Inactive [DEV] SpoutPlugin - Unleash the flow of endless possibilities [1.0-1.3.2]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by SpoutDev, Aug 1, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    In order to centralize support of our legacy projects, we will no longer be providing support on Bukkit. Please use for support with our projects going forward.
  2. Offline


    Isn't there any .jar File? : /

    Great Plugin! : )

  3. Offline


    No I understand no more modding the jar. I definitely got that.

    Its just that, I'm confused that...although there are some spectacular bukkit plugins that have come with the new freedoms...I often wonder if the hardest thing in the world would be for folks who do the SSP modding to want to make the shift to make them 'Spoutable'. Or...if it will be something like how ItemCraft made it possible and the people who loved the mods (like Mo'Creatures and FancyPack) simply ported the mod to work with IC.

    I really want to see some of these mods actually come full circle...rather than an awesome API get built and we just keep expanding the Bukkit community but including the SSP/Modloader crowd.
  4. cant some one look at how he did it and write a similar but more advanced shader.
  5. Offline


    Ports of popular SP mods are planned, lahwran is already interested in moving his minimap and worldedit cui to Spoutcraft. We'll also be making demo addons so devs can see how it differs from bukkit.

    I'm not terribly worried about the (perceived lack of) content, well be opening up the door to a lot of cool things.
  6. Offline


    That's extremely encouraging to know. Thank you. I had seen no mention of potential ports so, that's why I asked.

    I do believe (and see) massive potential for this. Just waiting it for it to 'bloom' to its full potential. Looking forward to the future.
  7. Offline


  8. Offline


    We will never support people hacking up their client with a pile of conflicting mods. As Afforess said, mods will be ported as Spoutcraft addons that will play nicely together without having to manually and blindly toss class files into the minecraft.jar in hopes of it working.

    Go ahead ;)

    It's been more talk on IRC than actual posts anywhere. :p

    The author finally replied to Afforess directly, and that is when he said no. I'm not sure why though.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2016
  9. Offline


    This looks very promising! :D I'd love the ability for custom items/blocks - plane mods would be epic.

    Possible problem with the risk of malicious code being downloaded... but could have md5 checksums (posted by the plugin author, checked against the downloaded content by the client) as some protection against that.
  10. Offline


    is in the recommended 1.06 spout version a memory leak?
    If player join with their SpoutCraft, the memory increases more and more..If they are with the normal mc launcher logged in the memory is normal.
  11. Offline


    Aaaah ;) That is the key I see!
  12. Offline


    Now here is an interesting thing. I am not using essentials, if that matters. I tried Spout 145 and spout 143 and whenever I use either all players have godmode and there is no way to turn it off! Anyone know why?
  13. Offline


    Uhhh, those are really old builds. Why would you be using those? Have you tried without Spout to see if you get the same result?
  14. so if I use spout I cannot use worldguard/worldedit, Jail, MobileAdmin, or AutoKick? but if I don't I can't have a minimap, roleplaying plugins like "werewolf" or be able to change my servers time of day using f5 and f6?

    seems to me like this server version just isnt worth it at all so far... worldguard/edit is something every server should have probably the most invaluable resource for any server. Jail is so extremely useful to get people to stop doing shit you dont want them to besides perma bans, every good server admin who actually is a tech savvy guy/girl will have mobile admin it's just too important not to have... and autokick is a feature minecraft server should have built into it already... from what i see from these posts I cannot use basic manditory plugins that every proper server should have, and I say this from personal experience of running a minecraft server, not just being an IT professional.

    if I am understanding this incorrectly then the spout team needs to update the description because it's lacking, most mods on bukkit are: if a plugin doesnt tell me what I can and Can't do in like the first post or so I dont bother, it's a waste of time. I didnt even know it was it's own server client until reading user posts
  15. Offline


    I don't know where you got the idea that those plugins wouldn't work, but as far as I know they work fine. I'm sorry we don't list EVERY plugin that works with Spout in the main post, as that would be too much.
  16. Offline


    I guess you didn't read... "We are now using BukkitDev."
  17. Offline


    Check that you aren't using Spout.jar and spout-dev-SNAPSHOT.jar and that you are using compatible versions. If you are using a dev build of CraftBukkit, use a compatible dev build of Spout or close to it.
  18. seeing as your post was more helpful of my two replies:

    I was reading thru some of the comments on this page and I could have sworn some people said several times that bukkit plugins dont work with spout, meaning that they would NOT work.
    you don't have to list any at all really, I just was confused and all I wanted to know was if those above statements were at all true? but it seems by your post they are not? I guess I am confused how spout works, im assuming it's like craftbukkit.jar except spout.jar and I run it in the same fashion as craftbukkit. then players simply connect as normal, and if a plugin that was specifically designed with spout in mind with the client side version of minecraft.exe you get bonus features?
  19. Offline


    Spout is a framework that extends the Bukkit plugin API. Bukkit plugins can utilize the SpoutAPI in their own plugins.

