how much removed from account
        # <player> name of the player killed
        playerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing Player &f<player>"
        # penalized for killing a player within the spawn protection
        # <time> spawn protection time (seconds)
        playercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn protection"
        # <item>    what used to kill
        itemplayerpenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
        itemplayercamppenalty: "&c You are penalized &f<amount>&c for killing &f<player>&c during spawn with a &f<item>"
        # if cannot afford the penalty for killing the entity
        notafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>"
        itemnotafford: "&c You cannot afford to kill a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
        # if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
        norewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
        # <item>    what used to kill it
        itemnorewardMonster: "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>&c with a &f<item>"
  4. Offline



    in the config yml you write : spwanCampTracking, should i let that or i should replace by : spawnCampTracking:

    What the plugin understand now ?
  5. Offline


    lol.. i never noticed i did that :rolleyes:
    i'll fix later, but for now, only recognizes "spwanCampTracking"
  6. Offline


    i dont get any money from killing a mob. i did looked in the config file nd changed some coin values.
  7. Offline


    Great plugin @jascotty2 :)

    One request, I use CB 1337 and the plugin look like to work correctly, but ...
    the function to drop only without default drops, don't work

    My config use that =>

        # general plugin settings
        # if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
        wholeNumberRewards: true
        # if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
        #  (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
        onlyKillDrop: true
        # if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed & substituted
        #   if false, custom drops are added to the existing drops
        replaceDrops: true
        # if onlyKillDrop: false, should custom drops always occur?
        alwaysReplaceDrops: true
        # if allow hunting with wolves
        allowWolfHunt: true
        #disable damage if can't afford to kill? (applies to wolves, too)
        disableExpensiveKill: true
        # any world listed here won't be checked (comma-delimited, case-insensitive)
        disableWorlds: testWorld1, world2, random_world_nether
        # if any regions are defined, should they be disabled regions or the only places cm is enabled?
        # true (default): regions are areas where cm is disabled
        #     (however, regions on disabled worlds are reversed & will be enabled)
        # false: cm is globally disabled, except for within regions (disabled worlds ignored)
        regionsDisable: true
        # for how long a player is 'protected' from spawn camping
        #        (player kill rewards are nulled)
        playerRewardWait: 1m
        # if a player killed within the playerRewardWait period
        #        reward is reversed (in case of positive reward only)
        #        eg. player who kills the player pays amount
        playerReverseProtect: true
        # if the players who die pay the killer (assuming has enough)
        playerPaysReward: true
    Can you check that and tell me if we must wait an update ?
    Thanks :)
  8. Offline


    Dose this work as of RB 1337??
  9. Offline


    looks great but no 1337...
  10. Offline


    # if no money rewarded (can be blank for none)
    I follow your directions.
    ->> can be blank for none
    but I'm still shown message that "&c there is no reward for killing a &f<monster>"
  11. Offline


    Is it possible to make money rewards go from 0.10 to 1.0? I tried it once and when you killed mobs you got 36 coins haha
  12. Offline


    • When this gets updated for 1.0 would you be able to add the functionality to prevent orbs from dropping if you are over the kill limit.​
  13. Offline


    Is this active? Has anyone gotten it working under a 1.0 CB dev build?
  14. Offline


    still works, but will need to be updated for the new entities that are available
    (i'll get to it when the RB is out.. i'm bogged down with other work right now ;) )
  15. Offline


    Hey I completely understand! I'm just looking for a plugin that does work under 1.0 and will be updated after the RB hits.

    Thank you!
  16. Offline


    I updated CookieMonster with the Blaze and MagmaCube and compiled it with Craftbukkit #1597.
    However, MagmaCubes currently become recognized as "Slime". So set the reward for slimes in the config appropriate, so that it fits both, Slimes and MagmaCubes. Seems to be a Bukkit issue atm from what I read, because of an inconsistent naming of this entity or something. Could not find a way to resolve this.

