Filled Different Spawns for Different Groups

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by Retoast, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Hello everyone! This is my second plugin request, as my first one went great. What I'm looking for here is a command such as /setspawn group <groupname> or something along those lines. Another way this could work is through permissions. You could set up a perm that sets a players spawn to a designated point. I currently use GroupManager (shut up I know PEX is better, it wasn't my choice. If you can convert my config to PEX, I'll love you) . Message me for more info, or if you can develop this plugin for me.

    If you can develop this plugin for me, $omething may be in it for you! :)

    Also, Anyone know how to make it so people in the same group can't PVP each other?
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    frash23 likes this.
  3. Offline


    Already a part of the plugin essentials just use /setspawn <group name>
    frash23 likes this.
  4. Offline


    Does not work for me. Say I want to set the spawn for the group 'RedPlayer'. I will type /setspawn redplayer

    This will set the spawn for everyone, even if they are not in the group RedPlayer.
  5. Offline


    Do you have essentials installed also? And are you specifying the group with the correct caps?
  6. Offline


    Yes, when I typed my post I was just being lazy. And I have EssentialsSpawn and Essentials installed.
  7. Offline


    That's an issue on your side, because it works perfectly fine for everyone else that uses it.
  8. Offline


    My assumption is that another plugin is prioritizing the /setspawn command. Do you know how to make EssentialsSpawn priority for the command?
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    I love you.

    Also, 2 more questions, since you seem to know your stuff.
    Do you know how to make it so people in the same group can't PVP each other?And the name of the plugin that does colored names above heads. (Sorry, completely off-topic)
  11. Offline


    TagAPI and Nametags.
  12. Offline


    Using PVPtoggle you could kind of do this. It would be tricky but capable. Other than that I don't know of a plugin that does that.
  13. Offline


    Also, /esetspawn <groupname> sets the spawn for the group, but no matter what when I /spawn I go to whatever is set as /setspawn

    When I do /espawn I go to the correct spawn, however.
  14. Offline


    Ok retoast. The /esetspawn <groupname> is for permissions. The groups are defined via a permisisons plugin. Since you are most likely in a certain group- ex: owners and there is no spawn for group owners set- then it will send you to the main spawn. Also, for new players- spawn name is Newbies. So, go to a random place and do /esetspawn owner if you are in group owner and when you do /espawn it will take you there.

    For this though, you will need EssentialsSpawn.
  15. Offline


    After some diddling around, I seem to have gotten what I was trying to do accomplished. Thanks for offering to help though
  16. Offline


    Oh. Anyways, you got the task done so either way your set! Happy Minecrafting!

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