I've seen some client-side plugins before where there were new items created, such as ice arrows, explosive arrows, etc, but would it be possible to not have a new item, per say, but have a command so that the properties of the arrow change based on the command entered. An example could be: /arrows ice This could change the properties of every arrow you fire after that have freezing properties on water, or stun an enemy for a short time. /arrows explosive Something like this could cause arrows that strike objects and enemies to have the same properties as TNT. /arrows phase This was a personal idea of mine, styled like the Wave Beam in Metroid games, where arrows can be fired through blocks. /arrows regular Something like this could change the arrows back to their regular properties. I'm really only asking something like this for a future project I'm working on, which is a remake of the original Metroid in Minecraft, but keeping most of the Minecraft elements in play as well. If something like this could be made, that would be fantastic, and I would love you to death. Also, thanks for taking the time to read through this request.
I'm the guy that runs the server that we're making this on, plus some other stuff that other users of mine use, I would love too see a plugin like this (Unless there isn't already )
As an alternative to commands, new bow enchantment effects could be added. I like your new arrow property ideas, and have implemented Bow + Aqua Affinity = freeze water, stun players (already had Bow + Fire Aspect = firey explosions) in the next release of EnchantMore (0.2, should be available soon). Phase arrows would be more difficult but should be possible (listen for ProjectileHitEvent, if shot from a phase bow & arrow hit a block, teleport entity to the closest air block in velocity vector direction, then restore velocity?), anyone up for it?