    Spout is a PLUGIN for CraftBukkit, not a standalone server. Spoutcraft is the client mod of ours that works with it so that users can see all the GUI features and such that plugins using SpoutAPI offer.

    You should have no problems running Spout with most properly made Bukkit plugins.
  20. Okay Thank-you so much for defining it like that, that makes perfect sense to me!
    you should add the last three sentences in the description so annoying people like me don't annoy you :<
    I feel bad now...

    you've been a great help! (I just wish I could remember the 4 plugins that use spout now - that I wanted) :<
  21. Offline


    More info are on the BukkitDev pages and on our Wiki. We're trying to move away from this thread somewhat. ;)
  22. Offline


    I just tried this, looks like Spoutcraft is a really nice client with its features.
    But my fps ranges from 5-15 on lowest settings. :( No idea if I did something wrong because there isn't much to do wrong. :eek:

    I reach 50+ frames with the official client on 'Fancy' settings and far render distance. So I'll use the official client until I find a way to fix this issue.

    Gonna try some more stuff, maybe I can get it to work. :p

    Re-Installed SpoutCraft and now it's running fine.. No idea what the cause was.
  23. Offline


    @SpoutDev Running Spout along MyWorlds and I'm facing a bit of an issue. Spout keeps worlds referenced (the spout meta folder and sometimes the uid.dat). Is this because of the failing onWorldUnload event, or is a stream not properly closed?

    As a follow-up, how can I make Spout stop referencing an unloaded (or to be unloaded) world?


    Not related to worldunload event, I manually called it and the reference is kept. I can't remove the world because of the 'spout_meta'. I'll start looking around in the Spout source, if you fixed it and/or know how to fix it, please reply. :)


    Wrote my own implementation...please tell me if it risks corrupting worlds and/or Spout. The world is unloaded right after this call.
  24. Offline


    I've just started working on this area of the code right now. It's a little bit complicated for me but the original dev for this area is busy for a few months, are you around the espernet IRC channels? If you can, come to #spoutdev on and help me out and we'll fix it in Spout itself instead of you having to use reflection.
  25. Offline


    @olloth nope, not around sorry. Going off, but can say the following:

    Add the following function to the ChunkStore class:
    public void closeWorld(World world) {
        HashMap<Long, SimpleRegionFile> data = this.regionFiles.remove(world.getUID());
        if (data != null) {
            //close streams
            for (SimpleRegionFile file : data.values()) {
    And the following to the SimpleChunkDataManager
    public void closeWorld(World world) {
    These are the only two 'calls' required to close the streams. You can change 'closeWorld' to 'unloadWorldData' or something similar if you want.

    Also, I recommend calling this function internally whenever a world gets unloaded.

    Again, I don't know what the meta data is, if it requires to be present for unloaded worlds too then you may need to keep it this way...but unloaded worlds should not have streams open to files...otherwise the world is not unloaded at all.
  26. Offline


    The meta data is custom block information. It doesn't need to exist for unloaded worlds, no. If it does then there is a failure somewhere else. Thanks for the help.
  27. Offline


    I'm trying to prevent a popup window from being closed by canceling the close event:

    public void onScreenClose(ScreenCloseEvent e) {
    if(canclose.containsKey(e.getScreen())) {//conditions for canceling...
    if(!canclose.get(e.getScreen())) {//conditions for canceling...
    e.setCancelled(true);​"cancel: "+e.isCancelled());​
    } else {​

    For some reason this causes the popup to be shown for an instant before being closed. The popup is attached during logon, and I've checked that all of the popup-making code works. I can get the popup to show by commenting out e.setCancelled(true);, however that defeats the purpose of the code. Any suggestions?
  28. Offline


    I'll double check it and see if it works when I get home Sunday - perhaps @Top_Cat or @narrowtux could take a look too.
  29. Offline


    I'm having a few issues hooking into spout (never really hooked into anything other then craftbukkit) What's your IRC channel? So I can talk more in depth about it with you guys
  30. Offline


    #spout and #spoutdev on
  31. Offline


    Thank you :)

    *Website is empty... except for a weird song :p Got it working
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