Custom Tools

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by IMNOTSTUPID, Dec 6, 2022.

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    Minecraft version: 1.17.1

    Suggested name: Fortuuls

    What I want: Heres what i want, a plugin that lets me choose any item and turn it into a tool, that said tool will have multiple different tiers (Common Grey Uncommon Green Rare Blue Legendary gold Unreal Red) that you can upgrade using a crafting recipe specified in the item config these tools will have increased fortune to specified blocks/crops specified in the config and each tier of tool will also increase that said item fortune by a value set in the config, for reference just think basically Hypixel Skyblocks hoes/axes such as Newtons netherwarts hoe, has increased fortune specifically to netherwart, but to axe block/crop i specify in the config

    Edit: Heres also what i want to be editable in the config, being able to add as many tools as i want, being able to change the name, the item the tool is, the name of the tool, the block/crop the tool farms the best, and the fortune values for each level

    Ideas for commands: /ft reload /ft give (player) (tool name)

    Ideas for permissions: ft.admin (for /ft reload and /ft give)

    When I'd like it by: When its done
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2022
  2. Offline


    Hi, I will make it.
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  4. Offline


    Hi, it's done!
    If there are any changes you want to make or bugs you found, let me know!

    Attached Files:

  5. Offline


    by default being OP doesnt allow you to use it, and also can you show me how to change the tier of the tool, i dont see an option
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2022
  6. Offline


    "by default being OP doesnt allow you to use it": you must assign the specified permission to the player
    "can you show me how to change the tier of the tool": you upgrade the tier by using a crafting recipe
  7. Offline


    ah okay, thank you man
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