[DEAD] Spells v0.996

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by NathanWolf, Jan 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    im not, i removed your permissions completely. my permissions seems to work completely randomly tho, it seems like its not a problem with your plugin or anything, but something with permissions not caring at all about users.yml and groups.yml.
    i have tried switching from groupmanager to theyeti's permissions, got notepad++ and made it use spaces instead of tabs, fixed things so everything is under the right tab, and the permissions still run completely random.
    some commands admins can do and others cant, some commands admins and players cant do, and some commands everyone can do. (admins -should- be able to do everything, and the default player should be able to do barely any command, but admins are limited and defaults have almost-admin powers)

    thanks anyways..
    (im not sure why i wrote the entire thing, whatever :p)
  2. Offline


    Sorry :(

    Well, if you wanted to vent about permissions, here's as good a place as any :)

    Actually, this is a pretty great place for that, at this point, since I'm going to be killing this thread.
  3. Offline


    Im having some trouble with this plugin.

    Using the latest version Spells.jar and Persistence.jar, bukkit does not give any error messages but when i use the /spells command, nothing happens, no information will be displayed nor shown in any logs.
    I've also added the Wand plugin but that also seems to be doing nothing at all. I had no trouble with the plugins before the 1.3 update.

    Any tips/suggestions?
  4. Offline


    I'm having the same problem, it says on the console that I'm issuing the commands, but nothing happens for me
  5. Offline


    New spell ideas!!!
    "Transport" will move the player and any adjacent players, animals or monsters to the location beneath the cursor. Click carefully, and make sure that there is enough room for everyone at your destination! Reagent is a boat. This would be a modified Blink that would blink all adjacent living entities to the destination site while keeping their respective orientation.

    "Summon" will teleport the targetted player, animal or monster to your side. Reagent is a fishing rod. Another variation of the Blink spell. There would need to be some logic that would find a safe destination for the Summoned individual.

    NOTE: A prerequisite for developing these spells would be that NetherGate portal linking be functional. Not that it really has anything to do with the spells, but I just really want linked portals.
  6. Offline


    Running into a small problem, not too sure what/how to fix (and I apologize if this has already come up)
    It seems Persistence and Spells are both not working correctly. Any fixes?
  7. Offline


    i switched from GroupManager to Permissions2.5.4 and now every plugin's commands are unable to everyone, including admins

    besides spells which everyone can do.
    using permissions support makes a server error and it says null something.
    ill maybe give more info about this later when i can restart the server every 10 mins, but now people are online so :p
  8. Offline



    Love it! I'll add a radius parameter to blink....

    I definitely want some more "other player" tp spells- I guess they'd be variants of blink, too, yeah that makes sense. I really want one that teleports you to the "next" player, so you can just jump around with Wand until you find the person you're looking for...

    It'd be cool to integrate with some sort of "friends" system for this kind of thing. A spell that gathers all your friends together (maybe with permission from them via them casting the spell in response?) would be really cool.

    LOL :)

    Don't worry, NetherGate making it to beta is a prereq for any new spells at this point....

    Magic, however, is on it's way. Due to the way I'm doing this refactor, there will not be a version of Spells compatible with Persistence 0.75- so I pretty much have to release Magic alongside Persistence and the next version of NetherGate (whether or not it makes it to beta at that point, probably not...)

    Thank you for pastebin'ing your log!

    So, you've got most recent everything, far as I can tell. Can you try re-downloading PersistenceSupport.jar? I did change that semi-recently, and there is no clear versioning on that "plugin".

    Failing that, I guess I would suggest that you delete "plugins/Persistence/*.db" ... good luck!

    I'll be able to support all this much better, I hope, once Magic is released.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2016
  9. Offline


    This Plugin refuses to work for my server? How come it is not working?

    Never mind it works, But when I say /wand mine it gives me a gold pickaxe but i want to make a big blast but leave resources.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2016
  10. Offline


    <3 deleting the .db worked! Also, the plugin says version .992? Although coming from the title and such that it's supposed to be .991 x) I went and changed it myself, but I figured you should know.
  11. Offline


    Do /wand to give yourself a wand, and then wave it. If you have that gold pickaxe in your active inventory, you'll cast mine.

    Nice! And... yeah, I think I had some kind of "preview" build up for NetherGate support, but really no new Spells features. I should probably just update the thread title to avoid confusion.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2016
  12. Offline


    When I do /spells, it doesn't list them like it used to, where it just had the categories. Now it just list all of the spells, and you can't see all of it, since its too long. Could this be because I have EssentialsHelp?
  13. Offline


    Everytime i try a spell it doesn't do anything and in the terminal it says
    "14:50:40 [INFO] Peristence: Can't find callback 'onCast' for plugin Spells
    14:50:40 [INFO] cast <spellname>"
    Please Help!!!
  14. Offline


    Sounds like a lot of stuff is broken for a lot of people right now... I can't do anything except suggest you try elBukkit.zip. I've had all of that running on my server with no problems (that I know of) for some time now. It's going to be the only release of my stuff until Persistence 0.75 drops with updates for all my plugins.

    Sorry for any inconvenience in the meantime!
  15. Offline

    Codex Arcanum

    More spell ideas...

