I've been looking for a new chat plugin for a couple of days now to run on my server. I've previously used HeroChat, but decided to stop since it's not been updated to support the new Factions for 1.4.6. Basically, I want a new chat plugin that allows me to create different channels, has permissions support (preferably PEX), let's me change the default message format and is compatible with Factions. I've looked at loads of plugins but I don't quite know if they provide what I'm looking for, I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the right direction :-P Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I do have a chat plugin, but doesn't support channels or Factions. Very common, called EssentialsChat. Try it out! If there is no help from this thread, you can try requesting a plugin with your preferences by submitting it to this part of the forums.
Thanks for the help dude! I think that Factions has some EssentialsChat intergration written into it's code to support it's tags and stuff. I'll be sure to try it out