Double Nearby Mobs

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by EssentialsPissesMeOff, Mar 11, 2020.

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  1. Plugin category: Mobs

    Minecraft version: 1.15.2

    Suggested name: MobDoubler

    What I want: All nearby mobs double (like in a range of maybe 100 blocks from the player's?) every "#" seconds, for example, every mobs in a 100 block range from the player double every 30 seconds, and it also broadcasts the time left before the doubling happens, and when it happens as well, like "mobs will be doubled in 5 seconds" etc, and "mobs have been doubled!"

    Ideas for commands: /md on & /mb off (to toggle the plugin)

    Ideas for permissions: none

    When I'd like it by: ASAP but in the same time no rush.
  2. Offline


    I'll get working on it right away.

    EDIT: I've finished it. No perms, but you can toggle it on and off. In the config you may specify when a message is broadcasted, and you can use two placeholders in it. {time-left} and {range}.
    Enabled status is persistent (e.g stays disabled after restart), and you can change the range and interval between the doubling events.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
  3. tysm!
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