DeathCounter Signs

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by White Sheep, Apr 24, 2012.

  1. Offline

    White Sheep

    Plugin category: Informational
    Suggested name: DCSigns
    What I want: I want to have signs with number of deaths of each player.
    Ideas for commands: No commands.
    Ideas for ermissions: No need for permissions.

    White Sheep

    Tadshelton and henkoe like this.
  2. Could be fun,, i just know that i cant use it on my server, my players would just start killing them selfs, to get their number to be the highest :p

    But sound like a nice plugin.
  3. Offline


    We are currently making this plugin, I will post it here when done
    Tadshelton likes this.
  4. Great idea! I might try to do this for fun! :p
  5. Offline

    White Sheep

  6. Offline


    i love the idea of this plugin it will make some servers very funny to see how many times somebody died :p
  7. Offline

    White Sheep

  8. Offline


    when will this plugin be done do you think I realy need this for my server.
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    can somebody please make this plugin
  11. Offline


    still no plugin can please somebody els take a look at it

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