With this plugin i would like it to be able to config so you can enable double xp drop or disable it but also turn 2xp on for one type of mob so like active it for only zombies What i mean by this is 2xp Enable:trueMobsZombie:falsePig:falseCow:false
I could maybe do this, should be pretty quick. I just need two things : First, please use this format : http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/read-me-first-plugin-requests-guide.81209/ Second, would you only use zombies, pigs and cows ? If not, please make a list. EDIT : And would the "Mobs" sections would be only for xp or only for drops or for both ? nvm
Well for this plugin i would like every mob if that wont be to hard <removed> i will give more detail about want i would like to see in this the best i can =) [edit by JaguarJo: removed skype request. Please keep discussion in the thread. Thanks.]
Actually, it was so easy I made it for all the mobs Download here : http://shadowcasted.com/#plugins Direct link : http://shadowcasted.com/plugins/DoubleWeekend.jar
Okay well thanks man and you also able to anyother plugins? I will let you know if i get any other ideas Hey the plugin isnt working man sorry to tell you this but i added it to my server and i did whois formalfish said 5 levels went to single player and look and my xp bar had the same thing as it did it my server. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
# Change here if the plugin is enabed or not enabled: true im sure i have to have this true then my most of my mobs are false but other half isnt bat: false pig: false cow: false wolf: false sheep: false squid: false horse: false ocelot: false chicken: false villager: false mushroom_cow: false slime: true ghast: true blaze: true witch: true zombie: true spider: true creeper: true enderman: true skeleton: true silverfish: true pig_zombie: true magma_cube: true cave_spider: true
Formalfish Yes this is the default config. enabled was your 2xp Enable:true but because we can't but spaces I put it as enabled Then there is all the normal mobs and then the aggressive mobs, first half is false so that if you kill a pig, it gives you normal exp but second half is true so that if you kill a zombie you get double exp
Formalfish Yes sure! You can just post your ideas on my profile page or by pm or just create a plugin request and tag me