CustomMobSpawning Plugin

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by MonochromeClown, Oct 21, 2014.

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    Plugin Category:Mechanics

    Suggested Name: CustomMobSpawning

    What I Want: I want a plugin where I can select a region to have only a certain mob or mobs to spawn within that region. In that region where the mob or mobs that will be spawned, I want their armor, weapon/item held, drops, strength, health, speed, frequency of spawns, and effects . I also wish for the undead monsters to be immune to the sun and the light level requirements for hostile mob spawning to be adjustable. Then finally, I want to be able to have blocks that the mobs can not spawn on.

    Ideas for Commands:
    -/cms add [mob] [region]
    -/cms remove [mob] [region]
    -/cms spawning [light level] [mob] [region]
    -/cms sunburn [false or true]
    -/cms nospawn [mob] [blocks] [region]
    -/cms strength [strength level] [mob] [region]
    -/cms armor [armor] [mob] [region]
    -/cms inventory [item] [mob] [region]
    -/cms loot [item] [mob] [region]
    -/cms speed [speed level] [mob] [region]
    -/cms effect(the effect that is given to the player when is hit) [effect] [mob] [region]
    Ideas for Permissions:
    When I'd Like It By: As soon as possible.

    Thank you for reading my plugin request.
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