Solved Detect Which Blocks will be Broken by a BlockBreakEvent

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by icomputertinker, Feb 16, 2014.

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    I'm trying to detect if someone is indirectly breaking a sign (either a SignPost or a WallSign) by breaking a block that supports it. Normally I'd just loop through all adjacent blocks and check if there's a sign nearby that depends on the existence of that block, and cancel the event if the sign is in a specific HashMap. I was wondering though if there's an easier way, because all that looping is tedious and I'd be more likely to write a bug there. Is there any method that I'm missing?

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    If you are adding signs that you don't want being broken and don't want them being broken indirectly then just add the block that you don't want broken to a hashmap . This way the supporting block can never be broken . Easier than looping
    icomputertinker likes this.
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    Jesus rollerblading Christ. You just blew my mind.

    (In all seriousness, thanks. This'll work.)
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    No problem :) Glad i could help.
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