Duel request plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Gabeek, Dec 1, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Duels

    What I want: A duel plugin, simple and efficient.
    I have seen and searched and none has what I looking for.
    Many have bugs or are abandoned.

    Ideas for commands: Yes
    /duel {player} - Send a duel request (message: {player} send you a duel request!} Type /duel accept {player})
    /duel accept {player} - Accept the duel request (message: duel accepted)
    /duel set spawn1 - set the spawnpoint in the arena
    /duel set spawn2 - ^
    /duel set lobbyspawn - set the lobby respawn location when a player death in a duel
    /duel set kit - set the kit with all the items that are in your inv

    Ideas for permissions:
    duel.send (/duel {player}

    Ideas for messages:
    When a player die by the other send a global message in chat like ({player} slays {player} with {item}
    /duel {player} - Send a duel request (message: {player} send you a duel request!} Type /duel accept {player})
    /duel accept {player} - Accept the duel request (message: duel accepted)
    Pleas if u can, made a messages.properties for change the messages mentioned above
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    Ik, but duelme doesn't work well..
    and the other plugins is out of updates ._.
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    Outdated does not mean broken till proven otherwise.
    Most Plugins work for multiple/all Versions.
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