Inactive [ECON] CookieMonster v1.6 - Money and Items for PvM [1240]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by jascotty2, Apr 1, 2011.

  1. Offline


    CookieMonster! - iConomy Money and Items for PvM
    Version: 1.6.6
    Download(static jar): CookieMonster.jar
    alternate download: CookieMonster_1.6.6.jar
    803-compatible: CookieMonster_1.3.4.jar
    684-compatible: CookieMonster 1.3.2.jar

    CookieMonster is now on BukkitDev

    This is a continuation of Coelho's initial CookieMonster Plugin
    CookieMonster is based off of the inactive iMonster, however uses none of the code from it,
    so it is more lightweight.

    configurable item drops and economy reward for each monster
    configurable economy reward for items used to kill monsters
    also supports PvP
    Supports iConomy 4,5,6, BOSEcon 6,7, MultiCurrency, & EssentialsEco
    Ability to change entity drops with drop-rate.
    Ability to add minimum and maximum money drops for randomness
    A kill tracking system to check for spawn camping
    - define a square-radius for area to check, including max. elevation change, # of kills in this area, & timespan before an individual kill is no longer counted
    - anything over that number within the area will disable rewards until the records are old enough to be removed
    - so far, only lasts in server memory, so records are lost on server stop/reload

    doesn't allow to damage a creature/mobspawner if penalty is greater than account balance
    option to only drop items for a direct kill (stops autofarmers)
    option to replace normal drops with custom drops
    option to drop custom drops items globally
    configurable messages (including if there is no reward)
    can distingush charged from normal creepers, and tame/pet wolves from wild wolves
    can disable/enable rewards for defined regions
    - uses WorldEdit for selections

    /cookiemonster (cm) reload reloads settings from configuration file
    /cm region define <id> set a region (once a region is selected in worldedit)
    /cm region list [page] list regions (in current world if as a player)
    /cm region remove <id> to remove regions

    ? import itemsDB from bettershop to check against config (check if valid items entered as drops)
    permissions? (for rewards & maybe permission to kill without penalty?)
    ?penalties/rewards for killing players in groups?

    Version 1.6.4 - 9/24/11
    • updated for mc 1.8
    • fixed custom drops occuring in disabled regions
    • updated register (fixes iConomy6 errors)
    Version 1.6.3 - 9/5/11
    • fixed a nullpointer error if a config node is missing
    Version 1.6.2 - 9/5/11
    • fixed global tracking errors
    • fixed some missing messsage errors
    • other code cleanup by nickrak
    Version 1.6.1 - 8/30/11
    • Arrow Kills fixed (was changed in bukkit 1060)
    Version 1.6 - 8/19/11
    • added PvP settings :)
      • more settings & messages accompany these additions
    Changelog (open)

    Version 1.5.1 - 8/9/11
    • added economy support via Register
      • now supports iConomy 4,5,6, BOSEcon 6,7, MultiCurrency, EssentialsEco
    • fixed unknown Material name.. not sure if was throwing errors
    Version - 7/21/11
    • fixed worldedit not found error message
    • added ability to have WorldEdit in CookieMonster folder or lib folder if not otherwise installed
    Version 1.5 - 7/20/11
    • added a kill tracking system to check for spawn camping
      • define a square-radius for area to check, including max. elevation change, # of kills in this area, & timespan before an individual kill is no longer counted
      • anything over that number within the area will disable rewards until the records are old enough to be removed
      • so far, only lasts in server memory, so records are lost on server stop/reload
    • fixed anonymous replace/add drops setting
    • (hopefully) fixed a nullpointer exception in region checking
    Version 1.4 - 7/14/11
    • wolves updated for mc 1.6 (although appearent breaks didn't really seem to be broken, anyway...)
      • notibly, entities killed with wolves will reward the owner
    • fixed decimal reward if using older iConomy
    • added option to not clear drops before adding custom drops
    • added ability to disable for defined worlds
    • added regions (selections using worldguard, most code came from worldguard)
      • command to set (once a region is selected in worldedit) - /cm region define <id>
      • can list regions (in current world if as a player) - /cm region list [page]
      • then, to remove regions - /cm region remove <id>
      • default is to disable for these regions
        • on disabled worlds, regions will be enabled areas
      • alternatively, can be set to only be enabled in defined regions
    • "Wolf" has been replaced with "Wild_Wolf"
      • and added "Tame_Wolf" & "Pet_Wolf"
    • added "Charged_Creeper"
    Version 1.3.4 - 5/11/11
    • updated for iConomy 1.5 (1.4 compatiblity maintained :D)
    Version 1.3.3 - 4/27/11
    • Items are checked to be valid before added to drops list
    • updated wolves for 1.5
    Version 1.3.2 - 4/18/11
    • fixed default drops when onlyKillDrop enabled
    • added reload command
    Version 1.3.1 - 4/12/11
    • fixed player not dropping items if onlyKillDrop enabled
    Version 1.3 - 4/11/11
    • mobspawner destroy check fixed
    • BOSeconomy support added
    • added alwaysReplaceDrops option, so your custom drop always occur
    • support for no economy plugin added - so can just replace monster drops
    • configurable rewards for items used
    Version 1.2.1 - 4/8/11
    • custom messages for no reward added
    Version 1.2 - 4/8/11
    • fixed negative reward being added (not subtract)
    • added settings for config:
      • wholeNumberRewards: for rounding decimals to whole numbers
      • onlyKillDrop: entities only drop items if killed by a player
      • disableExpensiveKill: can't harm something that a player can't afford to kill
    Version 1.1 - 4/1/11
    • Configurable Messages
    • configuration file & format changed
    • can now reward/penalize any LivingEntity kill
    • custom drops replace normal drops, instead of adding to them
    • note: if you're getting "NoSuchMethodError: com.jascotty2.Rand.RandomDouble(DD)D", update BetterShop
    • (confusing, i know, but java is caching the older of the two versions of the same file)
    • kill handlers fixed for 600+
    • known fixes from 0.2:
    • no longer messes up the drop amount
    • drops are droped by the killed entity, not in front of the player
    • no more multi-rewards for killing the same entity
    Version 1.0 - 3/31/11

