Hello guys! I do not want users to be able to lock their chests (or lock them at all, even automatically when placing a chest). I've tried to set - -lwc.* but it doesn't work. Anyone else got a clue?
benj0y You could always be having a permissions file error. Could I have a look by pasting it in a www.pastebin.com?
HelpfulBeast Due to the fact that the server is fairly new, the permissions might be a bit 'fuzzy'. - -lwc.protect should be enough, but it isn't. - -lwc.* doesn't solve the case as mentioned earlier. http://pastebin.com/GXd7s4B4
benj0y Hmmm.... All the I can think of is doing this. Try to add the single permission, which is: Code: - -lwc.create.*
HelpfulBeast Unfortunately, it didn't work. Any other ideas? Fully understand you if you give up hope here!
benj0y I believe there is some type of limit that you can add. I found it in the config. Not giving up yet! http://puu.sh/3JVki.png Also, try poking around a bit it the config. There is some stuff you may want to see!
HelpfulBeast Guess what... IT WORKED !!! Thank you so much! Instead of changing what you suggested (there were no world specific options for that) so I looked a little more into the config and found a WorldGuard config! There I found a option that blacklisted LWC protections in certain regions, and then I set up a global region in the world, and voila. It worked. Do you want anything in return? This meant very much to me. MASSIVE THANKS !!!
benj0y Nah, I don't need anything in return! I do this for fun! Your welcome! If you need help in another thread, just tag me!