So, the last couple of days, my server excperiencing down times. First, i thought its a problem with my host. But just now, my host support team emailed me and said my server was DDoS attacked 6 times. I'm pretty sure it was caused by players conflict. Me, personally, never had any conflict with any of my player. It could be one of my staff, im still solving this out. About the DDoS, i'm pretty sure it is illegal, and how can i report the attack ? Thanks.
Don't report it. First of all, they will not likely care about somebody DDoSing a Minecraft server. Second of all, if he is using a botnet to DDoS, you will just be reporting the people that he infected. Assuming you're using a some linux distro, get APF firewall and install (D)DoS Deflate. You could also just use the netstat command and check for the IPs making connections and manually ban them, but DDoS Deflate will work better.
....Orrr you make an IPTables rule that bans IP's with XXX failed packets, I believe this is what my Server Manager did. I suggest hiring someone to spend an hour hardening your server. If you can't do it yourself, it's certainly worth it. I am assuming you got a Dedi, if it'd be a VPS it isnt nessescarily you.
@paunk If it isn't a botnet (single IP), a null route should work well. Never done it myself to be honest, but from what I read it would work.