
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Patty_Mayo, Feb 22, 2023.

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    Plugin category:School

    Minecraft version: 1.12.2 through 1.19.3

    Suggested name: DeepSchoolRP

    What I want: I would like it to allow me to add World Guard regions that I define for each individual classroom to be added to the class list. I would like there to be a feature to send students to the office. A Way to start class, end class, etc. a chat for the teachers/vice principal/principal. a separate chat room for the class that is in session. a School Broadcast/Announcement Feature. I would like there to be a config file that i can edit error messages, etc. it will need to use PermissionsEX to set the groups. Group Names: teacher, viceprincipal, and principal. And if they are fired, it will need to set them to the group named default. (I WOULD LIKE THIS TO BE AN EDITABLE FEATURE IN THE CONFIG FILE(S).

    Ideas for commands:
    /class list
    /class start <classroom number/name>
    /schoolsay <message>
    /classroom add <world guard region>
    /classroom remove <classroom name/number>
    /tc <message>
    /schoolrp teacher add (username) teacher
    /schoolrp vp add (username) viceprincipal
    /schoolrp teacher remove (username)
    /schoolrp vp remove (username)
    /sendoffice <player>
    /class end <classroom number/name>
    /schoolrp reload - RELOADS PLUGIN CONFIG FILE(S)
    /schoolrp help (ALIAS: /school help)

    Ideas for permissions:
    - schoolrp.teacher.add
    - schoolrp.vp.add
    - schoolrp.teacher.remove
    - schoolrp.vp.remove
    - schoolrp.class.list
    - schoolrp.class.start
    - schoolrp.class.end
    - schoolrp.classroom.add
    - schoolrp.classroom.remove
    - schoolrp.schoolsay
    - schoolrp.tctoggle
    - schoolrp.sendoffice
    - schoolrp.reload

    When I'd like it by: March 31st 2023
  2. Offline


    Bump, anyone willing to get this made?
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    Its been almost 2 months since I posted this request... anyone able to get it made?
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    Bumping again... as i am still waiting for this to be made...
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    Bump again, been over 3 months since i posted this request
  6. Offline


    Hello i find your plugin idea very interesting, can you explain the plugin in a more specifically way? For example the worldguard region what is it for?
  7. Offline


    I have found a person that is interested in developing this plugin for me, ty tho
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    I still need someone to make this plugin.

    The world guard region is for each individual classroom. Meaning, I will have classrooms regioned under world guard using numbers, such as 101, 102. 201, etc. I want the plugin to detect worldguard regions so that I can add them to the list for classes so the teacher that I assign to the classroom can start their class and it will have its own chat for that specific classroom for when it’s started by the teacher for that one classroom.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
  9. Offline


    Plugin category:School

    Minecraft version: 1.12.2 through 1.20.x

    Suggested name: DeepSchool

    What I want: I would like it to allow me to add World Guard regions that I define for each individual classroom to be added to the class list. I would like there to be a feature to send students to the office. A Way to start class, end class, etc. a chat for the teachers/vice principal/principal. a separate chat room for the class that is in session. a School Broadcast/Announcement Feature. I would like there to be a config file that i can edit error messages, etc. it will need to use PermissionsEX to set the groups. Group Names: teacher, viceprincipal, and principal. And if they are fired, it will need to set them to the group named default. (I WOULD LIKE THIS TO BE AN EDITABLE FEATURE IN THE CONFIG FILE(S).

    Ideas for commands:
    /class list
    /class start <classroom number/name>
    /schoolsay <message>
    /classroom add <world guard region>
    /classroom remove <classroom name/number>
    /tc <message>
    /deepschool teacher add (username) teacher
    /deepschool vp add (username) viceprincipal
    /deepschool teacher remove (username)
    /deepschool vp remove (username)
    /sendoffice <player>
    /class end <classroom number/name>
    /deepschool reload - RELOADS PLUGIN CONFIG FILE(S)
    /deepschool help (ALIAS: /school help)

    Ideas for permissions:
    - deepschool.teacher.add
    - deepschool.vp.add
    - deepschool.teacher.remove
    - deepschool.vp.remove
    - deepschool.class.list
    - deepschool.class.start
    - deepschool.class.end
    - deepschool.classroom.add
    - deepschool.classroom.remove
    - deepschool.schoolsay
    - deepschool.tctoggle
    - deepschool.sendoffice
    - deepschool.reload

    When I'd like it by: September 30th 2023
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