Custom Tree Generation (Plugin Needed For Worlds Best Hogwarts Forbidden Forest)

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by FallenFrie d, May 16, 2012.

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    FallenFrie d

    We Need a custom tree generation Plugin which would allow us to spawn certain custom trees made by us. Such as a tall pine tree, larger tree with branches, and a massive tree with branches 30 blocks up.

    In other words we have tree designs that we want to spawn individually and in groups.

    The Forest Generator would be used in The Worlds Best Hogwarts made by me. When Hogwarts is completed, it will be made into over 8 adventure maps. At the end of each adventure map, credits will be played and Whoever made the forest generator will be given credit.

    We already have some tree designs ready, but we just need someone to make the plugin.

    Add me on skype: faaat.caaat
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    I suggest the voxelsniper tree generation tool ;)

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