    So this version is completely inofficial, but you can use it, until the author updates it properly for the latest RB.
    Download: <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2016
  17. Offline


    well, now that i'm finally back to a managable working environment, here's the next update :)

    Version 1.7
    • updated for mc 1.0
    • changed how entity protection is handled
      • now in two classes, so protection occurs before drops do (allows for other plugin compatibility)
  18. Offline


    There is a bug that can be utilized to gain money.
    If destroying mob spawners gives money, players can protect a spawner with an LWC sign and another player now can destroy it unlimited times and gains the set reward every time.
    The spawner reappears because its protected via the LWC sign.
    The same happens if a spawner is located in a WorldGuard-protected region and a playertries to destroy it.

    Would be great if this exploit could be fixed.
  19. Offline


    does this occur in the new version?
    i changed how the block break listener checks, along with priority changes, so that shouldn't happen..
  20. Offline


    We use version 1.6 on our server, but after reading your changelog for 1.7 I tested it again.
    But unfortunately, it's still exploitable in 1.7.
  21. Offline


    i looked up the code for lwc, and they (incorrectly) use Highest priority (should be low/lowest)
    so: changing to monitor should ensure checks occur after wg/lwc is done (confirmed works against wg)

    • fixed block rewarding for compatibility with lwc & worldguard
    CubieX likes this.
  22. Offline


    Great! Tested and confirmed. Works with WorldGuard/Essentials/LWC protections. :cool:

    I noticed a error message on the console:

    2012-01-19 12:50:11 [INFO] [CookieMonster] Loading CookieMonster v1.7.
    [COLOR=#ff6600]2012-01-19 12:50:11 [WARNING] [CookieMonster] Invalid Entity Node: MagmaCube[/COLOR]
    2012-01-19 12:50:11 [INFO] [CookieMonster] Using iConomy v6 for economy
    2012-01-19 12:50:11 [INFO] [CookieMonster]  v1.7 loaded successfully.
    2012-01-19 12:50:11 [INFO] [CookieMonster]  Developed by: [jascotty2, Coelho]
    This was also present on 1.7.0.
    Could be the same problem I run into when I was trying to update CookieMonster for RB 1597.
  23. Offline


    you're getting this because that node should be "Magma_Cube"
    (took the name from
    CubieX likes this.
  24. Offline


    Please add enable/disable command :p

    /cm enable
    /cm disable
  25. Offline

    Tyler Ferm

    I see that the unofficial version supports Blaze and magma slimes, does the official?
  26. Offline


    yes, the main version works for 1.1
    (check BukkitDev, because i don't update this thread anymore)

    full list (version
    "Chicken", "Cow", "Creeper", "Ghast", "Giant", "Monster", "Pig", "PigZombie",
    "Sheep", "Skeleton", "Slime", "Spider", "Squid", "Zombie", "Tame_Wolf", "MobSpawner",
    "Charged_Creeper", "Wild_Wolf", "Pet_Wolf", "Player",
    "Enderman", "Silverfish", "Cave_Spider",
    "Ender_Dragon", "Villager", "Blaze", "Mushroom_Cow", "Magma_Cube", "Snow_Golem"
  27. Offline


    Hey when i try to edit the config file it deletes everything in it except
    # general plugin settings
    # if you don't want deciamls ($1.23)
    wholeNumberRewards: true
    # if only direct player kills gives reward (disables mob farming)
    # (this is ignored if on a disabled world or region)
    onlyKillDrop: false
    # if replaceDrop, then default drops are removed
    Does anybody now the solution for this?
  28. Offline


    update please? for 1.2.3 minecraft.
    soloman981 likes this.
  29. Offline


    guys MoneyDrop + BoosEconomy + SPOUT (12mb version) work perfectttt on my serverrrrrrrr
    set world guard enable in MoneyDrop settings...
  30. Offline


    this plugin work up till 1.2.3 :( it also lacked rewards for some of the newer mobs.
  31. Offline


    make a tutorial please

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