    Initial re-release, now maintained by jascotty2
    compatibility with 612

    -------- Coelho's versions --------
    Version 0.2:
    Fixed tuns of first-release bugs
    Version 0.1:
    Initial release
    .яιgнт, Roscoe55, Greylee and 2 others like this.
  2. Offline


    Thank you so much for keeping this updated.
  3. Offline


    This is throwing a bunch of errors on build 953 and build 999. It still works, for the most part... but fills the log file with errors and can spam the console with the same error. Can we get a fix please?

  4. Offline


    this was fixed in 1.4

    to you and everyone else who does this post-before-thinking:
    • please check if errors has been posted before re-posting
    • please check that your version is up-to-date before posting errors
    • please check if something works before asking if it does
    it annoys me to no end. :mad:
    fneyret likes this.
  5. Offline


    CB 1000
  6. Offline


    One problem, when you get 0.00 dollars can you disable it from popping up?
  7. Offline


    Version 1.5
    added a kill tracking system to check for spawn camping
    - define a square-radius for area to check, including max. elevation change,
    # of kills in this area, & timespan before an individual kill is no longer counted
    - anything over that number within the area will disable rewards until the records are old enough to be removed
    - so far, only lasts in server memory, so records are lost on server stop/reload
    fixed anonymous replace/add drops setting
    (hopefully) fixed a nullpointer exception in region checking
  8. Offline


    LOL, I love all the dev's on Bukkit... they get angry over the simplest things. Oh, btw, I was running 1.4... so you may want to make sure your crap works... because I keep things up-to-date and check back very frequently, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT THROWS ERRORS FROM BAD PROGRAMMING.... so hopefully, 1.5 will work.
  9. Offline


    that package was completely removed in version 1.4, so there's no way that your error could have been from 1.4
  10. Offline


    CB 1000
     [GRAVE] Error occurred while enabling CookieMonster v1.5 (Is it up to date?): com/sk89q/worldedit/bukkit/selections/Polygonal2DSelection
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sk89q/worldedit/bukkit/selections/Polygonal2DSelection
        at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CookieMonster.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.Polygonal2DSelection
        at$ Source)
        at Method)
        at Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
        ... 11 more
  11. Offline


    CB 1000

    [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling CookieMonster v1.5 (Is it up to date?): com/sk89q/worldedit/bukkit/selections/Polygonal2DSelection
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sk89q/worldedit/bukkit/selections/Polygonal2DSelection
    at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CookieMonster.onEnable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.reload(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap$ReloadCommand.execute(
    at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.selections.Polygonal2DSelection
    at Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    ... 14 more
  12. Offline


  13. Offline


    Request: per world definition ?
    would really need this
  14. I'm getting the same error as Franky McGee. It seems to be WorldEdit related, is worldedit now required due to regions?
    I've tried removing my config for this (was generate in version 1.2 i think) but the plugin doesn't even get to the point of genning a new config. Any clues for a fix? or possible things to test?
  15. Offline


    @Krzywy @ScottSpittle @rikell @frankymcgee @daekle
    hadn't tested without worldedit installed, so i didn't realize that error may come up
    the bugfix version ( should give a better (& less harmful) error message
    also: if you don't want to have worldedit installed, but want to use regions, you can have worldedit in the lib folder (or in the CookieMonster plugin folder)
  16. Thank you Jascotty! I don't use worldedit simply because i had too many conflict problems last time i tried to isntall it.
    It now starts up, writes a config and seems to work, although on shutting down the server it still gives a NullPointerException. This isn't a problem that needs urgently fixing, as it doesn't affect the operation of the server. just thought the feedback might be helpful!

