Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by LonelyBlue, Oct 20, 2024.

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    Plugin category: PVP

    Minecraft version: 1.21+

    Suggested name:
    Diamond Plugin

    What I want: I would appreciate it if someone made a plugin where if you kill a player you gain a full slot on your armor bar and if you die you lose one if you die with no armor on your armor bar you get banned. The max armor you can get on your armor bar will be 20

    Ideas for commands: /armor set will be used to set a players armor bar status from +20 to 0

    When I'd like it by: In a week or so if you can

    Please consider making this plugin I really need it, and I think it would be cool.
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    If you want to modify the shown armor bar slots, that could be quite difficult.I wouldn't be able to quickly think of how to do that. I´m sorry
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
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    I could not find any information on how to change armor bars for the Player directly, using a plugin. I believe this is a fully client-side value so to modify it directly you would to use a client-side mod as well.
    It is possible to use custom armor attribute values but this would require blocking at least one of the player's armor slots and I believe it would also interfere with the regular damage calculations.
    Either you use the healthbar instead, in a similar way that LifeSteal servers already do, or you have a completely seperate value that would be display as actionbar or scoreboard text for example

    If you want me to make a plugin with one of the other options I proposed, let me know
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