Inactive [DEV] SpoutPlugin - Unleash the flow of endless possibilities [1.0-1.3.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by SpoutDev, Aug 1, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    Anyone else crashing when writing signs?
    Almost every time!
  3. Offline


    I get problems when mining underground, sometimes, the block to one side would be invisible, allowing me to see under the world and see caves in the distance. I run the Recommended build that was released today for both the server and the client. Bukkit 1240.
  4. Offline


    We can only update the support CraftBukkit builds on dev.bukkit if the Bukkit team actually ADDS those versions. Last time I checked, they didn't add the latest RB to the list yet.

    The CB build in the title is in regards to our last RB.

    What builds? Any error log?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
  5. Offline


    Does Spoutcraft use the MC Patcher hd texture fix? If so, I believe it needs updating to fix some graphics anomaly's.
  6. Offline


    How do I use HD texture packs with spoutcraft? mcpatcher wont load it...
  7. Offline


    The RB of Spout and Spoutcraft? What builds if so?

    The HD texture mod is already in Spoutcraft. You don't need to use MCPatcher to modify Spoutcraft.
    You just put your texture pack in the texture packs folder.

    The HD textures code is integrated with Spoutcraft. What anomalies?

    Sometimes posts are missed by mistake. You should try the latest builds as well.

    You got that error because you were using an old version of Spout that wasn't compatible with the CraftBukkit build you were using.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 9, 2018
  8. Offline


    You do not use MCPatcher on SpoutCraft, SpoutCraft already has the ability to use HD texture packs...
  9. Offline


    Craftbukkit: 1240

    With John Smith Texture pack, the chests lock is offcentered and the part where the chests come together has a weird flashyness. The creator of the texture pack also notes "You need to use THE NEW patcher in order to fix all the bugs related to "HD" textures"

    Link to the texture pack in question.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
  10. Offline


    andrewkm didn't post any errors, he said it worked fine. You can get the errors from the server.log in your root directory of the server or copy them from the console.

    We'll look into it and update as needed. I'd say go ahead and open an issue on GitHub about updating and explain yourself there so we can track it. @Afforess want to take a look at this?

    A minimap will be possible through the addon API. lahwran will already be porting and I am sure you will see quite a few others. We won't be directly integrating one and we do not support people tossing classes in and hoping all works.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
  11. Offline


     new ScreenListener() {
            public void onScreenClose(ScreenCloseEvent e) {
    This code doesn't work. I talked to Afforess about this before this release and he said that it was fixed, but with the new recommended build release (and all dev builds tested) it still doesn't work. Could this be looked into again?
  12. Offline


    Asked for the Water Shader Dev to support Spout.

    Is there a way to use SpoutLauncher and the 256x256 LB Photo Realism texture pack here?

    Currently Im using MCPatcher to allow me to use Spout and the texture pack. We want to create a public server that allows us to offer texture packs as well but want to force users to use SpoutLauncher.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
  13. Offline


    Uhhh, Spoutcraft already has HD texture support build-in. I'm not sure why you are using MCPatcher. You should be able to just put it in your texture packs folder or allow the client to download it using a plugin.
  14. Offline


    It will be added back, I changed it to a fixed value that was better than the old fixed value. We plan to revamp the entire options screen to be able to fit as many options as we want (Scroll bar) and then we won't have to worry about screen space so much.
  15. Offline


    Would custom liquids(such as oil) be possible with spout/spoutcraft in the 1.1 or 1.2 releases? I know that stone will be the base (or block which appears to non-spoutcraft clients) for opaque blocks and glass for transparent blocks;could the same be done for liquids similarily with a water base?
  16. Offline


    I think we're going to focus on getting everything we've started working for a while now, but eventually yes. I don't know what release that's slated for, if I pick one it will probably just get moved back, or maybe it will be super easy to do. We'll see but the answer is "eventually"
  17. Offline


    Apparently there is a difference. Please See below Photos of With/Without Patcher.

    With Patcher:


    Without Patcher: (Just SpoutLauncher and .zip file in texturepacks folder with texture loaded.)

    I may have spoken too soon. I just discovered a option that isn't on when I load SpoutLauncher, Smoothlighting.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
  18. Offline


    .... annnnd, what is the difference?
  19. Offline


    Ok, so does SpoutLauncher now have the ability for us to place these texturepacks on our server and allow to auto-download them?
  20. Offline


    That would have nothing to do with HD textures. ;)
  21. Offline


    Do you not see the differences in lighting?

    the x512 texture pack I use on my main workstation puts the memory usage of minecraft at about 7.6gb ram usage. With a couple more options turned on I've had it as high as 11gb, I simply set XMX=12G when starting the core .jar file.

    This PC has 16gb of ram in it :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 15, 2019
  22. Offline


    You would have to use a plugin that uses that part of the Spout API. I haven't really looked at them lately, but most of them you to only force a single pack. There may be some for allowing people to pick a pack. The pack would have to be download from a URL which you'd specify on that plugin.

    Yes, but that doesn't have anything to do with the texture pack. I was looking at the textures themselves.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
  23. Offline


    Totally agree with you, was my misunderstanding how texture pack interacts with the client when the developer specifically stated it needs ModLoader or something like that.
  24. Offline


    MCPatcher is a tool that applies various mods. The HD textures code was one of the mods that it could apply when you use it to patch the minecraft.jar. The HD textures code was implemented directly into Spoutcraft, so you don't have to patch Spoutcraft with MCPatcher. Same goes for the BetterGrass and other mods we've implemented.

    Most of the time texture packs will say you need to use MCPatcher, because they require the HD texture mod.
  25. Offline


    Request: Can you add an 8gb option to the memory value in the Option of SpoutLauncher.

    Also, could you give us the ability to set APPDATA system value within SpoutLauncher so we can specify which directory minecraft looks for its bin etc. directories?
  26. Offline


    How could you possibly be using 8GB of memory for the game? :/

    The launcher has a portable command-line argument, so you can launch it from anywhere and have the data stored where it is I believe. @alta189 would know more.
  27. Offline


    Erm, is there a way to test this beyond "running the game?" I regularly test Spoutcraft and have never had any performance issues, and I imagine most others aren't either...

    Feel free to test this development build of the launcher out. It should allow you to set up to 16gb of memory usage. If all goes well, we will make it official. Launcher/185/artifact/target/launcher-dev-SNAPSHOT.jar

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
  28. Offline


    already knew that...
    at time of post the link to latest build was still to the old 403 build not 449 on both here and bukkit dev.
    why respond to an already fixed error report?
    doesnt that state exactly what u said?
  29. Offline


    Because I was clarifying what wasn't clearly stated.
  30. Offline


    so the words Link LATEST SPOUT FIXED arent clear?
  31. Offline


    I was giving the REASON as to why it wasn't working. Not the SOLUTION.
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