    /cast Wall [Material] [Width] [Height]
    Create a wall of specified material and dimensions under the cursor
    /cast Slip [Radius]
    Changes top layer of ground in [Radius] to ice for 10 seconds or so
    NathanWolf likes this.
  16. Offline


    [Repost from Wand plugin thread as per Author request]

    I've got a problem...
    - The server loading output states that wand, spells and persistence all loaded properly;
    - I edited wand.properties (located in my ~/.minecraft/server/ directory) to include Tobei as a user and admin
    - Once in the game it allowed me to have a wand... while using the /wand command I assume...
    - After which I can't do anything.
    - /spells doesn't return anything.
    - /wand <anything> just returns "unknown spell '<anything>'.

    I followed all the directions, even tried mimicking the video(s)... I just can't get this to work at all...
    Minecraft 1.3 Beta
    Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-0.0.0-544-g6c6c30a-b556jnks (MC: 1.3)
    Permissions version [2.5.4] (Phoenix)
    MeasuringTape v0.8
    FlatEarth version 0.6
    HeroBounty version 1.6.0
    Essentials build 2.0.295
    EssentialsSpawn build 2.0.295
    iConomy v4.4 (Arcadia) loaded.
    mcMMO version 0.9.1
    EssentialsChat build 2.0.295
    PickBoat version 0.3.4
    MySignEdit v1.3
    Spells version 0.992
    Wand version 0.65
    Minecart Mania Core version 1.03a
    BukkitUpdater v0.1 reported in the server output (BukkitUpdater-0.2.jar installed)
    Backpack version 1.0g
    Lockette version 1.3.1
    * This is interesting: Lockette: Detected craftbukkit build [556]
    DropBonus v2.3
    Persistence version 0.61
    ItemId version 1.12
    NoDrop] 0.2.1
    QuickBelt 0.1.6
  17. Offline


    @Tobei, you need permissions- check the op for pnodes.
  18. Offline


    Help me please with a problem: I need to make use the Wand and Spells could only one administrator.But despite the fact that I do everything as written in the subject, absolutely all users can use stick and teams. sorry for my english
  19. Offline


    No problem! So, have you set up permissions? Are you using the Permissions plugin? I imagine so, if your admins have spells.

    Give out Spells.cast.<spellname> for individual spells, or Spells.cast.* for all spells. Let me know if you have trouble!
  20. Offline


    How can I fix a large body of water which was ... messed up by recurse?
    Theres holes in it, strange currents, etc... is there a way to fill the entire body with water source blocks? or make the whole thing just refresh?
  21. Offline


    Hm- yes, but right now it gets tricky, mainly because fill targets through water. Things like this will make awesome alt-fire for Wand beta, btw... for now, though, there's no real way to override that targeting.

    So, if you can get a block on the surface of the water, and you don't mind "messing up" the ocean floor- you can then fill with water, from the floor of the water, up to the "floating" block you've placed at the top.

    You can use absorb to "grab" some water- make sure you grab a stationary water block! Handily enough, flowing water will show up with a green bar on the icon (it's "damaged").

    Good luck! :)

    I do this all the time, so I hear you- I'm going to make it easier in the future :D

    EDIT: I suggest bridge, btw, to get that floating block where you need it- just fill the bridge with water, too, when you're done.
  22. Offline


    soryy can you explained more detail
  23. Offline


    Well, you set up Permissions, right? You have a "world.yml" file, or something like that, in which you've put your permissions?

    I'm assuming you have an "admin" group of some kind in there that gives out "*" (all permissions)?

    You'll need to set up a non-admin group, either the default group, or a special one (e.g. "wizard"). Then, give permissions to that group. If it's not the default group, you'll also need to add users to it for them to be able to use spells.

    Hope that helps! Most of this is Permissions plugin stuff, but I'm happy to assist.
  24. Offline


    I have got the same Problem as Tobei. Can you please explain what you mean with that? I am Op on the Server, but don't know where else I should do something to make it work.
  25. Offline


    There is info in the original post about how to set up permissions. You have to do it. Op means nothing!
  26. Offline


    Oh thanks, now it works fine :)
  27. Offline


    Anyway to fill something with Air at the moment?
    Or otherwise delete a large quantity of blocks (precisely without blast)

    I had it filling air for little while, but now I don't know what I did to make it werk :(
  28. Offline


    Awesome! Love hearing positive comments :)

    Yes! There is a material selection system which needs better documentation. There's a screen shot here:


    That sort of "spells" it out (har har!)

    Keep your wand and spell items on the left, keep your materials on the right. Right-click to cycle spells, shift+right-click to cycle materials.

    The active spell is the farthest left, the active material is the farthest right. If the active material is air, you fill with air :)

    The only caveat is that if you don't have any building materials in your "materials" area, then it uses the "native" material, so you can build on what's already there without needing the "right" material.

    Hope that makes sense!

    There is a new home for docs, here:

    Magic Plugin on Bukkit Wiki

    But it's nearly empty ATM, I'm not focused on flushing it out until I actually release the Magic plugin :D

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2016
  29. Offline


    Thank you VERY much for spelling that out. SOOO much easier with a little understanding.

    queue the magical musak and if anyone needs me... I'll be building hogwarts (I kid, i kid... or do I?)
  30. Offline


    Please help. Whenever I try to cast a spell it says:

    cast <spellname>

    and then nothing happens.

    So for instance instead of typing /cast blink and then seeing cast blink, I type /cast blink and see cast <spellname>.

    Any idea why this is happening? Thanks!

    Nevermind, my permissions wasn't working.

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