    18:10:31 [SEVERE] Error occurred while disabling CookieMonster v1.5.0.1 (Is it u
    p to date?): null
            at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CookieMonster.onDisable(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin(
            at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugins(
            at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.disablePlugins(
            at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.stop(
  17. Offline


    Someone on my server complained that he killed someone with a bow (melee though) and received no money (because it was a bow).
  18. Offline


    Running RB1000 and getting this error:
    2011-07-24 20:37:43 [SEVERE] Could not pass event ENTITY_DAMAGE to CookieMonster
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.m_()Z
        at com.jynxdaddy.wolfspawn_04.UpdatedWolf.isTame(
        at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CMEntityListener.entDamage(
        at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CMEntityListener.onEntityDamage(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityCreature.c_(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.c_(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.v(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.v(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.m_(
        at net.minecraft.server.EntityWolf.m_(
        at net.minecraft.server.World.entityJoinedWorld(
        at net.minecraft.server.WorldServer.entityJoinedWorld(
        at net.minecraft.server.World.playerJoinedWorld(
        at net.minecraft.server.World.cleanUp(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(
    Please fix this as soon as possible.
  19. Offline


    this was fixed 2 weeks ago.
    please check your plugin version & prior posts BEFORE posting errors
  20. Offline


    Sorry for shot info kinda in a rush to day nd have to leave now :/
    this happens when i /stop my server

    2011-07-29 06:51:43 [SEVERE] Error occurred while disabling CookieMonster v1.5.0.1 (Is it up to date?): null
    at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CookieMonster.onDisable(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugin(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.disablePlugins(
    at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.disablePlugins(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.stop(
  21. Offline


    I have "MobSpawner: drops: coins: -4--5" but it nothing do. I get the normal drop.
    Not good for Server eco. :<
  22. Offline



    drops: 2256@1%.5, 289@4%80
    coins: 0.05-0.25
    itemCoins: "261>0, 268>3-6"

    i dont use item coins on my server but it look slike you have one to maney -

    now if your using something like iConomy you edit the coins and the format for them is as i showed
  23. Offline


    I dont want drops from Mobs, if they stand by a mobspawenr
  24. Offline


    @staxx6 Oh... umm... so i think the MobSpawner only works for killing a mobspawner,.. So the only way i think you can stop this is my messing with the spwanCampTracking bit.. it pretty much explains how to use it.
  25. Offline


    2011-08-04 07:14:44 [WARNING] [CookieMonster] Invalid Entity Node: Wolf
    2011-08-04 07:14:44 [WARNING] [CookieMonster] missing message setting: nocampingreward
    I got these messages when I started server. is it normal?
  26. Offline


    those are because the config has been updated since you first installed cookiemonster.. you can see the version on git, or move/rename the config & let the plugin re-create it for you
  27. Offline


    1) There was no need for the post, GG, you made our lives absoutely 0.00% better.
    2) If its such bad programming, why are you using it? Hell, go make your own plugin. I wish you good luck with it.
    3) I can completely understand them getting mad, wouldn't you if something was reposted over and over and over? That you had to type up something all over again just for one person? Yeaaah.
    -Edit, had to merge the above into a quote; got stuck with the other text.
  28. Offline


    LOLS!!! So sorry I insulted your life partner.
  29. Offline


    You sir are as ignorant as you are simple.

    To the Dev, im using Iconomy 5.0.1 and whenever a creature dies the drops seem to work fine but the money does not

    Every time i kill a creature it says "Unknown Error Processing Reward" and reports this in the server window

    Show Spoiler
    2011-08-09 01:51:49 [SEVERE] [CookieMonster] Unexpected Error processing Reward
    at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CMRewardHandler.GivePlayerCoinReward(
    at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CMRewardHandler.GivePlayerCoinReward(
    at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CMEntityListener$MonsterAttack.rewardKill(
    at com.pi.coelho.CookieMonster.CMEntityListener.onEntityDeath(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
    at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.q(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.die(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityLiving.damageEntity(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityMonster.damageEntity(
    at net.minecraft.server.EntityHuman.d(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.Packet7UseEntity.a(SourceFile:33)
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkManager.b(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetServerHandler.a(
    at net.minecraft.server.NetworkListenThread.a(SourceFile:105)
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(

    Any ideas on where to look for whats causing the error?
  30. Offline


    check the main post :p

    not really.. haven't seen that error before, but i suspect it has something to do with a more recent bukkit build..
    i think i'll be releasing the next version with more expanded economy system support, too :)

    small improvement, but more flexible for admins:
    Version 1.5.1
    added economy support via Register
    - now supports iConomy 4,5,6, BOSEcon 6,7, MultiCurrency, EssentialsEco
    fixed unknown Material name.. not sure if was throwing errors

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  31. Offline


    Version 1.6
    PvP added
    • rewards / penalties for killing players
    • can set spawn protection (default) so penalties for killing on spawn
    • can set players required to pay the killer the reward amount

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